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A Free Issue of Journal of Modern Combatives!

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  • #16
    For you Thai Bri- I would do that. The magazine comes in printed paper form via U.S. mail.

    Yellow Bamboo? You mean the stuff in my girlfriend's flower arrangement?



    • #17
      I'd prefer the paper version, but just wonder if there'd be any difference in cost?

      Not that I'm poor or anything.... (buddy can ya spare a dime? Oh No! It's Phil Elmore I asked! He's a comin' at me with his sill "lets strangle someone" scarf on and a knife he'd hidden in his underpants!)


      • #18
        I admire Phil Elmore right, he is an inspiration to us all. Never before has a man showed so much perseverance in the face of insurmountable incompetence. If Phil can stick at being an authority on reality right, then BoarSpear can stick at trying to be funny and Tom Yum can stick at trying to get laid yeah; there's still hope. Just.


        • #19

          Thanks for having me. If you talk to Marc, tell him to submit some more. His article in the first issue on the "seven ranges" was excellent. I haven't been in touch with him since, but I'm a fan of brutal training, and the dog bro's get my applause. I am also a fan of his constitutionally supportive writings on other forums!

          As for JOMC, the focus is, and will remain- personal protection. As far as I know, we are the ONLY publication devoted completely to personal protection. Add to that fact, we cover the entire spectrum of combative skills, and gear it for military, LE, and private citizens, and I think we are in a niche' all by ourselves. Thanks for the kind words.

          Thai Bri- Since we only offer the printed form right now, there is only one price if you live in the U.S.. If you live outside of the U.S. the price goes up due to postage.



          • #20
            Originally posted by thomas rogers
            For you Thai Bri- I would do that. The magazine comes in printed paper form via U.S. mail.

            Yellow Bamboo? You mean the stuff in my girlfriend's flower arrangement?

            Yes Yellow Bamboo, You claim your open to all opinions and views on RBSD and then you mock my style?



            • #21
              Originally posted by nutter
              I admire Phil Elmore right, he is an inspiration to us all. Never before has a man showed so much perseverance in the face of insurmountable incompetence.
              The wellspring of insurmountable incompetence of this forum is you

              Originally posted by nutter
              If Phil can stick at being an authority on reality right, then BoarSpear can stick at trying to be funny and Tom Yum can stick at trying to get laid yeah; there's still hope. Just.
              And YOU can “stick at” being a dumb @ss…whatever the fuk “stick at” means…


              • #22
                First, it is not hypocritical, as a publisher, to limit nonsense. I do not have to be inclusive of every idea to be fair and open-minded. If for instance, you could show writing or instructor credentials and an articulate and reasonable article for "improvised weapons" and used "yellow bamboo" from the living room flower arrangement as an example of a last resort weapon, I would consider it. Instead, you are one of those people whom, hides behind a fictitious internet name, with nothing better to do than run your mouth. If you had a real opinion, worth listening to, you would do or say something that builds the martial community, not tear it down. If I had to guess, you're either 15 years old or 35 living with your mother, with too much time on your hands because you can't get laid.

                I love the internet and value free speech, but sometimes stupidity has to be dealt with. If you cannot say something of value to the greater martial community, then you have no business studying (if you do) a martial art in the first place. Further, to call yourself samurai guy, is a defamation to the warriors who lived by a code of conduct that would not have embraced such divisive conversation.



                • #23
                  Originally posted by thomas rogers
                  First, it is not hypocritical, as a publisher, to limit nonsense. I do not have to be inclusive of every idea to be fair and open-minded. If for instance, you could show writing or instructor credentials and an articulate and reasonable article for "improvised weapons" and used "yellow bamboo" from the living room flower arrangement as an example of a last resort weapon, I would consider it. Instead, you are one of those people whom, hides behind a fictitious internet name, with nothing better to do than run your mouth. If you had a real opinion, worth listening to, you would do or say something that builds the martial community, not tear it down. If I had to guess, you're either 15 years old or 35 living with your mother, with too much time on your hands because you can't get laid.

                  I love the internet and value free speech, but sometimes stupidity has to be dealt with. If you cannot say something of value to the greater martial community, then you have no business studying (if you do) a martial art in the first place. Further, to call yourself samurai guy, is a defamation to the warriors who lived by a code of conduct that would not have embraced such divisive conversation.

