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TMA's not too shabby for SD

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  • TMA's not too shabby for SD

  • #2


    • #3
      im just wondering if the ko blow in this fight was intentional or accidental. cant really tell.


      • #4
        To be honest, it looked like a lucky shot. They were pretty much swinging wildly.

        What does TMA mean anyways? What is traditional? What is modern?


        • #5
          ummm it was a lucky shot i thought .....i nearly pissed myself when i saw buddy go into his kung fu stance ......but like mike said it prob doesnt matter.


          • #6
            LOL! There's gotta be a better way! There's gotta be a way of using kung fu as SD and not look like a total idiot getting into that silly, low ready stance with your pinky finger sticking up inna air like you were about to have high tea! Ninja, please!


            • #7
              Thanks for posting Tom.

              The Kung Fu guy looked hilarious, but hell he won. Whether it was an intentional KO or not is a moot point. The other guy wanted to fight and he defended himself by smacking him in the side of the head and caused a KO. I say he defended himself more than adequately in that situation albeit it a little unusual!!


              • #8
                If the thuggy-looking guy's crew had any balls they would have jumped on the guy the moment he went into a stance... This clip would have made more sense in the 70's (when people were cowered just by going into a kungfu stance). Nowadays, they'll just jump you all at once or pull out a gat.
                The kung fu guy was lucky, but hell, he won.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by osopardo View Post
                  LOL! There's gotta be a better way! There's gotta be a way of using kung fu as SD and not look like a total idiot getting into that silly, low ready stance with your pinky finger sticking up inna air like you were about to have high tea! Ninja, please!
                  there is. its called muay thai and boxing


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Paco View Post
                    If the thuggy-looking guy's crew had any balls they would have jumped on the guy the moment he went into a stance... This clip would have made more sense in the 70's (when people were cowered just by going into a kungfu stance). Nowadays, they'll just jump you all at once or pull out a gat.
                    The kung fu guy was lucky, but hell, he won.
                    In a gentlemans world I would say that if the thuggy-looking guy's crew jumped in then they could all be considered cowards of the highest order. However, in the real world I am surprised this didn't happen

