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A Free Issue of Journal of Modern Combatives!

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  • A Free Issue of Journal of Modern Combatives!

    My Name is Thomas Rogers. I am the owner of Counter Assault Tactics, an Ohio-based, personal protection training company. I have always wanted to have access to a magazine that dealt with real-world personal protection. Everything from psychology and unarmed combatives to tactical firearms. Since I have not seen one, I followed the old adage, "if you want something done, you have to do it yourself." While there are several online journals/newsletters, there is something about reading a magazine that I've always liked. So....

    I am proud to announce the creation of a new print magazine- the Journal of Modern Combatives (as of January 2006). The JOMC presents an open-minded approach to all things combative. Our readers will be treated to authors like- Gabe Suarez, Tom Givens, Marc "Crafty Dog" Denny, Moni Aizik, Bill Kipp, Peyton Quinn, Steve Krystek, Glenn Zwiers, Richard Dimitri, David Hallford, Ernest Emerson, John Hall with Kid Escape!, Phil Messina, and Liz Kennedy with AWSDA, just to name a few. With relevant topics that will appeal to a wide audience, from citizen to tactical operator, everyone will find something of value in our pages. I invite you to become a subscriber.

    I set an initial goal to reach 2000 subscribers for JOMC. Things have gone pretty well, and we are almost to that goal.I realize that those who have subscribed (a little over 1750 subscribers) did it blindly or based on the word of someone else. I have decided to release the March 2006 issue, free to everyone who wants it, as a pdf. file. You can view it or print it by visiting our website at and clicking on "free issue" on the menu. I ask 2 things, first if you like it, subscribe. Second, let me know what you think (I appreciate honesty) by e-mailing the address on the free issue page.

    To further reach the goal, I will extend the 2-for-1 deal until Sunday, May 7th, 2006 that I have offered on other forums. Those who subscribe will receive a 24-month subscription for the price of a 12-month subscription. Just go to the website, purchase a years subscription, and I will e-mail you a confirmation receipt stating that your purchase is good for a 24-month subscription. Additionally, you will be automatically entered into our sweepstakes for a chance at the new Springfield XD in .45 ACP (or a cash prize if you live in a NPE), plus other great prizes including training vouchers, complete firearms libraries, and tactical knives.


    JOMC is holding a sweepstakes. The next 375 (it was originally 500, but we have 375 subscriptions left) subscribers will recieve an aluminum kubaton keychain with their paid subscription and be entered into a drawing for some exceptionally cool prizes such as-

    One Grand Prize- Springfield's new XD .45 ACP! (I love my Glock 21, but this gun is almost as sweet!)

    Two First Prizes- Training vouchers for classes/seminars (up to $375.00) from your choice of 4 great training institutions!

    Two Second Prizes- Gabe Suarez's entire library (2 DVD's/10 Books) autographed by Gabe!

    Two Third Prizes- An Emerson Knife! Great for daily carry or your collection!

    Visit the website at for details and complete rules. No purchase necessary to enter the sweepstakes and odds of winning based on the total number of entries. All new subscriptions from the past 90 days automatically entered into the drawing. Good Luck!

    Thank you for your patronage,


    P.S.- I am always looking for quality authors (e-mail your ideas) and I would love to know what you would like to see in an integrated combatives magazine.

  • #2
    Clicked on the website...

    You had phil elmore on the cover of one of your magazines... thats disturbing..


    • #3
      I clicked on the website, scrolled down and saw bullet man...


      • #4
        Interesting.... Tempted but saving my money for future events.

        That grand prize would look nice in my hand(s) Thanks for the offer but I must pass.

        Lt. Col. Dave Grossman might be a good source for the psychological aspects of combat articles...

        All the best!


        • #5
          1. Your site is very unprofessional.
          2. The magazine itself doesn't even look professional.
          3. You have Phil Elmore on the cover!

          You want to start selling a magazine?
          Then seriously make a new website, change whatever style you are using for the magazine. And don't put people who are a disgrace to martial arts everywhere on the cover. I don't know if your actually good or not, if you are consider what I said, if you aren't? Well, even if you considered what I said you won't get anywhere because the magazine would be filled with bullshit.


          • #6
            I would not normally respond to the criticism of a 17 year old child, but since this is my first introduction to many of you, I will. I am a 25 year veteran of the martial arts and have been teaching for longer than "blitz" has been alive. That is my profession. I wanted to find a way to dissiminate quality personal protection information to a wider audience and to break down the barriers that closed minds tend to build in this profession. I took on the task of publishing JOMC, which has been an incredible learning experience. I have built a website, even if it is not state-of-the-art, that explains what JOMC has to offer. I am learning to use the Adobe creative suite software, which is a tough challange for an "old" guy like me. The magazine pdf. looks the way it does, because I ripped it from the original layout format and did not resize it before I created the pdf. file. The magazine is consistently getting better with each issue. I have put the focus where it counts- on the content of the magazine.

