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a touchy subject

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  • #16
    Originally posted by nutter
    I don't really see to what aim you are saying all this mate. Are you disagreeing that by and large soldiers are recruited from the least priverlaged/educated element of society mate?
    Soldiers get a chance to learn practical skills and the chance to go to college. Infantry is just one job out of hundreds of others.

    Do you look down on the least priveledged/educated element of society?

    I may be just a kid, but I've met some people who aren't college educated but are brilliant.

    I'm not saying that's the norm, but I'm saying it does happen.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Tant01
      "Over the years I have developed the notion that there is a definite connection between marksmanship and morality. A good shot is nearly always a good man, and conversely the bad guys usually cannot shoot for sour owl jowls. This proposition cannot be proven, of course, but I think it has to do with the fact that the essence of good marksmanship is self-control, and it seems pretty clear that self-control is the foundation of good morals. Hurray for our side!"
      Sounds a load of bollocks to me right, the sort of thing gun fettishists would believe because it comforts them right.


      • #18
        Originally posted by nutter
        I don't really see to what aim you are saying all this mate. Are you disagreeing that by and large soldiers are recruited from the least priverlaged/educated element of society mate?
        So, who cares?

        Obviously you're not well educated yourself, as you can't even spell "privileged" correctly.

        And he's saying there are many kinds of knowledge.

        I can crack computational fluid dynamics and design a jet propulsion system with CAD.
        Doesn't mean I could actually take the engine apart to do maintenance, which is what a "soldier" does when he rips open a helicopter turbine to check it out.

        And if you're going to tout the benefits of academics, do yourself a favor and take a few remedial English classes first.


        • #19
          Originally posted by bigred389
          Obviously you're not well educated yourself, as you can't even spell "privileged" correctly.
          Oooooooooooooooooh! Head shot!

          Originally posted by bigred389
          I can crack computational fluid dynamics and design a jet propulsion system with CAD.
          Doesn't mean I could actually take the engine apart to do maintenance, which is what a "soldier" does when he rips open a helicopter turbine to check it out.
          Damn good point..........................................


          • #20
            Originally posted by bigred389
            So, who cares?

            Obviously you're not well educated yourself, as you can't even spell "privileged" correctly.

            And he's saying there are many kinds of knowledge.

            I can crack computational fluid dynamics and design a jet propulsion system with CAD.
            Doesn't mean I could actually take the engine apart to do maintenance, which is what a "soldier" does when he rips open a helicopter turbine to check it out.

            And if you're going to tout the benefits of academics, do yourself a favor and take a few remedial English classes first.
            Mate, wow I am in awe of your CAD abilities right, it’s a good job you squeezed some bragging into your post so that we all know you must be right, right mate.

            It's hardly disputable that the US and I'd say British military mainly recruit from the least educated/privileged elements of society right, particularly for infantiers innit. Accademic education is a key factor in earning potential and thus life style right, which is why many poorly educated, thick, immature and impressionable young men see the military as an escape innit.


            • #21
              Innit right mate...

              Originally posted by nutter
              Mate, wow I am in awe ...right, ... you must be right, right mate.

              ...right, ....right, ...innit.

              Right mate, innit...

              You bitchin' cause you cant join up? Too stupid to pass a written exam or too fat and lazy to pass the PT? Maybe a bit of both?


              • #22
                Originally posted by nutter
                Accademic education is a key factor in earning potential and thus life style right, which is why many poorly educated, thick, immature and impressionable young men see the military as an escape innit.
                Academic education is a factor amongst many other factors that determine earning potential....

                Ever read The Millionaire Mind by Thomas J. Stanley?

                He's an academian (PhD microeconomist/statistician) who interviewed a number of America's millionaires, those whose net worth is between $1-9 MM and also multi millionaires $10MM and greater.

                Most had some college and were not the valedictorians, not even top 10%.

                Some were well educated; others were those who made good business decisions but had there GEDs. Most were married and most were couples in their 40's.

                That's common sense, but the demographics and backgrounds poke a hole into stereotypes about the perception the public has about wealthy people versus the reality of how they got there...

                Anyhow, its great how someone with determination, some business sense and direction can do well for themselves in this country.

                That's why immigrants flock here by the thousands and push their kids into professional schools (medical, dental, pharmacy etc.). Others choose academics because its considered more honorable and because their fascinated by the experimental nature of science/technology.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by nutter
                  Mate, wow I am in awe of your CAD abilities right, it’s a good job you squeezed some bragging into your post so that we all know you must be right, right mate.
                  What he’s saying is both CAD (i.e. actually knowing how to draft) and ………, hell I’m tired of typing….You’re a dumbass...

                  “You’re a dumbass” pretty much sums it up for nutter. I think I’ll make a macro…..


                  • #24
                    Lol Tom, that is quoting the exceptions whilst ignoring the underlying truth innit. Try browsing an online job finder like or read the job section of a newspaper and look at the basic qualifications employers are asking for relative to how much they are willing to pay mate.

                    What is your point here -are you just trying to counter every point I make for the sake of it, or are you genuinely dissagreeing that the military primarilly recruit from the lower educated elements of society mate?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by knifethrower
                      What he’s saying is both CAD (i.e. actually knowing how to draft)
                      Thanks mate, I didn't know what CAD was right. Thanks for sharing your great and well educated knowledge mate.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by nutter
                        Lol Tom, that is quoting the exceptions whilst ignoring the underlying truth innit. Try browsing an online job finder like or read the job section of a newspaper and look at the basic qualifications employers are asking for relative to how much they are willing to pay mate.
                        Read the book. Its an academic study.

                        You're correct in saying that this day and age employers want college educations. Its a direct path to higher earning potential, but not necessarily the only path to wealth.

                        Originally posted by nutter
                        What is your point here -are you just trying to counter every point I make for the sake of it, or are you genuinely dissagreeing that the military primarilly recruit from the lower educated elements of society mate?
                        The point here is that there's alot more to the picture than what you and I think in reference to wealth and societal status. Most of America's famously wealthy were not born with silver spoons...

                        It doesn't matter to me whether the military recruits from the lower educated elements of society or not. What matters is that its an organization that will take a man, teach him how to fight, teach him responsibilities and serve his country.

                        There are some young military guys who are 20 years old, do their own taxes, are working on buying their first house, does his own laundry and folds his own clothes; not bad for a highschool grad.

                        I bet his 20 year old college counterpart has his parents doing his taxes for him, folding his clothes, is in trouble when he gets a flat tire (and not because of a lack of proper tools), requires an allowance and has to check in with mommy and daddy if he wants to stay out at night...

                        Regardless, I still respect academics because you guys are the one's who are defining what we can and can't do with nature.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by nutter
                          Thanks mate, I didn't know what CAD was right. Thanks for sharing your great and well educated knowledge mate.

                          cad ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kd) n. - A man whose behavior is unprincipled or dishonorable.

                          C'mon mate, we're all guilty of this at one point or the pub.....


                          • #28
                            Mate, you have a bit of a rose tinted impression of the military right.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by nutter
                              Thanks for sharing your great and well educated knowledge mate.
                              I hope you didn't skim over this part too fast

                              Originally posted by knifethrower
                              You’re a dumbass....

                              You did get that right…. I mean you didn’t skim over that too fast did you. I can type it again if you like…I mean if you didn’t get it the first time.


                              • #30
                                have I just been called a dumbass by a knife fetishist Texan?

