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Your Martial Art self defence stories.

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  • Your Martial Art self defence stories.

    I enjoy hearing stories from fellow Martial Artists who have successfully used their training to good effect when defending themselves or others and I know others love to hear stories about the 'bad guys' getting their beans too.

    Here is an opportunity to post your own experiences, or your friends, to share in what techniques worked, or didn't work, for you. Any feedback is appreciated.

    I'll start the ball rolling too...

    On the front page of our paper last year there was a story about a couple of burglars breaking into a house. Unbeknowst to the burglars the house was occupied by a man and his girlfriend. The man hearing a noise downstairs got up to see what was going on. This man holds a black belt in Ninjutsu and had also been training in Muay Thai for the last couple of years.
    Seeing the burglars he yelled at them causing them to run. Angry he chased one of them through the neighbours back yard eventually catching one of them trying to scale a fence. Naturally the burglar attacked the man only to be knocked out in the process. The man dragged the now unconscious burglar back to his house and called the cops and proceeded to wait. Now where I come from it can take the police ages to come to any sort of crime unless you say to them "if you don't come soon I will kill the offender". Unfortunately our place is so Politically Correct that offenders have more rights than the victims. But that's another story.
    While waiting for the cops, the burglar woke up and tried attacking our man again only to be beaten around a bit more and subsequently put to sleep again. The police eventually turned up and arrested the burglar....fortunately our man here didn't get arrested for assault.
    I personally think the man deserves a big pat on the back and it shows that his training worked for him in that instance. What do others think?

    I have other stories but would love to hear what others have first.

  • #2
    Well first of all, your ninja kickboxing man (and you) should read the tragic story of I believe it was Alex Gong.

    Chasing after a criminal who's already left your house. Genius.

    I know if I was robbing someone and they tried to fight me they would probably get stabbed, especially if they were chasing after me (I am not going to uchi mata and armlock someone while robbing them).


    • #3
      wild west can u post more MA stories i really want to read them...thxxx


      • #4
        Samuraiguy, I don't disagree with you. He took a huge risk in chasing him and got lucky in this instance. I don't recommend his actions, just reporting the story.


        • #5
          I'm not the sort of person who gets into fights, besides I live in a nice safe area so am pretty lucky, because of this I have no real personal experiences I can only re-tell what I've heard from reliable sources. Reliable being the key word here as this is the Internet and there is a lot of bullshit out there.

          This isn't a MA story but rather one man's revenge, it was reported several times in our local paper and is 100% true.
          One night in the suburb next to ours a group of teenagers started to break into a hardware store. One of the residents nearby heard a noise on the roof of the neighbouring property so went to investigate taking with him a baseball bat or a stick of some type. Sure enough there were four guys breaking into an upperstory window next door so he called out to them and they scattered.
          Again I'm not saying he did the correct thing. He chased them eventually catching up with one of them and restrained him. Unfortunately the kid began to attack him so the man gave him a beating. He also ended up being arrested for the said beating which shows how much bullshit is associated with defending yourself. However, the hardware store paid his fine and his community presented him with a medal for his actions....not to mention he received a lot of praise from the local people and became a minor celebrity for a short period.

          The hassle he went through though sometimes make you wonder why people make an effort. Honestly, the do-gooder wankers in power where I live have no common sense and seem to love to look after the criminals.

          It's not really a great story but one that I remembered quickly. I would really like to hear from others.


          • #6
            wow another nice story wild hope u can write tell u can be a good source here in forums for stories and some MA questions.


            • #7
              i know of a wrestler who came to the aid of couple females being hassled by some douches outside a liquor store. long story short, the wrestler and his wrestler buddy beat the shit out of 3 guys, breaking one guys arm and breaking anothers jaw and giving him a concusssion. the 3rd guy ran away.


              • #8
                really dont mean to be rude... but this is a martial artists forum on "streetfighting" and there dont seem to be that many people that have ever got into a scrap....


                • #9
                  Originally posted by wado_kai
                  really dont mean to be rude... but this is a martial artists forum on "streetfighting" and there dont seem to be that many people that have ever got into a scrap....
                  Actually its not a street fighting forum its a self defense forum....

                  And if the majority of us havent been in many fights, that must mean the majority of us are quite good at self defense I would say.


                  • #10
                    Emptyness> Your friends sound like they know what they're doing and are pretty tough guys, good on them. Thanks for your contribution.

                    Samurai guy> This is kind of wierd timing considering our previous posts, but on the radio this morning there was a story about a guy who disturbed a burglar breaking into a hostel in my city. No heroic story this time unfortunately as the burlgar stabbed the guy 5 times before escaping. He's going to survive but it definitely supports your point about confronting someone. You could end up dead.


                    • #11
                      Actually thats not a coincidence I'm just some sort of predicting stabbing prophet.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by SamuraiGuy
                        Actually thats not a coincidence I'm just some sort of predicting stabbing prophet.
                        Do you predict lottery numbers too?


                        • #13
                          lol...and for the guy who's been stabbed 5 times i say its pity for him at least he survives...and still lives


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by akio123
                            lol...and for the guy who's been stabbed 5 times i say its pity for him at least he survives...and still lives

                            Well, you know, 50 Cents got shot nine times and he survived SUP?


                            • #15
                              Yeah because 50 cent got shot by 9mm, if he got hit with a real pistol caliber, he would now be MC colostomy. That being said .22 rimfire has been used by the Mossad to kill people.

