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Home defense?

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  • Home defense?

    This morning around 4:00 we heard noises from the kitchen, it sounded like some thunks and a ratchet wrench and when I looked down the hall I saw shadows moving. Luckily there was no one in the house. The noises were so distinct it sounded like they were in the house but I think someone was messing with the outside of the house and their flashlight shone in the window so we called the police and all that.

    What would be the best response if someone actually was in the house? My first thought was to yell something and hope they bolt for the door but I'm not really an expert. How would you prepare for that? What weapons would you keep by your bed, assuming your wife would never allow firearms in the house?

    I admit I'm a little shook up and I realize that I'm really not prepared for something like that.

  • #2
    Best to develop a plan ahead of time huh? Depends on the situation so look at the variables in your own case, do you have kids or others in the home you NEED to move from where you are to check on/protect? Can you do so without leaving someone else alone/vulnerable? Are the people with you dependable or are they going to be a liability when the SHTF? Are the weapons you chose safe to use if you have friendlies in the house with you and you miss the intended target? (you will, Rambo, trust me.) things to consider, I'm too busy drinkin' to type more...


    • #3
      Originally posted by BoarSpear
      Best to develop a plan ahead of time huh? Depends on the situation so look at the variables in your own case, do you have kids or others in the home you NEED to move from where you are to check on/protect? Can you do so without leaving someone else alone/vulnerable? Are the people with you dependable or are they going to be a liability when the SHTF? Are the weapons you chose safe to use if you have friendlies in the house with you and you miss the intended target? (you will, Rambo, trust me.) things to consider, I'm too busy drinkin' to type more...

      Boarspear... do you agree with Geoff Thompson that weapons should be strategically located around the house... or is that bad because you can be attacked with the same weapons?


      • #4
        Also Boar, what is the best overall strategy... I know you named a bunch of factors, but what would you say would be the overall strategy... to kill him, get him out... like... I'm not versed in this shit at all lol.


        • #5
          Originally posted by J-Luck
          Boarspear... do you agree with Geoff Thompson that weapons should be strategically located around the house... or is that bad because you can be attacked with the same weapons?
          I believe you just answered your own question. hide that sh*t where you can acess it but outsiders won't know to reach for it.


          • #6
            Originally posted by BoarSpear
            I believe you just answered your own question. hide that sh*t where you can acess it but outsiders won't know to reach for it.

            Ohhh... lol. So that's the best plan?


            • #7
              Originally posted by J-Luck
              Also Boar, what is the best overall strategy... I know you named a bunch of factors, but what would you say would be the overall strategy... to kill him, get him out... like... I'm not versed in this shit at all lol.
              Depends on who "he" is and why "he" came doesn't it.

              I prefer to lie in wait and let them come to me though, when its possible to safely ambush the intruder its safest IMHO. UNLESS there are people who need you to move to protect them, or if the intruders are "hunters" with "extraction" and entry tools


              • #8
                I think part of your plan would depend on how much time you would have, reasonabley speaking, to expect the police to come if trouble comes to you.

                In a big city with a police station not far away, you might be able to expect to get help within five, ten minutes? If you live in Alaska, and the nearest trooper is hours away by helicopter, you'd likely have a different plan.

                A dog is not a bad idea, for companionship, as well as for early warning. If that's not a viable option, then a home security rig might work, one that's equipped with motion sensors to cover certain zones like entry points and stairwells. It's much better to be aware of a break-in before the bad guy(s) get into the bedroom, than after, isn't it?

                If you have children, they need to be incorporated into the drill, so they all know what to do. Years ago, I read in the paper about a home invasion that took place when the parents were away. The oldest child, a teenager, gathered his younger siblings into the master bedroom, locked the bedroom door, and got the firearm ready. When the BG tried breaking into the room, the teen warned the BG, and when the BG didn't go away the teen fired thru the door, killing the BG. The family had drilled for such a scenario, with no doubt, other variations of same. It worked, the children were safe, and the shooting was justifiable, IMO. Just be prepared for the consequences once you put a plan together.


                • #9

                  I suggest you pick up some doorknob security bars to prevent intruders from coming in through your doors. They cost only $19.99, less if you buy 2 or more.

                  Next, you NEED to get this book. It's written by a former cop who is an expert on personal security. He will give you a blueprint for coming up with your own security plan at home and everywhere else, and give you real world examples of what you need to protect yourself against. This book is no longer available on Amazon, but here is a link to give you more information about the book and on how to get a used copy from another bookseller. If the link doesn't work, the name of the book is "Strong on Defense" by Sanford Strong.

                  Good luck!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by aku aku
                    What weapons would you keep by your bed, assuming your wife would never allow firearms in the house?
                    What do you mean your wife won't "allow" firearms in the house?

