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Gunman Kills 21 on Virginia Tech campus

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  • Gunman Kills 21 on Virginia Tech campus

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  • #2
    It's a sad day for the survivors of 32 dead victims and the wounded, injured.

    My heart goes out to the friends and families...

    How long before the gun control guros jump on this? Oh wait, they already are...


    • #3
      .........."spokesman Richard Kolko in Washington said there was no evidence to suggest it was a terrorist attack, "
      Am I wrong or was the shooter not a terrorist because he may be a citizen of the U.S..


      • #4
        time to start investing in urban body armor kits.

        We sell night vision products, thermal imaging, infrared devices, vinyl products for anything and everything you can think of, drone products and accessories, and more.

        the urban assault vest is stab resistant too.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Tant01 View Post
          It's a sad day for the survivors of 32 dead victims and the wounded, injured.

          My heart goes out to the friends and families...
          **** heart goes out to ALL of the families. God, could you imagine being the brother or dad or mother or whatever to the gunman...holy shit. Those guys have it the worst. Sorry. Had to be said.


          • #6
            From the Virginia Tech Website:

            Norris Hall gunman identified; ballistics match at both crime scenes

            Posted 9:15 a.m., April 17, 2007

            The Virginia Tech Police Department has confirmed the identification of the gunman responsible for the multiple fatalities at Norris Hall on the Virginia Tech campus Monday, April 16, 2007.

            The individual has been identified as Cho Seung-Hui, 23. Cho was enrolled as an undergraduate student in his senior year as an English major at Virginia Tech. Cho, a South Korean native, was in the U.S. as a resident alien with a residence established in Centerville, Va. Cho was living on campus in Harper Residence Hall.

            A 9-milimeter handgun and 22-caliber handgun were recovered from Norris Hall. Ballistic tests on the evidence seized from the Norris Hall and the West Ambler Johnston Residence Hall scenes were conducted at the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) lab in Maryland. Lab results confirmed that one of the two weapons seized in Norris Hall was used in both shootings.

            “At this time, the evidence does not conclusively identify Cho Seung-Hui as the gunman at both locations, ” said Col. W. Steven Flaherty, Superintendent of the Virginia State Police. “With this newfound ballistics evidence, we are now able to proceed to the next level of this complex investigation.”

            State, local, and federal investigators spent the night collecting, processing, and analyzing evidence from within Norris Hall. The deceased were recovered from at least four classrooms on the second floor and a stairwell of Norris Hall. The gunman, who took his life, was discovered by police in a classroom among the victims.

            All of the deceased have been transported to the Medical Examiner’s Office in Roanoke for examination and identification.

            The names of the 32 deceased students and faculty will be released once all victims are positively identified and next-of-kin notified.

            The Virginia Tech Police Department, Blacksburg Police Department, Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office, Virginia State Police, FBI, ATF, and multiple other state and local agencies are all involved in the ongoing investigations at both Norris Hall and West Ambler Johnston Hall.


            • #7
              Really selfish or really unstable or both.

              9mm and 22-caliber rounds aren't known for stopping power unless the shooter has really good aim and can hit vital targets or if he got really close and just had alot of pre-loaded magazines.

              Where did this guy get his training?
              Last edited by Tom Yum; 04-17-2007, 06:01 PM.


              • #8
                This sign sums it up... though I did hear one teacher died protecting his students instead of hiding under the desks with the women. At least there was one hero. Too bad he didn't have the training to be more successful.
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  Originally posted by treelizard View Post
                  This sign sums it up... though I did hear one teacher died protecting his students instead of hiding under the desks with the women. At least there was one hero. Too bad he didn't have the training to be more successful.
                  not much you can do when someone is emptying clips into your body while you are still holding on to your school books.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
                    not much you can do when someone is emptying clips into your body while you are still holding on to your school books.
                    That sounds very defeatist.

                    Nothing like this ever happens in a vaccuum.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
                      not much you can do when someone is emptying clips into your body while you are still holding on to your school books.
                      "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Tant01 View Post
                        "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)
                        go tell that to all those students and teachers.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by treelizard View Post
                          That sounds very defeatist.

                          Nothing like this ever happens in a vaccuum.
                          sometimes you have to face reality.

                          unarmed students vs gunman with multiple firearms and tons of ammo.....who do you think is going to win? especially when most of the students were taken by surprise.

                          its not being defeatist, its just reality. you guys seem to imply you could have done better in that situation or that the students are to blame for not being able to stop the gunman who btw took his own life. he wasnt even stopped by police or security, he ended the rampage when he chose to.


                          • #14
                            All I'm saying is that the teachers had a choice. Some acted heroically trying to save students while others hid under the desks. Sounds like you know what choice you'd have made.

                            Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
                            sometimes you have to face reality.

                            unarmed students vs gunman with multiple firearms and tons of ammo.....who do you think is going to win? especially when most of the students were taken by surprise.

                            its not being defeatist, its just reality. you guys seem to imply you could have done better in that situation or that the students are to blame for not being able to stop the gunman who btw took his own life. he wasnt even stopped by police or security, he ended the rampage when he chose to.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by treelizard View Post
                              All I'm saying is that the teachers had a choice. Some acted heroically trying to save students while others hid under the desks. Sounds like you know what choice you'd have made.
                              were you actually there? did you actually see any of this for yourself?? i bet its real easy to sit behind your computer and judge people you dont even know while implying that you could have done better just because you have developed a superiority complex from taking a few martial arts lessons ....

