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Knife defense myth

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  • Knife defense myth

    I found this a really interesting article.


    by Carl Cestari

    "Instead of talking about alot of bullshit concerning so-called unarmed "knife" defenses, let's reverse roles for a moment.
    Let us assume the "role" of the attacker, instead of the "defender".
    First, let's consider the "choice" of weapon.
    A knife or any edged weapon is an "up close and personal" tool of ferocious and brutal mayhem. You have to close with your mark and physically, violently and with extreme prejudice stab, slash, and hack him to bits. It's not like a gun, which could have an element of detachment. No, a knife is about as personal, brutal and ruthless as it gets.
    So what kind of "mind-set" does this entail? You are going close with your target hard and fast, using deception, surprise or simply a committed and brutal pouncing. You are going to be determined, ruthless, brutal, ferocious, vicious, and most probably filled with hate and rage.
    You are going to seize the target with abject brutality and stab, slash, hack and eviscerate with totally committed rage, ferocity and hate. OVER and OVER and OVER.
    NOTHING is going to stand in your way. NOTHING! You are going to DESTROY whatever DOES attempt to thwart your murderous assault. You will attack repeatedly with ALL the strength, speed, and brutality you are capable of. And THAT will be heightened even MORE by rage and adrenalin.
    You KNOW that you MUST get this over with QUICKLY. Your attack will be a frenzy of hate, rage and murderous INTENT.
    You WON'T "feint" with your blade, you WON'T "spar" with your blade, you WON'T "half-step" with your blade.
    You WILL attack with bruatl and ruthless rage. You WILL punch, kick, bite, gouge, butt, and do ANY and EVERYTHING that will accomplish you GOAL in as ferocious a manner as INhumanly possible.
    Unless YOU are killed outright, NO injury will dissuade you from KILLING your mark. In FACT, anything LESS than your death, will ONLY add MORE FUEL to YOUR FIRE. NOTHING, short of your immediate demise CAN stop you. Rage, hate, murderous intent and adrenalin are fueling you to an almost superhuman state of FRENZY and FEROCITY!
    Even when your man goes down, and DOWN you are determined to put him, YOU still continue the assault. You stab and stab and stab. You kick and stomp OVER and OVER and OVER again.
    You DON'T even begin to "disengage" until your "blood" lust has been quenched, and your mark taken off the count.
    THAT is what REALLY happens when one human being uses a knife on another.
    Face that FACT squarely. Too many are "playing" knife gymnastics without EVER even realizing what the street has in store for them. It ain't going to be pretty!
    Are you REALLY preparing to DEAL with THAT?
    Or are you kidding yourself and others?
    REALITY sucks, as they say. But it is what it is!"


  • #2
    I really like Carl's writings. He always seems to hit the nail on the head. In order to fully understand the attacker, and their mentality, you MUST play that role in every way, shape and form.


    • #3
      Me too,

      Many of the old Combatives guys really knew how it worked, if only we could one day be half as skilled, experienced, knowledgeable, as these men we would be pretty good.

      They learned all this the tough way , out on the streets.
      They tested everything they learned out on the streets and found out if it was worth keeping

      Everything these men write we should grab with both hands and no let go, I will definetly not let their teachings go to waste.

      with respect

      Jiu fu


      • #4
        Really? Which men are those?


        • #5
          I don't know who he had in mind, but I would definitely say Cestari, Geoff Thompson, Vunak, and Bruce Lee. There are others, these are the first I can think of.


          • #6
            Exactly,.. those men were revolutionaries


            • #7
              wow.. i think carl needs to squeeze a stress ball, or maybe go on a killing spree. release some of that anger.

