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Favourite kick

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  • Favourite kick

    OK guys, which kick do you prefer out of the dozens that are out there, when would you use it?, is it powerful? is it fast? or is it both?

    My favourite would have to be the fast round house kick using the shin to a guys legs, I don't wind up for it just swing the leg like a baseball bat turn my hips and bam.

    I admit that I like the look of the crescent kick but find it unpractical because it is too damn slow and easy to block .

    the side kick I also like, and for me it seems slow but it is powerful, I curve it upwards towards the chin.

    so , which kicks do you prefer, how do you use them, which do you find just plain stupid?

  • #2
    damn.. how could I have possibly forgot to mention the front snap kick, one of those hard in the stomach or to the solar plexus will take a big man down fast


    • #3
      Low Thai kick, side kick to the knee, teeps to the legs, and sikaran style scoop kicks to the legs and groin.

      And soccer kicks and stomps.


      • #4
        I like front thrust kick to the torso for defense and as a suprise offensive kick I like roundhouse kick to the ribs.


        • #5
          I'm not much of a spinning kick man, even though it's a strong kick.

          Personally, I prefer a good ole fashion front push kick, probably in the gut, groin, or knees. You do this fast enough, and you'll be surprised how effective that simple kick can will stop most people cold in their tracks.
          I also love the roundhouse. Most people don't see it coming, and it's strong enough, it will drop you.

          Last edited by simplestudent; 01-03-2007, 05:29 PM. Reason: Missed Some Wording


          • #6
            Personally, I love a good ole fashion front push kick to the stomach groin or knees. If you do it fast enough, it will stop a lot of guys cold in their tracks.

            I also love the roundhouse. Most people don't see it coming, so it's a great distracting kick.


            • #7
              Lead leg thai kick.
              Lead leg side kick.
              Push kicks.

              If time and distance allow, spinning back kick.


              • #8
                Thai kicks (any height), front kicks (any height) are the most practical for me.

                I like the impractical (SD situations) though like back kicks and spinning kicks etc. It's all fun!


                • #9
                  Savate coupe de bas. Kick to the balls.


                  • #10
                    My favorite kick is the Axe Kick Andy Hug style to the head.


                    • #11
                      A good knee to the sternum or head from the clinch, so practical and fun! Teep to the knee. Both do great.


                      • #12
                        we're adding knees now? In that case... khao katung, dte khao, and breaking the elephant's tusk. lol.


                        • #13
                          Bas Rutten loves the pop-shove-it, 180 nose grind.


                          • #14
                            oh...I think I just shit myself laughing


                            • #15
                              hell, add knees, fists, elbows... whatever.

                              make it a favourite combination if you so wish

