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Right in the balls!!!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by wado_kai
    no i havent been trained in chokes is the answer to your question mate, well not to any great extent, i dont really go for them, do u ever in a fight really . . ?? a "real" fight i mean, everyone just swings at each other, if i do try to tie sum1 up i just do wat feels natural like which is basically ring the buggers neck!! BJJ guys always go on about there grappling and holds on the deck and stuff, the floor is the last place u want to be in a street brawl ( no am not "dissin" it so dont get at me BJJ guys it was more directed at nutter lol)!! the only thing that u shud do wen u go down is get back up!!

    anyway this is getting away from my original question, but i'm glad to see there are some bolluck kickers out there the take no shit approach. . .

    so ppl can we get back to the poll and stop arguing over how good BJJ is cus that sounds like it gona start agin

    Lots of fights end up on the ground. The goal as a grappler is to be on top when that happens.


    • #17
      No. Most hand-to-hand fights I've been around aren't very serious, mostly just bar-brawls... People are usually so drunk they can barely stand let alone fight, not to mention all the bouncers waiting to break it up anyway. Honestly, few people have ever even threatened me on the street, the few that have backed down quickly... If I did get in a serious fight on the street I might consider it, then again I've usually got a weapon on me as well.


      • #18
        Well since this IS the urban combatives forum, stab 'em in the groin

        This is SD, not fighting If you have to wonder if you ought to do something, you shouldnt be fighting at all. If you are in a moronic squabble then dont fight at all, thats about who is toughest...that isnt SD. SD is a reaction to stimuli with absolutely NO regard for the other persons welfare...the more damage it does and the faster it ends the confrontation the better i like it.


        • #19
          Originally posted by BoarSpear
          This is SD, not fighting If you have to wonder if you ought to do something, you shouldnt be fighting at all. If you are in a moronic squabble then dont fight at all, thats about who is toughest...that isnt SD. SD is a reaction to stimuli with absolutely NO regard for the other persons welfare...the more damage it does and the faster it ends the confrontation the better i like it.
          So avoidance, awareness and conflict management right ain't part of self defence right mate accourding to The BoreSpear right. And when it is physical right, there is no scale of violent response right, it is all or nothing. Guy barges past you in a bar, that's threatening, that's physical, just kick him in the balls, maybe shoot him why not.


          • #20

            Remeber self defense is only when you are being threatened...for anyone out there who thinks when we speak of SD we mean starting fights over little shit, then you obviously don't understand the real world.

            Nobody i train with starts fights but they are prepared to respond to an attack.
            So if you mix up immature your momma trash talk at the monkey bars with what is being discussed here...maybe you should wait till you grow up a little this is grown folks talk.

            Any means necessary to survive nobody attacking you is going to give a shit if you make it out alive...why should you care if he does.


            • #21
              Originally posted by kingoftheforest
              Remeber self defense is only when you are being threatened...for anyone out there who thinks when we speak of SD we mean starting fights over little shit, then you obviously don't understand the real world.

              Nobody i train with starts fights but they are prepared to respond to an attack.
              So if you mix up immature your momma trash talk at the monkey bars with what is being discussed here...maybe you should wait till you grow up a little this is grown folks talk.

              Any means necessary to survive nobody attacking you is going to give a shit if you make it out alive...why should you care if he does.
              So being threatened justifies Self-Defence right mate, and that means a good kick in the bollocks right as said by The BoarSpear right. No half measures, all or nothing innit.


              • #22
                Depends on the situation. If you're in a crowded area and someon(you don't know them) attacks you, and you are in reasonable fear of them, I'm not sure why you couldn't restrain them. I personally wouldn't let them get up, but I'm sure if you were a very passive person, maybe a restraint untill the cops get there or someone can help you would work?


                • #23

                  Yeah i guess i take that back...I mean if a guy is nice enough to put a gun to my face or stab me to get the $30 in my wallet the right thing to do would be detain him without hurting him.

                  Sorry try again


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by kingoftheforest
                    Yeah i guess i take that back...I mean if a guy is nice enough to put a gun to my face or stab me to get the $30 in my wallet the right thing to do would be detain him without hurting him.

                    Sorry try again

                    First off, I said I'd rather drop someone coming at me, and it is DEFINITLY NOT MY policy. But from a legal standpoint, (and I was saying if possible, under certain circumstances, such as a crowded area) maybe it would be better for some people who are not psycologically inclined towards inflicting massive or even moderate amounts of damage on a person in order to protect themselves, to seek restraint untill help or policy arrive(it will happen quickly in an open, croweded area). And not everyone attacking you has a weapon, though it should always be assumed they do.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by kingoftheforest
                      I mean if a guy is nice enough to put a gun to my face or stab me to get the $30 in my wallet the right thing to do would be detain him without hurting him.

                      Sorry try again
                      No mate, pointing a shooter in your face or stabbing you is CLEARLY full on life or death innit. But what about shoving past you about in a threatening manner, being aggressively lippy right, you'd kill those types too just in case right?


                      • #26
                        I think nutters actually right here......

                        I know Boarspear and his student are very serious about serious self defense, but whether you like it or not, getting into a "stupid fight" like in a bar or something, because some guy attacks you because you brushed his shoulder is still self defense.

                        Hes attacking you (whether or not its a "serious" (weapons, friends) situation)hes attacking you, and you are defending yourself, self defense.

                        If some guy did attack you in that situation, the bar, at a club, just a drunk guy, whatever, doesnt even have to be drunk... your not gonna need to shank him, and then cut out his liver just to make sure hes dead.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by kingoftheforest
                          When you talk about ball shots and chokes guys...I think your last concern should be about being careful with the other guy. You use these moves in real fights cause in sports they're a NONO. A properly aplied choke will take an opponent out in short time and I mean out for good.
                          Do mma fights make "short" chokes illegal? They still allow regular artery chokes....and it would probably be pretty hard to tell the difference unless you were paying incredible attention.


                          • #28
                            I think they're one of the best available targets when things are serious. If someone afterwards told me I was dirty for doing it I would smile and thank them sincerely for a very nice compliment. Dirty=Better when it counts


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by SamuraiGuy
                              I think nutters actually right here......

                              I know Boarspear and his student are very serious about serious self defense, but whether you like it or not, getting into a "stupid fight" like in a bar or something, because some guy attacks you because you brushed his shoulder is still self defense.

                              Hes attacking you (whether or not its a "serious" (weapons, friends) situation)hes attacking you, and you are defending yourself, self defense.

                              If some guy did attack you in that situation, the bar, at a club, just a drunk guy, whatever, doesnt even have to be drunk... your not gonna need to shank him, and then cut out his liver just to make sure hes dead.
                              If you cant separate bar fights and macho squabbles from SD you shouldnt carry weapons...or be out in public ....any altercation CAN turn deadly so you avoid every one, however when the idiot refuses to allow you to retreat to safety....


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by BoarSpear
                                If you cant separate bar fights and macho squabbles from SD you shouldnt carry weapons...or be out in public ....any altercation CAN turn deadly so you avoid every one, however when the idiot refuses to allow you to retreat to safety....
                                no mate, you're not making sense here. So if some person takes offense at your ego and tries to cuff you one, you kill them because "any altercation CAN turn deadly" even though chances are it isn't. It ain't all life and death mate, that's just big talking rubbish innit.

