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Fighting when drunk..

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  • Fighting when drunk..

    Ok, I am still suffering from a hangover when I am writing this..

    but last night I had way too much to drink, as in rum and vodka,

    but apparently i was kicking ass last night, I went into a low stance with one leg in front the other back, my hands up to my face, going for strikes to the face and putting people into headlocks, thank god it was friends, but they were ready to kill me, but apparently I had scott ( a big ass guy taller and heavier than me cowering in the corner), the guys were afraid to sleep in the same room as me cause they thought I was going to kill them so they slept downstairs. all I can say is thank god I was away from the knives, cause when I am drunk I have no inhibitions and I have done knife fighting and I could have hurt somebody...

    but just thought I would share this funny story with you guys

    when I am drunk I get fucking aggresive

    why is it that I fight better when i am drunk???!!

  • #2
    also, thank god I got drunk after aikido class, my teacher would have killed me...


    • #3
      Cut down on the booze if you get aggressive on it. One day someone will put you in a hospital or a morgue.


      • #4
        i do everything better when im high.


        • #5
          Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
          i do everything better when im high.
          Okay there Eddie Bravo....


          • #6
            Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
            i do everything better when im high.
            Hmm, its the complete opposite for me.

            And fighting when youre drunk is so stupid. You have poor balance and judgment. If youre fighting while drunk, its usually over something so stupid, something that you could avoid if you were sober.

            You think you fight better when youre drunk because youre more agressive? What you cant get even more aggressive when youre sober?


            • #7
              Well here are some arguments for better fighting when drunk:

              1) I am much more aggressive than when sobre
              2) My whole body is completely relaxed, which makes for quicker movement, more flexibility....less tense.. can take a punch much easier and give one..etc.
              3) Higher pain tolerance
              4) sometimes quite unpredictable movement which can really unerve the guy you are fighting

              and believe it or not, my balance does not go to hell when I am drunk.

              also, if you consider the origens of drunken kung fu/ drunken boxing, look it up on wikipedia. so there must be some valid concept behind drunken fighting, but of course there are also the cons to fighting drunk, which I am sure many of you would be happy to list.


              • #8
                another point..

                It can be said that the mind goes slower when drunk, well that is pretty damn obvious, so fighting should be much harder,no?

                I actually don't think so

                why do you practice thousands and thousands of the same kicks and same punches? the reason is so it becomes very natural and instinctual,
                sure when you are drunk your mind is not thinking quite as clear but if you have trained your body well it can react without your thinking about it.

                when I was drunk I was instinctual fighting, there was no way in hell I was gonna pull off complicated aikido moves or throws, but basic instinctual moves came into play, my hands were up to my face to protect it, I was low to the ground making for better power and balance, I was mainly throwing straight palms for the face, and making flicks for the eyes( all simple non complicated effective moves) I was ready to grab onto the neck and pull the person close to me, go for a basic headlock..etc.. all of this I did not have to think about, I just let my body take over and my mind be completely out of it on the booze.

                In a fight even when sobre, you do not have the time to think out your moves like it is a chess game, your body either reacts or it doesn't


                • #9
                  yet another point...

                  Considering the high percentage of fights that happen in bars, does it not help to be prepared.

                  humour me for a second when I say this, but is there any school out there that gets you drunk than teaches you how to fight,

                  I mean you are sitting in a bar, pissed out of your mind, next thing you know some guy is in your face ready to kick your ass, would it not help to have had some training for fighting when you are drunk?

                  It is an interesting concept, everybody is used to training when sobre and in a calm state of mind, but than somebody was like, what the ****?!
                  this is not real training , in a real fight you aint gonna be calm your gonna be really pumped up, and all this training that you did in a calm environment is gonna be worth shit, so what did they do? they came up with reality based martial arts , which is one of the closest things you can get to without actually having a real fight. so far those are two states of mind calm , and pumped up mode, what about a drunk mode?

                  when you are drunk, will you be able to use a lot of what you learned in a sobre mind? probably not, so why not learn certain techniques when drunk...
                  that can be applied when drunk

                  anyways, I will be quiet for now and wait for responses


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Jiu-fu fighter View Post
                    I mean you are sitting in a bar, pissed out of your mind, next thing you know some guy is in your face ready to kick your ass, would it not help to have had some training for fighting when you are drunk?

                    I've spent far more time in bars and night clubs than I really want to admit on a martial arts forum and in my experience this only happens to ass-holes. Anyone who disagrees with this statement is probably in denial about their ass-hole qualities. You don't need drunken boxing lessons, what you need is charm school


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Jiu-fu fighter View Post
                      It is an interesting concept, everybody is used to training when sobre and in a calm state of mind, but than somebody was like, what the ****?! this is not real training , in a real fight you aint gonna be calm your gonna be really pumped up, and all this training that you did in a calm environment is gonna be worth shit, so what did they do? they came up with reality based martial arts , which is one of the closest things you can get to without actually having a real fight. so far those are two states of mind calm , and pumped up mode, what about a drunk mode?

                      when you are drunk, will you be able to use a lot of what you learned in a sobre mind? probably not, so why not learn certain techniques when drunk...
                      that can be applied when drunk

                      anyways, I will be quiet for now and wait for responses
                      Sparring isn't exactly a calm environment....depending on the intensity, you've got someone who can take your head off, throwing punches at full speed at your face and body.

                      I'm never 100% calm when I spar and I shouldn't be, neither am I so tensed up that I gas out before the end of the first round. Its something in between.

                      Most of the time, sparring is done at 60-70% of your max intensity. That's enough to make you want to get out of the way when a punch or kick comes your direction, but not enough to KTFO. Speed wise, its 100%.

                      A certain coach I worked with was good at getting some of the mental intensity up too.

                      When he got close, he would try to rough us up in the clinch. And he was good at saying intimidating things - things that either made you shrink or made you double up and dig deeper into those body shots.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Sagacious Lu View Post
                        I've spent far more time in bars and night clubs than I really want to admit on a martial arts forum and in my experience this only happens to ass-holes. Anyone who disagrees with this statement is probably in denial about their ass-hole qualities. You don't need drunken boxing lessons, what you need is charm school
                        Charm is a double edged sword, Lu.

                        While one's intentions may be pure and good, some people take charm as a weakness, as an invitation to get picked on or manipulated.

                        Did you read the "rules" ?
                        Last edited by Tom Yum; 01-19-2007, 01:00 PM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
                          Charm is a double edged sword, Lu.

                          While one's intentions may be pure and good, some people take charm as a weakness, as an invitation to get picked on or manipulated.

                          Nope, if your behavior makes people want to beat your ass than it isn't very charming is it


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Sagacious Lu View Post
                            Nope, if your behavior makes people want to beat your ass than it isn't very charming is it
                            If you read the "rules" , behavior is almost completely irrelevant, isn't it?

                            Its like they've already decided something in their mind before a word is ever exchanged...
                            Last edited by Tom Yum; 01-19-2007, 06:44 PM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Jiu-fu fighter View Post

                              why is it that I fight better when i am drunk???!!

                              You don't.

                              You really don't. Just like you don't sing better and aren't more attractive when drunk although many drunks think so. Don't let the fact that a room full of your friends didn't kick the shit out of you give you the wrong idea.