                  First get over the idea that Yellow Bamboo is hitting someone with a piece of yellow bamboo, just because your an ignorant ape who only knows "smash" as your attack, doesnt mean that the rest of us are that way. Do you think boxing means hitting someone with a box?

                  Yellow Bamboo isnt improvised weapons, so I wont answer your stupid comment there.

                  I don't hide behind a ficticious internet name, I've actually posted where I train in the past, and I think this is a bit of a laugh, but random people have called me "a significant member" of this forum... So how am I hurting the martial arts community. The same person was under the impression that I was in fact Tim Mousel trying to have an anonymous account to let his views be known.

                  I am neither 15, or 35, but I do live with my mother, and my father, and my brother, and my two sisters. What's your family situation?

                  Oh, and I can get laid, I've had this thing called a girlfriend, for almost 3 years now, if you must know I got laid yesterday. Please dont use that image to jerk off to you sick old man.

                  I've also mentioned my past history of saying things of value, and once again posted where I train, so theres your "if you do practice a martial art" claim shot down.

                  I would also like to state, that while the Samurai may have been great warriors, leaders, etc... I needed a username, and this one rhymed, and I thought it was funny at the time. How else would trolls insult me if they couldnt call me Samurai gAy? Look at the services I am providing.

                  And you sir, are a hypocrite, you include the likes of Phil Elmore, yet wont include proven styles, such as Yellow Bamboo, actually, your not a hypocrite, your a sellout, I bet you took a nice sum of money to be another marketing tool for Phil Elmore. You get reputable RBSD instructors, and people see Elmore in their company, you are a sellout, and you are hurting the martial arts community, how dare you, you are worse than every McDojo operator on the face of the earth.

                  You disgust me.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by SamuraiGuy

                    I would also like to state, that while the Samurai may have been great warriors, leaders, etc... I needed a username, and this one rhymed, and I thought it was funny at the time. How else would trolls insult me if they couldnt call me Samurai gAy? Look at the services I am providing.
                    Hey, speakin' of rhyming, and services provided, can we get a song?


                    • #25
                      Your words show your true character. You hurt the community by attacking an honorable idea with close-minded prejudice and then making accusations without a single fact. I think people on this forum are smart enough to see you for what you are.



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by thomas rogers
                        Your words show your true character. You hurt the community by attacking an honorable idea with close-minded prejudice and then making accusations without a single fact. I think people on this forum are smart enough to see you for what you are.

                        See me for what I am? Someone people have recognized as a significant member, a good contributer.

                        I am not the one with close minded prejudice, where have I been close minded, you are the one who is close minded refusing to respect my style and mocking it.

                        You insulted me saying I couldnt get laid, questioning whether I trained or not, and trying to insult me based on age/residentail situation.

                        Your above post is basically a cop out, you cannot adress my counter arguments and points, so you label me as someone "with close minded prejudice" so you dont have to see the flaw in your arguments. You are ACTING like you are taking the high road, but you are only doing so, because you have no other choice, this is a form of cowardice.

                        It is okay to admit you are wrong, I have done it in the past when proven to be wrong by others such as BoarSpear, Tanto01, Crafty Dog (Marc Denny) (in one of the few times hes posted here) corrected me in the fillipino forums regarding stickfighting.

                        Boarspear here is your song:

                        The rhyme is, SamuraiGuy
                        but why oh why
                        must this big ole hypocrite
                        ask for help, then ignore it
                        now if I may divulge a bit
                        I'll now call him a git
                        now I'm not omniscient
                        But git is reminiscent
                        of a poster named nutter
                        who is no boarspear nuthugger (called close rhyme look it up)

                        This second verse
                        no worse than the first (internal rhyme)
                        deals with yellow bamboo
                        You see Rogers must be new
                        As J-luck might say, he is a foo
                        he remarks on things he doesnt know (haha the lines are like a ladder, woot)
                        and in this way he shows
                        How much he blows...
                        If he knew of the bamboo
                        maybe thought for a second or two


                        Know your shit (different martial arts) before you come here arguing about them, then maybe you can fucking lighten up douche bag. Knowledge is power, and it makes you seem like less of a joke.

