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Rupturing someones ear drum...?

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  • Rupturing someones ear drum...?

    Is this possible? I've done some research on it, and it supposedly is. I just did it lightly on myself (I know i'm stupid) and now I kinda have a miniture ear ache.

    I really doubt you'd have time in a real fight, but i'm just wondering if it's possible? What's the physics of it? Also where did it originate? What long term effects it has?

    I'm just curious.

  • #2
    You overpressure the ear drum to cause it to rupture.

    Infection is supposed to be a major risk if not treated.

    It's also supposed to be quite easy to do...have never done it, but the mechanics aren't very difficult when you think about it. It's basically a targeted slap to the ear.


    • #3
      If the option presents itself go for it. Just don't figure it to be the finishing strike though.

      It's not over 'till the person is lying on the ground as harmless as a sack of dirt.


      • #4

        Its a low percentage move.
        A busted ear drum won't stop a fight. Sure a busted up ear drum might lead to an infection. Whats keeping the guy from bashing your head in till then?
        Its not something i would count on. If it happens it happens, just don't try to specialise in it...


        • #5
          A ruptured eardrum is caused by a tear in the membrane that surrounds the inner part of the ear. This can happen by pressure (a cupped slap), foreign objects (pen) lodged into the ear etc. It will be painful, can bleed and may cause dizziness. The opportunity can present itself anytime within a fight i.e. 2 handed grab by the lapel is a given, choking someone from behind and palming/slapping the ear. If you are in a stand up clinch you can strike in transition. Basically if you can reach the ear in a tussle, it's a functional but not end all tool. Infections and hearing loss are long term effects.


          • #6
            Originally posted by johnj View Post
            A ruptured eardrum is caused by a tear in the membrane that surrounds the inner part of the ear. This can happen by pressure (a cupped slap), foreign objects (pen) lodged into the ear etc. It will be painful, can bleed and may cause dizziness. The opportunity can present itself anytime within a fight i.e. 2 handed grab by the lapel is a given, choking someone from behind and palming/slapping the ear. If you are in a stand up clinch you can strike in transition. Basically if you can reach the ear in a tussle, it's a functional but not end all tool. Infections and hearing loss are long term effects.
            Good Post.

            I think there's nothing wrong in adding attacks to the ear as part of your RBSD training. Stunning the individual with pain or dizziness can give you a clear moment to either run away or change the tables from the bad guy operating in offensive to defensive as you go to work on him.


            • #7
              I think a guy could rupture my ear.

              Then I'd fukkin kill him.

              Go for the KO guys, not pussyfooting around with shite like this.


              • #8
                I think a guy could rupture my ear
                Of course it could happen...

                Then I'd fukkin kill him.
                Of course it may NOT happen

                Go for the KO guys, not pussyfooting around with shite like this.
                Tough talk is an example of ignorance. Such methods are used merely as a set up, transitory move, to illicit a response, to tune up from an advantageous position etc. A knockout is a plus.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Thai Bri View Post
                  I think a guy could rupture my ear.

                  Then I'd fukkin kill him.

                  Go for the KO guys, not pussyfooting around with shite like this.
                  Yes. I've knows dudes that busted an eardrum in a fight, and didn't know about it til afterwards. A ruptured eardrum will not put anyone out when the adrenalin is flowing.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by piousmaximus View Post
                    Yes. I've knows dudes that busted an eardrum in a fight, and didn't know about it til afterwards. A ruptured eardrum will not put anyone out when the adrenalin is flowing.
                    Did these people who had there ear drums busted win or lose the fight? Did they go to the doctors and have it verified that there eardrum was actually ruptured? Were you present when the fights went down and the strike to eardrum did nothing?

                    I'm not saying you're wrong. Just after reading your statement acouple of follow up questions came to mind.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Urban Tarzan View Post
                      Did these people who had there ear drums busted win or lose the fight? Did they go to the doctors and have it verified that there eardrum was actually ruptured? Were you present when the fights went down and the strike to eardrum did nothing?

                      I'm not saying you're wrong. Just after reading your statement acouple of follow up questions came to mind.
                      I had an eardrum ruptured BEFORE a fight. Long story...hit the search funtion here to look it up. Shit fucking hurt, but I went on to knock a kid out. yay...good for me. dur.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Urban Tarzan View Post
                        Did these people who had there ear drums busted win or lose the fight? Did they go to the doctors and have it verified that there eardrum was actually ruptured? Were you present when the fights went down and the strike to eardrum did nothing?

                        I'm not saying you're wrong. Just after reading your statement acouple of follow up questions came to mind.
                        Tarzan, I've had two friends who busted an eardrum. In one, I was the cause.
                        We were sparring in my garage, and I nailed him pretty good with an open boxing glove (meaning my hand wasn't clenched in a fist), like the tip of it where the fingers are, right in the ear. It hurt, but he didn't make too much of it at the time, and we actually kept going for some time after that.

                        He went to see his doc a few days later coz it still hurt, had pus draining out of it, and he had this ringing in the ear thing going on that wouldn't go away.

                        My other buddy got his ruptured while fending off some asshole that attacked him over a road rage thing. I don't remember all the details, but he lived to tell the tale, which is all that counts.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by piousmaximus View Post
                          Tarzan, I've had two friends who busted an eardrum. In one, I was the cause.
                          We were sparring in my garage, and I nailed him pretty good with an open boxing glove (meaning my hand wasn't clenched in a fist), like the tip of it where the fingers are, right in the ear. It hurt, but he didn't make too much of it at the time, and we actually kept going for some time after that.

                          He went to see his doc a few days later coz it still hurt, had pus draining out of it, and he had this ringing in the ear thing going on that wouldn't go away.

                          My other buddy got his ruptured while fending off some asshole that attacked him over a road rage thing. I don't remember all the details, but he lived to tell the tale, which is all that counts.
                          I appreciate the response.

                          It seems that via your encounters with ear strikes that it's only a good thing to do to a person if you want the other guy to at least leave with a parting gift that will last him awhile after the encounter is over. Win, lose, or draw.


                          • #14
                            Tarzan, there are those that can actually *think* of stuff to do to the other guy while in a real fight. And then, there's the rest of us.

                            In a real fight, you're probably not gonna be doing much thinking. If you train to fight, you're gonna fight how you trained. I'd stick to more basic stuff to train, homeboy.


                            • #15
                              When I get in a fight I don't think at all, my body completely goes by itself. The moves I use in training I use in a real fight. I doubt i'd use the ear thing unless someone had me in a headlock or something.

