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The Brutality of it...

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  • #61
    Originally posted by BoarSpear
    MMA people are taught to solve problems with thier sport derived skills and didnt occour to Mr MMA that the guy might be packing because that wasnt Mr MMA's reality...MMA people have the wrong tools and mindset for the street...Combatives people dont...We EXPECT the shithead to be armed ..MMA REQUIRES the opponent to be unarmed MMA is the opposite, notice the billboards you all wear announcing what your skill set is
    You train striking boxing style strikes??? And you obviously grapple if you do JJJ and mongolian wrestling...
    MMA is part of the picture of combatives.
    MMA is only striking and grappling unarmed for sport, think of it as isolated sparring for those particular isn't everything, and any MMA player who hasn't been choked out to many times or hit too many times in the face will recognize that. Any reasonably smart person is going to assume a fight out of a ring could involve multiple people, weapons, or the type of sickening unarmed violence not allowed in competition since the days of Rome or the pre-war Philippines, and will use what they know to defend against that.

    MMA isn't the tool set, it's just what you can train full speed without killing the other person, or giving them life long problems.
    It's part of the tool set, but it's not the full range... (I suggest those who want to be top notch fighters learn a striking art and a grappling art thouroughly, compete in MMA...and take combative and weapons based arts, shooting, and on up the or the other is not a complete program, because if you do one or the other exlusively, your missing out on something important.)

    what I'm saying is the MMA arena (it's not an art, because it's a vague ass umbrella term that implies a mixture of "striking" and "grappling" which could be anything, really) is a place to work on certain aspects of your game that are trainable in that manner, i.e. fully live with a fully resistant opponent, taking real damage...and not worry about being killed.


    • #62


      • #63
        alright boary boy...for all you're bitching about MMA, here's a VERY respected combatives guy's new marketing ploy;

        listen to the tag line.

        Everyone's become a schemer...the almighty $ rules the MA world as well as the world in general.


        • #64
          omg...oakies...hillbillie kids gouged in eye


          • #65
            sick knife crowd.
            warning, graphic...(boar put up the one with the robbery cop fatalities, and somebody else did the UK knifing, so...I assume it's ok to post this...if not, I'll remove it ASAP.)

            I decided to remove it...


            • #66
              Originally posted by BoarShit
              you're just being a fucktard for ego sake,



              • #67
                Originally posted by jubaji
                you guys sound this retarded...arguing over the internet...sheesh!

                yup...retarded. you two. being.


                • #68
                  by the way...I think that's punkmonk in the video...
                  we should really stop picking on her.


                  • #69
                    I don't mean to get this all political or anything...but you're all americans aren't you? It's obvious because so many americans live with an oppressive sense of impending doom and fear and it's not an's just one of the techniques used to control you. That combined with keeping the indigent poor and the masses distracted with reality TV is how you're evil regimes can get away with stealing elections, violating your constitution, taking away your rights, committing atrocities around the planet, etc...and meanwhile you're worried about "bad dudes" loitering around your bicycles or the thugs in "Jackson Square"....ever ask yourselves why a nation with so much wealth has so much poverty? Which ends up being responsible for so much crime?

                    You people need to start taking off the blinders and asking yourselves some tough questions.


                    • #70
                      As if you didn't look stupid enough already....

                      Originally posted by pOoBadly
                      I don't mean to get this all political or anything...but you're all americans aren't you? It's obvious because so many americans live with an oppressive sense of impending doom and fear and it's not an's just one of the techniques used to control you. .

                      Look miss, everyone already realizes you are a fucking idiot, a weak-willed quitter, and a latent homosexual. Don't overdo it.


                      • #71
                        lol *


                        • #72
                          Oh c'mon Jubaji, there's no need to resort to childish name calling...I'm neither an idiot nor a homosexual. However I do find it amusing that you would choose my sexuality as a way to attack's been noted by many psychologists that it's human nature to use what we fear most as our weapon of choice when going after our's obvious that you and many of the young men on this website are having a deep inner battle with your own most likely keeps you awake at night, tossing and turning with self loathing and hatred at your own homosexual thoughts and feelings. I wouldn't even be surprised if somewhere in your past there hasn't been trips to gay areas of your hometowns to "bash some fags"...which of course is just another outward manifestation of your attempts at suppressing your powerful sexual urges to be with another man....

                          It's don't have to hate were born this way. You're here, you're queer, get used to it


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by bOoRadley
                            ...I'm neither an idiot nor a homosexual.

                            Your own words would seem to suggest otherwise.

                            Originally posted by bOoRadley
                            ...However I do find it amusing that you would choose my sexuality as a way to attack me...

                            I'm glad you're amused. Everyone here has seen you jump out of the closet over dozens of posts recently.


                            • #74
                              Why dont you go "mount" somebody and quit following me around the forums like a lovesick schoolgirl.

                              I'm not interested...and I already have a date for the prom


                              • #75
                                you just can't think of anything else, can you?

                                Originally posted by bOoRadley
                                Why dont you go "mount" somebody

                                there you go again..................

