How should I train to be ready?
I was carjacked/attacked and was beat to a pulp by a few people and although I had some background in wing chun,jkd and karate the one thing I was never trained for was a real encounter, which I am not sure if any traditional arts do really prepare you if they dont cover the psyche aspect.
When one is attacked they (well atleast I did) experience an adrenaline dump, my hearing was off, my strength was gone, everything felt like slow motion, I was haking so bad I couldnt even move, could not think, tunnel vision, etc.
Although my training was limited we never did scenarios and never full speed/padded sparred which may of helped me.
I have learned about combatives/rbsd but nothing local so I am limited to videos, books and hopefully seminars here and there so I am left training on my own.
So my question is how should I train and should I join a boxing/mma gym or to atleast experience being hit.
I am 38, not in the best shape right now which I know I have to work on with conditioning, etc but how can I train and in what if anything.
I am seeing that there are three different directions:
1: Train in scenarios/under stress using basic moves/drills.
2: Train to be calm as an aikido person told me (although I dont know if this is real or just mystic traditional talk)
3: Train MMA, get hit and use to fighting, thus relieving any stress induced problems in a real encounter, however matching up with someone is different than being attacked, and I also wander if boxing/thai, etc is even effective for self defense, it's power based and has weight classes so not sure if its practical for someone small like myself against a bigger person, however the fact of being hit and learning solid basic tools (i.e. the jab) and so on has to have its merits for the street.
6 Schools Local to me:
MMA Gym: MMA,Hocks CQC, JKD, Muay Thai, Boxing, Shooto/ Sambo. (offers the most, but the furthest, about an hour away)
Traditional wing chun (william cheung branch) also protekt/ cdt tactics, he seemed very well versed (over the phone) about the adrenaline dump, and insists they train under stress and do some scenario work.
Kokikai aikido
Combat hapkido
Krav Maga
Kung fu Kwoon: Tai chi, Baqua, xingyi, Praying Mantis.
I was carjacked/attacked and was beat to a pulp by a few people and although I had some background in wing chun,jkd and karate the one thing I was never trained for was a real encounter, which I am not sure if any traditional arts do really prepare you if they dont cover the psyche aspect.
When one is attacked they (well atleast I did) experience an adrenaline dump, my hearing was off, my strength was gone, everything felt like slow motion, I was haking so bad I couldnt even move, could not think, tunnel vision, etc.
Although my training was limited we never did scenarios and never full speed/padded sparred which may of helped me.
I have learned about combatives/rbsd but nothing local so I am limited to videos, books and hopefully seminars here and there so I am left training on my own.
So my question is how should I train and should I join a boxing/mma gym or to atleast experience being hit.
I am 38, not in the best shape right now which I know I have to work on with conditioning, etc but how can I train and in what if anything.
I am seeing that there are three different directions:
1: Train in scenarios/under stress using basic moves/drills.
2: Train to be calm as an aikido person told me (although I dont know if this is real or just mystic traditional talk)
3: Train MMA, get hit and use to fighting, thus relieving any stress induced problems in a real encounter, however matching up with someone is different than being attacked, and I also wander if boxing/thai, etc is even effective for self defense, it's power based and has weight classes so not sure if its practical for someone small like myself against a bigger person, however the fact of being hit and learning solid basic tools (i.e. the jab) and so on has to have its merits for the street.
6 Schools Local to me:
MMA Gym: MMA,Hocks CQC, JKD, Muay Thai, Boxing, Shooto/ Sambo. (offers the most, but the furthest, about an hour away)
Traditional wing chun (william cheung branch) also protekt/ cdt tactics, he seemed very well versed (over the phone) about the adrenaline dump, and insists they train under stress and do some scenario work.
Kokikai aikido
Combat hapkido
Krav Maga
Kung fu Kwoon: Tai chi, Baqua, xingyi, Praying Mantis.