                    Okay, next question. What is your home security system? When my house got broken into and there was this serial rapist on the loose in my 'hood (who is now in jail!!!!), I spent a weekend looking at all potential entrances in my house. I looked at locks (locking tongues are good) and felt good about the front door because there was a steel security door with a bolting lock in addition to the main door, but I decided to add little hippie bells to the doors all over the house too just in case. I had a deadbolt put on my back door. I also use window stops. Hasps with protective shrouds are an option, as well as safety plates. My doorframes sucked so I had to get them secured down. I didn't have a good lock on my bedroom door so I set an alarm there. There's different things you can use, from things that will just make noise to things that will make it more difficult to get in. Everything from door stops to portable door alarms (there's some on sale on those stupid catalogs you get in airplanes). Screen doors need to be looked at, I learned the hard way that the BG can cut the screen and unlock the screen door. Multiple doors, multiple locks. Make it a pain in the ass for him/them to get in. Look at ALL your entrances...garage doors, sliding doors, etc. Think worse case scenario. I've broken into my share fare of houses (MY houses that I've gotten locked out of before) and it ain't that difficult most of the time. Spend extra time on points of your house that are easiest to access.

                    One person I spoke with told me about Commercial American Locks. They are expensive, but how much is your life worth? Esp. if your wife won't "let" you have a gun.

                    Watch this show:

                    As far as weapons, what are you willing to get trained in and how much are you willing to practice? I am always switching up what I keep where but I like pepper spray that has UV dye on it so when (and if) the police catch the bad guy that same day you can prove it was him easier.

                    I finally convinced my landlord to put up motion detector lights, but it took me a month and a half and three of the people in our duplex getting broken into. Basically we all called his wife and she took care of things. I think lights are useful...

                    Because it was the type of criminal it was, I went around and talked to all my neighbors and made sure that EVERY window in their house (including the little ones in front of the doors) were covered up (this guy was looking in through windows before attempting to break into houses) and also making it difficult outside the house for him to stand in front of certain windows (I strategically planted cactus in various locations).

                    All right, I could go on and on and on but that's just some stuff to think about for now.


                    • #11
                      Good post, treelizard. I actually got the idea for the doorknob security bar from a Skymall magazine on a recent flight. I just ordered 2 for my own house and am looking forward to their arrival early next week.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by PocketAces
                        Good post, treelizard. I actually got the idea for the doorknob security bar from a Skymall magazine on a recent flight. I just ordered 2 for my own house and am looking forward to their arrival early next week.
                        Thanks! Yours too. Yeah, doors and windows were a big issue for me. Part of the problem was that living in the desert it being hot most of the year, in order for my swamp cooler to work effectively I needed to have a window open to avoid blowing out the engine and to suck the cool air into whatever room I was sleeping in. So it sucks to have to decide between sweating buckets and feeling secure. I usually opted for sweating buckets or sleeping in the living room until I discovered five or six tricks for window security.

                        If you have friends that are cops they will usually go over your house blueprint with you for free. My detective even helped me come up with a home security plan that took into account all of the most common crimes in the area. He also gave me his direct line number so I could ask him about any rumored crimes in the 'hood.

                        If you do get help from local cops it's a good idea to document the correspondence so that when you have to go to court for defending yourself from a bad guy, you can show the precautions you took and why when the jury tries to make it seem like you were just "inviting" people to break into your home or whatever they come up with.

                        Sorry for writing a book!!!


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by stabbychick
                            !!! You had some psycho MoFo breakin' into people's houses in your neighborhood (hell, into your duplex!) and you waited for you landlord to put up motion sensor lights?!?! WTF?? They aren't that freakin' expensive or that difficult to install yourself! Do it and get reimbursed. Don't rely on your freakin' landlord for your protection.
                            Yeah, after getting multiple locks and a wide variety of weapons and the doors changed and a bazillion other precautions, I didn't install the sensor lights right away.

                            He actually broke into my house. Woke up to some dude in my house... If he is who the detective thinks he is (based on the description, the way he broke in and the type of footwear) I was the only person whose house he broke into who wasn't raped... and I didn't even use any of the shit I'd trained in. Pretty bizarre. Anyways, he's in jail.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by treelizard
                              Thanks! Yours too. Yeah, doors and windows were a big issue for me. Part of the problem was that living in the desert it being hot most of the year, in order for my swamp cooler to work effectively I needed to have a window open to avoid blowing out the engine and to suck the cool air into whatever room I was sleeping in.
                              Whoa!!!... you only have a swamp cooler? I've been to your neck of the woods and that must SUCK!

