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Best Way to Handle Stalkers

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  • Best Way to Handle Stalkers

    The Assumption is that your town does not have Anti Stalking laws or that your do not have time to call the police.
    I would do nothing-I am not a snitch
    Report Stalkers to the Police
    Start to pack a weapon
    Sell my house and move
    Install a New Security System
    Shoot First and ask questions later
    Try for the famous no touch knockout
    Run like hell
    Send them all to Fu#$@kin Hell
    Call up Grandma

  • #2
    I dont know if i understood you right, but usual "stalkers" are oportunist, when they see a good oportunity they will atack, now if u spot him and probably yell to him "come here pussy" he will run away.... Stalkers are only ppl that are afraid to come face to face and try to rob you or something...just yell at him and be angry best way if you see him aproching faster 2 things: fight him or run something of these 2 your better


    • #3
      Originally posted by dogzilla View Post
      I dont know if i understood you right, but usual "stalkers" are oportunist, when they see a good oportunity they will atack, now if u spot him and probably yell to him "come here pussy" he will run away.... Stalkers are only ppl that are afraid to come face to face and try to rob you or something...just yell at him and be angry best way if you see him aproching faster 2 things: fight him or run something of these 2 your better
      That was the fastest thread reply I have ever seen. If you pull your pistol that fast, I wouldn't want to mess with you. LOL Go back and vote in the poll--you can select more than one answer. LOL


      • #4
        didnt saw the poll


        • #5
          Originally posted by dogzilla View Post
          didnt saw the poll
          The poll doesn't need to be cut in half.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
            The poll doesn't need to be cut in half.

            lol.... he used a katana Tom


            • #7
              night vision goggles


              • #8
                Originally posted by Jiu-fu fighter View Post
                lol. he used a katana Tom
                I KNOW you like the horror movies.


                • #9
                  Define stalking...I once heard that stuff like checking your friend's myspaces and facebooks and shit is considered "stalking". But that's how I found out my ex cheated on what's considered "ok" and not appears to be subjective. I just wanted to figure out what the **** was going on...and it appears that she'd been fucking around on me both while I was with her and during her "let's take a small break because I need time to figure out my sexuality, but you should wait for me and not look around at other girls, and keep hope because I really think you might be the one, and I won't see anyone else either without telling you so you can move on too" bullshit. Turns out she was still telling me to wait and that she loves me, and coming over to see me and kissing me and holding me while she had two other GUYS she had started dating.

                  Long story short...I managed to get one of the guy's numbers from her, and me and him went out to lunch...she'd been lying to him too, so we called her down to lunch and both confronted her.


                  • #10
                    I DON'T consider checking up to see if shit's legit "stalking", but somebody else might...long story short...if she's calling me on the phone everyday, and telling me the shit that she's telling me...don't I have a right to do a "bullshit" check?


                    • #11
                      hey, at least you werent the marine who returned from iraq and was in peak health, only to be poisoned by his wife who cashed in on his life insurance policy and used it to get breast implants, and throw wild orgies and gangbangs right after he died. if that isnt cold, i dont know what is.


                      • #12
                        I'm talking about hardcore physical stalking. Showing up at your job, showing up near your home, following you and starring you down.. Basically searching you out for fear. Stalkers enjoy the reactions they get from their victims. I'm talking about being stalked by a derranged person who may or may not be with his buddies. Some homicide victims were stalked prior to being victimized. What you descirbed is called "Cyber Stalking" Good question


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Hardball View Post
                          I'm talking about hardcore physical stalking. Showing up at your job, showing up near your home, following you and starring you down.. Basically searching you out for fear. Stalkers enjoy the reactions they get from their victims. I'm talking about being stalked by a derranged person who may or may not be with his buddies. Some homicide victims were stalked prior to being victimized. What you descirbed is called "Cyber Stalking" Good question
                's a question; you're girlfriend or wife is going getting alot of phone calls lately, and sometimes you go to pick up the phone, and the person hangs up immediatly. You get suspicious and start looking through her cell-phone's recent calls and THAT stalking?

                          Or, say you've caught her lying about that through looking at the texts...and see that she has a lunch date with some guy that is sending her really familiar messages on her txts... do you confront you hire a P.I., or do you try to go out on your own to see what's up? (there's a show on tv called cheaters where people do this...that seems more stalky than anything I've described)

                          Is is stalking if you have evidence of infidelity and want to verify it? I thought I was being paranoid at first, and it seemed my suspicions were actually right on target.

                          Shit fact...I have to call the health department in a few minutes to see if they have my STD results back...because I was in what I thought was a monogomous relationship, I was having unprotected sex. If this went on longer without me knowing about it...I would've ran a higher chance of catching something. Don't you think I would be entitled to that information?


                          • #14
                            It's just like the whole sex offender thing...the rules are so generalized that pissing in public (even if you think nobody is around) and getting caught can put you on the sex offender's list.

                            If what I did is considered stalking...the term is fucked up. Is there anyone who thinks what I was doing was wrong? Please speak up.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Garland View Post
                    's a question; you're girlfriend or wife is going getting alot of phone calls lately, and sometimes you go to pick up the phone, and the person hangs up immediatly. You get suspicious and start looking through her cell-phone's recent calls and THAT stalking?

                              Or, say you've caught her lying about that through looking at the texts...and see that she has a lunch date with some guy that is sending her really familiar messages on her txts... do you confront you hire a P.I., or do you try to go out on your own to see what's up? (there's a show on tv called cheaters where people do this...that seems more stalky than anything I've described)

                              Is is stalking if you have evidence of infidelity and want to verify it? I thought I was being paranoid at first, and it seemed my suspicions were actually right on target.

                              Shit fact...I have to call the health department in a few minutes to see if they have my STD results back...because I was in what I thought was a monogomous relationship, I was having unprotected sex. If this went on longer without me knowing about it...I would've ran a higher chance of catching something. Don't you think I would be entitled to that information?
                              I'm no Attorney but it doesnt sound like stalking. It sounds more like invasion of privacy but does she know you did all of this? Hiring a PI is a good idea if you have the bucks. They have special survellance cameras and all that james bond, maxwell smart crap. And yes, I've seen cheaters--it's a good show except for those poor heartbroken spouses or significant others. I'm leaving until monday and I can't respond from my home puter. I can read but not respond--so don't think I am ignoring you this weekend. I'll respond more on monday if need be. Peace Out

