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Train in street clothes

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  • #16
    Originally posted by km101 View Post
    get the practice in cold weather attacks.
    ...what the **** are you...the state of Colorado? When weather attacks?


    • #17
      Originally posted by Thai Bri View Post
      I also regularly train in my Godzilla suit, just in case I get attacked when on the way to a fancy dress party.
      LoL - that really would be preparing for any situation. However i also aggree that training in your general clothes is a great way to show how you are limited in how to react to a situation and what you can do.



      • #18
        I Run my Crew through training once a month with their full duty belt - Radio, ASP Baton, Cuffs, 2 Clips and their Side arm of their choice, plus they are wearing their suits or street clothes too. Keeps a good reality check on them.
        The training is street / combo of Mauy Thai, Kali, Wing Chung and what ever else my trainer decides to through into the mix. Over all its very practical for my crew.

        N.B i run a security crew that specialize in close quarter protection (Armed)


        • #19
          Pink, skintight lycra Gi, with the arse cut out, an orange in my mouth and........oh, sorry - wrong forum.


          • #20
            With no phone booth around to change into our gi's I would definately train in what I wear and even figure weapons I'm wearing such as my shoes and belt, pen etc.

            I know cops who grapple in uniform with an empty holstered side arm to train to prevent it from being used against them


