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Train in street clothes

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  • Train in street clothes

    At your next class show up in jeans and t-shirt or light jacket whatever you would wear and ask the instructor can you "get down" spar roll etc in your street clotes. This tye of training is good to do at least some time. Here in Oaktown once week we get together and grapple spar with jeans t-shirt, suits, tennis shoes dress shoes etc. Go to the salvation army and get you some old clothes and try it out. For even more effectivenes, get some plastic bats, and other stuff and simulate a street in the dojo and just have your students go at it. Or try two on 1 ets. This is the onoly way to train , shock training...

  • #2
    I agree. Train as close to reality as possible. Good on you guys.


    • #3
      Very very much agree. I do lots of sparring with mates outside of the dojo in these situations with the same reasoning as yourself.

      Wildwest - cook me up some eggs, butch


      • #4
        Originally posted by Nips View Post
        Very very much agree. I do lots of sparring with mates outside of the dojo in these situations with the same reasoning as yourself.

        Wildwest - cook me up some eggs, butch


        • #5
          Good idea. I've heard (unconfirmed) that some Army hand-to-hand classes had you show up in class A's to fight.

          (Class A is the dress uniform).


          • #6
            Weve been doing that for 30 years. Though it can get intense. We even do out of class role playing. Having stidents expirence certain things from patsy strangers (whom are trained individuals from other place.)


            • #7
              go as far as wearing a winter coat and gloves to get the practice in cold weather attacks.


              • #8
                Contact simulations or scenarios are the only way to train the functionality of your techniques. Pressure test, pressure test! Clothing too is to be considered because of the restrictions they can have as well as the advantages they can bring to the table or fight. Grabbing someone by their clothing and tossing them is just as effective and grab and punch. Pulling the clothing over your opponents head. For the knife carry enthusiasts, use a trainer and see how efficient you can draw and open your knife when someone is on you like flies on sh#t! From stress to your clip catching your pocket especially when wearing loose baggy pants, fumbling the knife is more a probability than a possibility.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by McDojoJKD View Post
                  At your next class show up in jeans and t-shirt or light jacket whatever you would wear and ask the instructor can you "get down" spar roll etc in your street clotes...
                  Meh...wrestling shoes, sweat pants, and a hooded sweat shirt seems to work just fine for me.


                  • #10
                    If you want to train for a realistic street scenario, then do wear ordinary clothes. But why roll with them? Rolling around is something you do if you have to, not as a matter of choice - unless you think the street is a big mat.


                    • #11
                      I'm not sure that's always a good idea.


                      • #12
                        I just want to say, im amazed at how well everyone here gets along.. its a change for me, i used to post at Martial Arts Planet, and even though there is nothing wrong with this thread, at MAP there would have been about 50 comments by now, all telling one another how wrong and how stupid each other is. Just wanted to say im glad to be here, and not amongst those pathetic martial-artist wannabee wimps anymore. And hopefully this site is not affiliated with them or else im probably going to get banned now for saying that, haha..

                        And i agree, good idea to do it street style once in a while.


                        • #13
                          Training in street clothes certainly has its benefits. If you are attacked on the street, you do not have the luxary of changing into your training clothes. Like it has been stated above, you may be wearing a suit and tie or even a winter jacket and boots. Training while wearing different clothes will help you become a better fighter and better prepare you for the street. I do not think that it is necessary to train like this always but every once in awhile it is good.


                          • #14
                            I also regularly train in my Godzilla suit, just in case I get attacked when on the way to a fancy dress party.


                            • #15
                              I find myself buying clothes that will allow me more freedom of movement. Check out this website, I've bought denim pants or blue jeans from them. The quality is great and I can kick like I'm wearing Gi Pants.

