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14 year old karateka KO's Creep (say it faster)

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  • 14 year old karateka KO's Creep (say it faster)

    Teenage girl fights off attacker
    written by: Carrie Mc Clure Reporter

    Created: 4/28/2006 10:37 PM MST - Updated: 4/28/2006 11:03 PM MST

    WESTMINSTER - A 14-year-old is being credited with fighting off her attacker. Brittney Richardson says she was grabbed by a man last Friday night on 93rd Avenue in Westminster, after walking home from the grocery store.

    Additional Resources...
    One 14-year-old girl discovered last week that her karate training can come in handy. April 28, 2006. 10 p.m.

    But her attacker quickly learned that Brittney isn't your typical teenager. She has a brown belt in Karate, and she used the skills she's learned during two years of classes.

    "I turned and I hit him," she says. "I just knocked this guy out."

    She immediately ran away, and called police.

    Her instructors couldn't be prouder. "Brittney did exactly, step by step, what we teach," said Amanda Christensen. "This fella found out you don't mess with her."

    "Karate is the best thing that's ever happened in my life," she says. "I have to say that my training has been very effective."

    Although Brittney will have a black belt in one year, she says in many respects she's a typical teenage girl. "I'm the girl that's into boys, likes to talk on the phone, paints my nails," she says.

    Her would-be attacker has not yet been found. He's described as a white man in his 30's, with bleached blonde hair, and blue eyes.


    She probably palm heeled him and laid him out. Good job young lady!

  • #2
    thats awesome. goes to show you dont need to be a mma fighter, or be big and musclebound to protect yourself. thank god this girl wasnt harmed and knew how to protect herself. also goes to show that any training is better than nothing. had this girl not have taken karate lessons, this story may have been quite tragic.


    • #3
      She knocked him out..... but he has not yet been found. Could he run in his sleep?

      Im not taking anything away from this girl, but people escape "attackers" every day. The law of averages say that some will train in Karate. Some will be Highland Dancers to! Hyyyyyyy Ya!


      • #4
        Im sure the guy wasnt expecting her to fight back so he let his guard down(not "guard" as in hands up but awareness down), so the just sucker punched his ass when he wasnt expecting it. She was lucky though, all he had to do was lock up with tight and take her down unless she was a grappler too.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Thai Bri
          She knocked him out..... but he has not yet been found. Could he run in his sleep?

          Im not taking anything away from this girl, but people escape "attackers" every day. The law of averages say that some will train in Karate. Some will be Highland Dancers to! Hyyyyyyy Ya!
          Maybe he disappeared. Must be one of Dilman's student...all those invisible no touch knockout techniques must have made him invisible.

          That sounded funny.
          I'm drunk.
          I'm also sorry for that.

          I suck at life.


          • #6
            Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3
            Im sure the guy wasnt expecting her to fight back so he let his guard down(not "guard" as in hands up but awareness down), so the just sucker punched his ass when he wasnt expecting it. She was lucky though, all he had to do was lock up with tight and take her down unless she was a grappler too.
            It's not a sucker punch when someone is grabbing you...


            • #7
              Originally posted by The_Judo_Jibboo
              It's not a sucker punch when someone is grabbing you...
              unless the guy you hit is a grappler


              • #8
                Originally posted by BoarSpear
                unless the guy you hit is a grappler
                LMAO!!! Didnt see that one coming, this must be one of the funniest things youve ever said.