                        (Heres a hint dumbass: find out what yellow bamboo is.)

                        Sorry Boarspear, more of a poem, but you can sing it if you want.


                        • #27
                          ROFL... Okay, I'll give you a half a point for finding a way to make "omniscient" ryhme but other than that it's pretty silly


                          • #28
                            Brewer I'm not gonna go off on you, because I've read alot of your posts and agreed with probably 99% of them, and I've learned a thing or two from you.

                            From what I've read your a smart person, and a good MAist, now with all of the ass kissing out of the way. I think your a little ignorant of what is really happening here. Just as Mr. Rogers was.

                            First off I do think he's a hypocrite for claiming to be open to all views, then not bothering to care, or even acknowledge a system he knew nothing about. With that said, that opinion of him formed after my original yellow bamboo post. I thought all of you would get it, I'm pretty sure BoarSpear got it.

                            Is it still not making much sense?

                            May I direct your attention to a website I hope you are all familiar with.

                            Now, after reading your post, I took all of 3 seconds to type yellow bamboo into google. Get some research done on the style. This was one of the first 3 links that popped up. Mr. Thomas Rogers wants to know everything he can about any system which may help him in self defense, yet wont take 3 seconds for a simple google search.

                            Even if he didnt want to use it for his martial arts training, if hes going to argue a point, he should at least know the subject matter he is dealing with.

                            I don't argue with you about the deployment of IED's ( pretty sure thats right) in Iraq, because I dont know anything about them, enough to have an opinion anyway.

                            It was a lighthearted way to poke fun at a group of idiots, it did however expose Thomas_Rogers hypocrisy though, and his lack of interest in systems he doesnt already know about, and his unwillingness to admit he was wrong. Remember he wouldnt take 3 seconds to research it.

                            I remember specifically in one of your posts, I believe it was Tanto's cleaning house thread, you stated that while there was trolls, you were glad you had a place were you could have logical discussions/arguments supported by research and fact. (with boarspear especially). Thats the jist I got of it anyway, correct me if I'm wrong. With that statement, dont you think as someone who is accusing other people of being destructive towards the martial arts community, he should at least do some of the research to form his opinions that you value so highly.

                            Btw, I dont want to hear any crap about how I "spend my time writing "poems" on the internet", that took me all of 2 minutes to write, literally.

                            And yes I can rhyme omniscient if the mood strikes me..... How do you think this urban combatives forum got created anyway?

                            And people say I dont contribute to this forum, sheesh.


                            • #29
                              First off, he started with the petty insults, not me, I just countered them.


                              Did you even read my post right before you replied to me again. Look at your post above this one, then look at my post above that. (Cant see the post numbers sorry). Please re-read that, then if you still want me to adress the points in your previous post, I will do so.

                              Edit; found out the post numbers, read my post #31 again, then determine whether you want me to respond to your latest post #32.


                              • #30
                                Samuraiguy- When I asked about yellow bamboo earlier, It was not a denegrating statement, rather, it was an explorative question. Yellow bamboo? Did you mean the stuff in my girlfriend's flower arragement? I was trying to define what you meant. I never said anything about you or your style until after you called me a hypocrite. If I misunderstood the meaning of yellow bamboo, and you took it as an insult, I apologize. I will not apologize for defending myself against unwarranted attacks and accusations.

                                Mike Brewer- you said:
                                I say both of you get over it and move on. Self-protection - being the topic of your magazine TR - is not about honor so much as survival anyway, so Samurai could shit all over the "honor" of the martial arts and still not be trampling on your topic of concern.
                                Good human behavior and a sense of honor should be expected from ALL martial artists regardless of focus, but I agree that this type of conversation is a waste of time. Thanks for piping up.

                                Just a last minute reminder that the above 2-for-1 offer ends on Sunday night at midnight. I won't offer this again. I'm not giving you a high-pressure sales pitch. Starting this month we begin advertising in some national magazines, hitting a wider audience, so we won't be utilizing offers like this. The sweepstakes continues through July 8th, and all subscription recieved by that date are automatically entered into the sweepstakes. You can also send a postcard to us to be entered.


