so i was reading this story about a soldier who killed his wife. this guy had seen action in iraq, and when he returned he ended up stabbing his wife like over 70 times and using a meat cleaver on her. real gruesome. many people believe this was a result of the post traumatic stress disorder he suffers from, after being wounded in combat in iraq.
there is no doubt that we are going to be seeing more and more of these incidencts occuring as the war drags on. we are having many people returining to america with deep emotional problems as a result of things they saw or did over there. are any of you guys worried about this at all? we dont really hear much about this issue, but man i dont want to be there when some dude goes postal because of the sever mental wounds that have been inflicted on him when he was fighting house to house in the hell that is bagdad iraq. this guy in the article went nuts and stabbed his own wife over 70 times. imagine if he had lost it at a different location like a crowded mall or grocery store or had a deadlier weapon in his possesion at the time? what then? i think this is a real problem some of us are going to encounter in the future

i know a guy who is currently messing around with a girl whos boyfriend is a marine in iraq. i fear greatly for this guy. you think that marine who has just survived a tour of combat in one of the most godforsaken places on earth is going to be happy when he gets back and finds his slut gf cheating on him with some douchebag? i dont think so.....