            As for Phil Elmore being on the cover... My intent is to present an open-minded approach to reality-based personal protection. Putting opinions and views that differ from our own in the magazine causes us to either solidify what we believe or grow. That is an idea that 17 year olds cannot understand due to their lack of experience and maturity (I know this well, as my son is 17). I have found overwhleming acceptance in the Law Enforcement community and among the best trainers in the country. The list of authors that have contributed is a "dream team" of reality based combatives and firearms instructors. We have added new advertisers. We will start featuring "specialty sections" on subjects like teaching child safety, counter-groundfighting, home defense, and 3rd party protection. JOMC is growing leaps and bounds. I believe that in a short time we will be the dominant reality-based combatives training periodical. I will do what is necessary to make that happen. I am appreciative to those who have supported such a large endeavor.



            • #7
              Hello again and thank you!

              Thanks for your post Mr. R. Please pardon the less informed forumites here. Some of us have been around long enough to appreciate your efforts. I can only speak for myself and my hat's off to you sir!

              I have had the privilege of associating with a couple of the gentlemen you named in your first post, Mr. Quinn and Mr. Bill Kipp are outstanding instructors in the RBSD industry. Maybe pioneers is a better word as they both played a major roll in the development of the so called "Bullet man" or padded assailant scenario training programs that are so popular these days.

              It might help you to know we recently had a member on the forum posing as "Phill Elmore". I don't know if it was the man himself but he didn't exactly make any friends here and was banned (I think) for his less than appropriate behavior.

              Again I would like to wish you all the best with your project (JOMC) and thank you kindly for the offer!

              With respect, Raymond G.

              P.S. My son just turned 18 so I know what a chore it can be to try to explain things to these kids!

              Take care!


              • #8
                Yep i have to say the mag has some top quality trainers so its probably worth a look. I have heard good things in the right circles but this forum isnt usually receptive to anything outside the members own personal experience or art

                And phil elnore and andy murray and nutter didnt help help your cause much


                • #9
                  Hi Thomas,

                  I think it's great that you are putting this together. Well done to that man.

                  But Phil Elmore? C,Mon. That guys idea of practical experience is telling everyone how he asked a noisy drunk to be quiet one night, or ignored a street beggar. All done whilst armed to the teeth and eating a Big Mac.

                  But still, leaving Elmore aside, it's a great idea. Good luck with it.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Thai Bri

                    But Phil Elmore? C,Mon. That guys idea of practical experience is telling everyone how he asked a noisy drunk to be quiet one night, or ignored a street beggar. All done whilst armed to the teeth and eating a Big Mac.

                    But still, leaving Elmore aside, it's a great idea. Good luck with it.

                    You kill me Bri!
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      These examples are REAL. I swear it.

                      He also prattled on about Wing Chun, and how his Sifu was the best thing since sliced bread! Oh yes!!!! About how his Wing Chun could easily defeat MMA etc.

                      But he had a professional split in opinion from good old Sifu..... seems like Sifu didn't think Wing Chun was that great after all.... and he branched out into grappling etc.

                      Phil left. Not because he couldn't stand the thought of hard training of course........ God no!!!!


                      • #12
                        While I understand your concerns, Phil is an excellent writer. The article in that issue is a good piece. Phil obviously attracts either respect or contempt from the community. In the combatives arena, many journals have included his writings. In the martial arts world, he draws fire for the egotistical exchanges so common to mainstream martial arts (i.e.- my style is better than your style). I put him on the cover to prove a point.

                        JOMC presents an open-minded approach to personal protection. As an example, I include Filipino, WWII, Modern Combatives, and Hybrid knife fighting material in our pages in order to give the readership access to many points of view. My personal viewpoint is that some are better than others, but many would disagree with what I like. So we include varing approaches and opinions. Phil draws some fire, which is exactly why he is on the cover. It shows that JOMC is not just another advertising whore, who is afraid to be an honest publication, with a straightforward approach. As a publication you will get honest, straight-shooting coverage of the combatives/personal protection arena.

                        I'm sure that sometimes you will find stuff you either disagree with or don't like. If I let that be my guide for choosing a publication, I would never pick up any martial arts magazine. As a mature practitioner, I realize that everything I see and experience teaches me something. It either solidifies what I already know or challenges me to move beyond where I am. Anyway, I appreciate your kind words and support and I hope you join our readership. It will be a fun ride!



                        • #13
                          I'll be seriously thinking about joining Thomas. Thanks for the explanation.

                          (ps - can you just black out Phil's pic on my copy?)


                          • #14
                            I liked the free magazine Thomas. Nice one.

                            Is it sold in pdf form or on paper? Or either?


                            • #15
                              I like how you think allowing Phil Elmore's thoughts on Self Defense in your magazine, to provide everyones thoughts on what one needs to do to protect themselves.

                              Would you consider including my Yellow Bamboo training articles in your magazine, how in my view they are THE MOST practical for self defense?

