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almost an altercation story

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  • almost an altercation story

    Ok I'm out with my dad drinking yesterday we go to one bar and I drink two pitchers of beer and have a cosmopolitian then they cut me off so I go to another bar and drink two more pitchers of beer and some blue martini thing
    then I'm kinda drunk and say something about jail to my dad I don't know why this jerk across the bar says something about me being young and something about jail too I can't remember and his buddie is there too and he's basically just disrespected me. My dad starts getting scared and I want to hit the guy but I'm on probation untill july 3rd due to my dui arrest so if I get any alcohol realted charges I go back to jail for 180 days so I just let it go and came home and went to bed. What a jerk though, the guy had to be in his 40's at least and is still trying a to start a fight in a bar.

  • #2
    ummmmm..... translation anybody?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Blue Wave Gym View Post
      Ok I'm out with my dad drinking yesterday we go to one bar and I drink two pitchers of beer and have a cosmopolitian then they cut me off so I go to another bar and drink two more pitchers of beer and some blue martini thing
      Yeah, the blue martini always does it.

      Originally posted by Blue Wave Gym View Post
      then I'm kinda drunk and say something about jail to my dad I don't know why this jerk across the bar says something about me being young and something about jail too I can't remember and his buddy is there too and he's basically just disrespected me.
      Tell the guy you're having a private conversation and you'd like to be left alone. If he continues to harass you, mention it to the bouncers. Their job is to make sure the customers can drink in a friendly environment.

      Always make an effort to do it the right way.
      Last edited by Tom Yum; 02-05-2007, 03:16 PM.


      • #4
        I'd have to agree with Tom-Yum here. It was just some drunk idiot trying to get u started. This is where the discipline of the Martial Arts comes in. I know I'm not very disciplined when I start drinking either.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Blue Wave Gym View Post
          ...we go to one bar and I drink two pitchers of beer and have a cosmopolitian then they cut me off so I go to another bar and drink two more pitchers of beer and some blue martini thing...I'm on probation untill july 3rd due to my dui arrest so if I get any alcohol realted charges I go back to jail for 180 days...
          OK, kid, you may have a problem dealing with this, but you just might have a nasty little alcohol addiction there. Believe it or not, you can live a very happy life without alcohol. The alternative is to continue to buddy up with ol' John Barleycorn and I guaran-damn-tee you someday you'll wake up and realize too late that you've let him ruin your life. If I remember from past posts, you've also got some health-related issues which won't improve much with your drinking.

          As for your father drinking with you, that's his misguided way of protecting you, - I'm sure he doesn't realize all he's really doing is enabling your addiction and doing you more harm than good - I know, I've been there! I say this with all due respect and a ton of phileo love; get professional help. You're young enough and your circumstances are such that you probably have a very good chance for a good life but that's gonna mean giving up some harmful habits.


          • #6
            Originally posted by ACP View Post
            I'd have to agree with Tom-Yum here. It was just some drunk idiot trying to get u started. This is where the discipline of the Martial Arts comes in. I know I'm not very disciplined when I start drinking either.
            Thanks. I believe attitude goes a long way.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Blue Wave Gym View Post
              Ok I'm out with my dad drinking yesterday we go to one bar and I drink two pitchers of beer and have a cosmopolitian then they cut me off so I go to another bar and drink two more pitchers of beer and some blue martini thing
              then I'm kinda drunk and say something about jail to my dad I don't know why this jerk across the bar says something about me being young and something about jail too I can't remember and his buddie is there too and he's basically just disrespected me. My dad starts getting scared and I want to hit the guy but I'm on probation untill july 3rd due to my dui arrest so if I get any alcohol realted charges I go back to jail for 180 days so I just let it go and came home and went to bed. What a jerk though, the guy had to be in his 40's at least and is still trying a to start a fight in a bar.
              Let me sum this up.

              You went to a bar with your dad, got drunk, some guy didnt approve of your jail comment, and disrespected you but you dont know for sure. You wanted attack him but you didnt do shit. Which is a good thing. the end.


              • #8
                good control, me myself would have beat his ass, but i also am on probation..but until feb 20. if i mess up anytime i dont go to juvie, i go to big boy jail=/ (im 16


                • #9
                  Well, I think you did the right thing by not attacking the guy. Losers like that are not worth your time or breath, let alone a trip to jail. My philosophy is, if he is not immediately endangering either mine or my families safety, then they are not worth getting riled up over. Let the baby have his bottle. You showed you had the bigger stones by just being the bigger man and walking away.

                  As for the alcohol, I highly recommend cutting down. You already said alcohol got you in trouble. In another situation, you judgement may be too clouded to act with such rationality. It's really not worth it, and I'm sure you're a smooth and cool enough guy to not need the stuff anyway. So, I would stop while the getting is good. If you think you need help, there's plenty out there that can give you what you need.


                  A Cool Site For Self Defense Products


                  • #10
                    yeah..and i can say if your going to drink/smoke/do drugs..martial arts is soon to be out of your league, because martial arts and body harm, do NOT mix lol


                    • #11
                      Heres the translation

                      Originally posted by Blue Wave Gym View Post
                      I'm a fookin idiot.


                      • #12
                        well if you get drunk once a month or just drink a bit on friday evening its ok, but if u gona drink every friday like totaly get drunk it isnt good, alcohol makes ur muscle to "fall apart" i mean just like and acid would eat them.. man i hate this when i cant remeber the right word for it... i think u got the idea....


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by dogzilla View Post
                          well if you get drunk once a month or just drink a bit on friday evening its ok, i hate this when i cant remeber the right word for it... i think u got the idea....
                          LOL! yeah, we got the idea...



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Blue Wave Gym View Post
                            My life is a fucking mess. I am or will very soon be an alcoholic. I get DUI's, get thrown out of bars, and drink while working out. Sometimes I almost get into bar fights and don't really remember why.

                            AA. tonight.
                            Last edited by gregimotis; 02-07-2007, 10:49 AM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by gregimotis View Post
                              AA. tonight.
                              American Airlines? Love the frequent flyer points!

