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A Young Man's Tale

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  • #61
    I'd like to hear more stories about jubaji getting slapped in the mouth. I know the all end with him pulling out his ultimate suplex that is impervious to knives and guns, but still I'd like to hear more. None have been as good as that time he suplexed those ninjas.


    • #62
      We talked about your lying, didn't we? Do you need to see a shrink or something?


      • #63

        Interesting and scary story… I have a true story as well and this is the best I can remember it.

        Enter college graduation 2004. My friends and I decided to celebrate. We started with a big group, but as the night progressed many people left. I was carpooling with my friend and his girlfriend; so we decided to live it up some more.

        We drove around looking for something to do and came upon a house party. We parked on the street, paid the entrance fee, and joined in. A few minutes later, I was nodding off when I heard a huge commotion. People began rushing out to the back lawn. I heard my friend’s voice yelling, so I staggered out to see what was going on.

        In the back lawn, I saw my friend and his girlfriend in a shouting match with a group of people. There was this one guy; we’ll call him loud mouth - who kept saying: “Let‘s f*ck‘em up, man… They took it… Just f*ck’em man!”

        Meanwhile, my friends kept pleading, “What the hell? We just got here!“ It turns out they were in the bathroom together, where one of the roommates had left his stash of hash; and now it went missing.

        I quickly intervened and took my friend aside. He explained that he and his girl were in the bathroom, then came out to the lawn and some guy began questioning him. I turned around and said: “Hey, look you guys, we don’t have what you’re looking for, but we’ll help look… and maybe replace it, but we don’t have much money right now.”

        Loud mouth came right up to me and said, “F**k that! Who invited you mutherf*ckers?! It’s either five, six hundred dollars or you get your ass beat!” A group of people behind him started giving us bad looks and groaning, “yeah… b*tches!”

        My heart was racing and I thought: “Man, they’re gonna crucify us and maybe rape or beat the girl as well.” I could see that my friend and his girlfriend were also scared, so I said something like: “Hey, look man, why don’t we go to my car and we’ll see what we can come up with? Is that cool?.. Can you work with that?”

        I was basically putting a “dare“ on him in front of his friends. So he agreed. I said to my friends in a tone that we meant we were all in agreement, “You guys go get your car and meet me, because I might need some extra.” My plan was simple, get them off the hook; then split when I had created enough distance and meet up again later.

        Everyone started walking along lines of parked cars. Loud mouth and a group of guys were tailing me, while my friends went in the opposite direction. I started pretending like I was getting my keys out and skipping ahead to open my car doors. I was jogging backwards and looking to see whether my friends were in the clear yet. I kept hoping they would hurry up. Finally, I saw them get in. What a relief!

        The loud mouth walked casually up to me and said, “Well, where is it?” I dropped him with a straight right and left hook as he crumbled to the ground.

        That’s when all hell broke loose. The entire mob came after me! I took off, but couldn’t run fast… My legs felt like jello. Someone tackled me to the ground and I was getting stomped on by everyone. I think I was able to turtle, because my back was really getting kicked in.

        I heard a car pull up and I felt some relief. My friend had come to help me. He pushed the pile enough to create some space for me. I punched someone in the groin and struggled wildly to get up. I got up and psyched myself out by breathing very loudly. When I think of it now, it felt like an action movie; but in reality it must have been very sloppy.

        A guy lunged at me like he was going to tackle and punch me; I caught him in a very loose Thai clinch and kneed him right in the face. He fell down like he was dead. Another guy came in and I kicked him right in the abdomen with a front kick. The other guys looked concerned. I yelled at them: “C’mon, little b*tches… You want some?!”

        They started running towards the house (we were less than a block away from the house party). I noticed that my friend was holding his own, in fact, he was chasing them away. Then we both looked around for the car, but my friend’s girlfriend had driven off! Finally, we spotted her a few blocks away turning the corner.

        Not a moment too soon, the mob was returning! The had gone back to the house to grab whatever weapons they could. We made a mad dash through fences and lawns, but I was slower than my friend. I remember getting to a wooden fence, then a skinny guy came at me with a golf club. He swung at me, but it was partially blocked by the fence. I elbowed him right in the face and grabbed the club. He tried to rip the club from me, but I used his momentum to knee him right in the thigh. I remember my forehead hit his face as well. I tried to wrestle the club from him, but his buddies were closing in so I just left him there.

        I was exhausted but more people were yelling and looking for me. I could see some of them, but they didn’t see me. I just kept creeping and running alongside houses until I came to a busy street. Then I just walked for a long time.

        Suddenly, a car peeped and startled me. My initial thought was that the mob had found me, but it was my friends. I got in and they told me that there were cops all around the area looking for people involved in a “gang fight.”


        • #64
          Rough night! Thanks for sharing that. Too bad Uke is too shy to tell us anything about any experience he has ever had under any circumstances.


          • #65
            Originally posted by jubaji View Post
            Rough night! Thanks for sharing that. Too bad Uke is too shy to tell us anything about any experience he has ever had under any circumstances.
            It's okay, I don't really care about puke's opinions. I think he's taking Mr. Brewer's statement out of context.

            I think most people recall the important events and try to explain it the best they can. The story may change slightly over time, because they recall little details, but the main core of the story stays the same. Besides, the word "details" is subjective anyway.

            For instance, my friend says that when I was getting kicked by the mob, I was lying on my back, but I only recall getting up from a turtled position. We always have a good laugh about that story, even though it could have been very bad for all three of us. Too bad those two aren't together anymore.


            • #66
              There is actually some evidence that fear reflexes help long term potentiation.

              When information gets sent through the nervous system directly to the amygdala (maybe it hits the thalmus too...I'll recheck my physiology notes later and revise) and bypasses the usual relatively lengthy route through the thalmus to the specialized area of the cortex...things go down a bit quicker and there isn't alot of room for differentiation between signals...but I'm sure that the ability to recall specifics is there.

              Obviously, these references aren't as reputable as a medical physiology text, but I think the foundation and info is similar...who may be just as good.

              Long-term potentiation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
              Memory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


              • #67
                Originally posted by Garland View Post
                There is actually some evidence that fear reflexes help long term potentiation.

                When information gets sent through the nervous system directly to the amygdala (maybe it hits the thalmus too...I'll recheck my physiology notes later and revise) and bypasses the usual relatively lengthy route through the thalmus to the specialized area of the cortex...things go down a bit quicker and there isn't alot of room for differentiation between signals...but I'm sure that the ability to recall specifics is there.

                Obviously, these references aren't as reputable as a medical physiology text, but I think the foundation and info is similar...who may be just as good.

                Long-term potentiation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                Memory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                You're correct Garland, the thing I remember most about that night was the "fear!" The fear of getting caught, beaten and perhaps killed. I was literally shaking after the incident.


                • #68
                  I think this story is true to some extent but in the end, a fabrication.

