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Street incident caught on tape

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Adept
    I know this isn't really relevant to self defense or anything but....was the victim Asian, black, Hispanic, or white? Looked Asian to me. The video quality was poor and I was just curious, not that race matters in these situations.

    And yeah, personally, I would've just gotten out of there in the first place. I'm just curious as to WHY the victim didn't do that. I'd never die for a parking space...
    Victims looked mixed... but not even close to Azn. They were most likely hispanic... but maybe had some white in them.

    The Azn guy was the one cussing them out at the end.


    • #32
      Originally posted by EmptyneSs
      im gonna go with the assumption that when push came to shove, despite having a pipe he still didnt have the balls to use it against someone. this is because after years of trying to act hard and put up an outer image, he never really thought about what he would do when shit actually went down. his outer image was certainly a more important concern.

      btw, whats ironic is that confrontations with these people are usually the easiest to de escalate inmop. all it requires is for you to feed their ego just a little, it will give them so much pride you will not believe. even saying just " my bad player, i dont want any trouble" could give one of these gangster wannabes such an ego boost it will usually immediately cool things down. these guys walk around 24/7 WISHING they were tough. they would sell their souls to the devil and get sodomized by hot coals just to be tough and this is the image they project to cover such deep insecurity. just feed their attention starved egos and jam.

      i live in san jose ca, and san jose is nothing but posers and gangster wannabe type people. i have to deal with these kind of people day in day out.

      I dont know if they are wannabees... not sayin their tough, but it seemed like he backed up the talk with the walk. I don't like people like that either, but I'm just sayin.

      I think that shit is madd stupid anyway. I wouldnt have even made the guy get outa the spot... why would I? Seriously though, he's the type of dude to get shot by someone one day. MOVE YOUR CAR... BANG.... End of story lol.

      And he'll deserve it too.


      • #33
        All of this could have been avoided if the guy in the car didn't posture to the guy making the demands. I'd rather take a hit in the pride than a hit in the face when it comes to street violence.


        • #34
          Yeah, I would've just backed up and leave quickly. Why bother getting into trouble? Actually, if I see a bunch of thugs, I won't even go near them -- I'll just drive away and go somewhere safe.

          Being tough is good. But being smart is even better.


          • #35
            Originally posted by ZeroAquaduct View Post
            Yeah, I would've just backed up and leave quickly. Why bother getting into trouble? Actually, if I see a bunch of thugs, I won't even go near them -- I'll just drive away and go somewhere safe.

            Being tough is good. But being smart is even better.
            Or... be tough enough to be smart... hehe.


            • #36
              Hello, gentleman. This is my first post here. Nice site.

              Regarding the video, I notice not much was said about the Asian guy who came on the scene at the very end.

              Does anyone know what he was attempting to do? What the hell was his agenda?

              Or where did he came from?

              My God, was that little guy gonna take on the big thug all by himself? What was the little guys story?

              Was he alone, or did he have backup? Maybe the cops were rolling up then?

              His appearance was all too quick and too short to try and make any sense out of it. Either way, he was a little Bruce Lee like.

              Somebody here said they have a DVD of this fight, so maybe they can shed some light on the gung ho ball buster who came onto the scene at the very end with guns blazing, figuartively speaking.


              • #37
                I've said this once before when somebody else posted this video...a few months back in a different thread...and I'll say it again; why the holyFUCK didn't the guy just back over that ape in his car? Run his ass over and then drive to the police station.
                that simple, shift gears, maybe tilt your golf cap a bit, and then drive over mrs. daisy...Buh-bye fucktart.

                who's with me?


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Garland View Post
                  I've said this once before when somebody else posted this video...a few months back in a different thread...and I'll say it again; why the holyFUCK didn't the guy just back over that ape in his car? Run his ass over and then drive to the police station.
                  that simple, shift gears, maybe tilt your golf cap a bit, and then drive over mrs. daisy...Buh-bye fucktart.

                  who's with me?
                  This was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw this video.. But of course I was slammed for my opinion because thats just not the smart thing to do!! At the end of the day though think about it.. Your mindiing your own buissness, this guy tells you to move your car and when you tell him you dont want any trouble he sucker punches you..... I can be honest and say I would be so pissed Immost likely wouldent think about the consequinces of running that ass over


                  • #39
                    I think they were all just too drunk and messed up to know it was time to leave. Who knows what they did that got them all into the car in the first place. For all we know they might have been starting trouble inside the club and then were told to leave. They might have been followed outside and told to get the hell out of there. They all act messed up.

                    Also I noticed this station wagon.
                    In the beginning of the video the rear hatch is closed.

                    then after that dude gets KO'd the back is open, then closed again

                    I think this "gung ho ball buster" was just a drunk/drugged up guy that was probably 1/2 passed out in the back of the station wagon, getting out to start some trouble after seeing his friend getting chased around. He was picking fights with onlookers.


                    • #40
                      those guys are a real credit to their race.

                      yay for them.


                      • #41
                        Everything has been said about this clip....those guys are cowards and the guys in the car should have driven away.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Norsun View Post
                          Hello, gentleman. This is my first post here. Nice site.

                          Regarding the video, I notice not much was said about the Asian guy who came on the scene at the very end.

                          Does anyone know what he was attempting to do? What the hell was his agenda?

                          Or where did he came from?

                          My God, was that little guy gonna take on the big thug all by himself? What was the little guys story?

                          Was he alone, or did he have backup? Maybe the cops were rolling up then?

                          His appearance was all too quick and too short to try and make any sense out of it. Either way, he was a little Bruce Lee like.

                          Somebody here said they have a DVD of this fight, so maybe they can shed some light on the gung ho ball buster who came onto the scene at the very end with guns blazing, figuartively speaking.
                          Seems to me that the Asian guy at the end is most likely a gang member. The 'thug' who beat up the guy in the car was probably just some wannabe. Doesn't matter if the Asian guy was alone or not, he was probably armed, and backup is just a short phone-call away...

                          Most 'thugs' are just cowards who need to bully others to feel big. They usually fold as soon as someone actually calls them out. Real gangsters aren't going to be hanging out at a convenience store bullying random people...


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Mikeb85 View Post
                            Seems to me that the Asian guy at the end is most likely a gang member.
                            I second that.

                            Originally posted by Mikeb85 View Post
                            Most 'thugs' are just cowards who need to bully others to feel big. They usually fold as soon as someone actually calls them out. Real gangsters aren't going to be hanging out at a convenience store bullying random people...
                            lol...highschool memories.

                            It was a territory thing, seeing as there where alot of brothers just hanging out in the area. Those asian/mexican dudes where probably new to the area. Wrong place, wrong race- maybe, definitely wrong time of day.

                            The reason why they didn't move: they were scared/frozen and hesitated; bully guy (drunk/drugged up) fed on it over time. They put up a hesitated, half-hearted resistance and paid for it.

                            If they just kept quiet and backed out right away, they probably would have gotten out of there unscathed.

                            or take that crow bar to the bully's collarbone or temple instead of his car...


                            • #44
                              sad,sad and sad again.These violent thugs have not much of a life,obviously.They swagger about with attitude,taking their woes out on others physically and mentally.What they lack mentally,they try to make up with physically.

