I first saw this video on CNN last week. It shows an off-duty cop beating the crap out of a female bartender.
While showing the video, CNN flashed a poll they had taken asking whether the respondent would get involved or not. The poll had come back 93% yes, 8% no.
Yet here in the video, one person at the bar walks around doing (?), the other steps back and maybe calls 911 or something on his cell: Both doing nothing to actually help while the attacker hauls off pounding the woman on the floor. Eventually two people come out from the back but even they don't do much - Looks like the attacker leaves of his own accord.
So 90% of people say they would help, 50% actually do, and of those the 'help' is the minimum possible.
While showing the video, CNN flashed a poll they had taken asking whether the respondent would get involved or not. The poll had come back 93% yes, 8% no.
Yet here in the video, one person at the bar walks around doing (?), the other steps back and maybe calls 911 or something on his cell: Both doing nothing to actually help while the attacker hauls off pounding the woman on the floor. Eventually two people come out from the back but even they don't do much - Looks like the attacker leaves of his own accord.
So 90% of people say they would help, 50% actually do, and of those the 'help' is the minimum possible.