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Right in the balls!!!

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  • #76
    i will do whatever it takes to win..if my enemy is stupid enough to leave it open then he deserves it otherwise i prefer to stick to a low leg kick because it along with a strike to the upperbody when their head lowers opens a foot sweep an arm drag take your pick..then stomp them on the ground or leave before the police or shore patrol get there


    • #77
      Great fight videos

      Hey everyone,

      Go to and upload any fights you might have. We just launched the site and there is a monthly contest for the fight with the most downloads. The winner receives $1,000 USD.
      Check it out and tell us what you think.
      It's totally free!



      • #78
        Originally posted by fightclubdotcom
        Hey everyone,

        Go to and upload any fights you might have. We just launched the site and there is a monthly contest for the fight with the most downloads. The winner receives $1,000 USD.
        Check it out and tell us what you think.
        It's totally free!


        WTF does that have to do with a ball shot...I know we are talking about nutsacks but not you pal.

        Spam someplace else.


        • #79
          fight videos

          I'm just trying to show off some cool fight videos. It's not like I'm trying to sell you something. It's all free. Don't go to the site if you don't want to.


          • #80
            Scrappy dogs...

            YEAH! It's always funny watching someone else get kicked in the nuts.


            • #81

              Ummm yeah I guess I like to watch the monkeys at the zoo play too.


              • #82
                Originally posted by kingoftheforest
                Ummm yeah I guess I like to watch the monkeys at the zoo play too.
                unless they fling poo. Nobody wins when monkeys fling poo.


                • #83
                  NO, its not the best area to strike.

                  that explains why.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by wado_kai
                    Just curious of how many people here wud kick sum1 in the balls lol. . . after all its one of the best hits to get sum1 with!! and yes i no there is all these fancies finger jab death touches that can kill a 7ft man instantly but u aint really gona do any of that nonsense in a fight.

                    to hell with it like, its the first place al go for if am gona get jumped or sumit!! as hard as i can, try to crush the buggers lol!
                    I am amazed anytime someone suggests using a groin kick. First of all, most people will expect this to happen, which is why it is easily defended. And secondly, anyone who has been kicked there knows that the real pain doesn't hit for a few seconds. Which is still plenty of time for the attacker to do some serious damage. Personally I prefer a solid shot to the knee.


                    • #85
                      Well, if a groin kick sums up your "A" Plan. Then Brother, you just failed with an "E" Grade.
                      If you think that a groin kick will work. Yes you are right. If you think a groin kick is going to work everytime, you couldn't be more wrong. If you think a groin kick will work most of the time, you are making a huge gamble.

                      I've been kicked during sparring and even knee-ed in the groin at times when i forget my cup. It doesn't make me double over and fall everytime.

                      You'd better be able to back up that groin kick if you plan on using it. Its not if your groin kick will fail, its when.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Shard
                        It doesn't make me double over and fall everytime.
                        No, but most of the time.
                        A knee to the nuts is perhaps one of the highest percentage moves I've seen, man. Maybe 80-90% of the time, it causes the desired effect, or creates the types of opportunities for you to run, or finish fucking up you're opponent. Especially if you've got good prummb work...if you hurt them in there, they'll either drop, or be unable to respond to you cracking your knees into their ribs and face.


                        • #87
                          Usually, when a groin strike "fails" the problem lies in the execution, not the technique's concepts.

                          It actually CAN be considered a difficult target. I've had a soccer ball maliciously kicked into my groin...the shot went high, as my low pants deceived the bastard who tried it. It LOOKED bad, but I really didn't feel a thing.

                          In other words, the problem generally is that b/c you can't see it, and of course, size also varies , you won't always hit it as well as you intended. And what if it's a big fat guy? He might have enormous thighs that pad the impact of an upwards directed knee.

                          Point is, if it connects, it's got a great chance of having the desired effects. Connecting properly, however, is no guarantee.

                          There probably are exceptions(guys on drugs? adrenaline?) but from a medical perspective, you're hitting something with a lot of nerves.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by bigred389
                            Usually, when a groin strike "fails" the problem lies in the execution, not the technique's concepts.

                            It actually CAN be considered a difficult target. I've had a soccer ball maliciously kicked into my groin...the shot went high, as my low pants deceived the bastard who tried it. It LOOKED bad, but I really didn't feel a thing.

                            In other words, the problem generally is that b/c you can't see it, and of course, size also varies , you won't always hit it as well as you intended. And what if it's a big fat guy? He might have enormous thighs that pad the impact of an upwards directed knee.

                            Point is, if it connects, it's got a great chance of having the desired effects. Connecting properly, however, is no guarantee.

                            There probably are exceptions(guys on drugs? adrenaline?) but from a medical perspective, you're hitting something with a lot of nerves.
                            Bing bing bing...we have a winner.

                            And I have an excuse for my thunder thighs...they're strategically placed protection.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Garland
                              No, but most of the time.
                              A knee to the nuts is perhaps one of the highest percentage moves I've seen, man. Maybe 80-90% of the time, it causes the desired effect, or creates the types of opportunities for you to run, or finish fucking up you're opponent. Especially if you've got good prummb work...if you hurt them in there, they'll either drop, or be unable to respond to you cracking your knees into their ribs and face.
                              Not going to argue with you on that point, i agree that the chance the kick will create a nice opening to exploit is quite high.
                              The problem is when kicks to the groin techniques are taught as a silver bullet techniques, as many so called self-defense classes do.

                              A kick to the nuts is definately not a fight stopper. If nothing else is done, your groin shot was worth nothing. Be it running away or incapacitating the other person. If you reach the point where you've been forced to use a groin shot, you've reached the point where you need to followup on that groind shot.


                              • #90
                                Not to mention, if you're in a position to use an effective groin shot(close enough to deliver a solid knee in) you're in a position to do plenty of other things should that particular option fail.

