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Always retain humility

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  • Always retain humility

    ok, I had an idea for this thread, a couple days ago, so I will start it, i dont know how I am going to put it together , but I will just go with it

    Picture yourself in your first class of boxing, usually the teacher will want you to get good at shadow boxing to get the technique down pat, so lets say for a couple months you practice this, until you feel you are a very good boxer, you feel immense pride

    than the teacher puts you on the bag, you have never hit a bag before , just air, and your punches dont even move the bag but they move you, and your foundation breaks down, but you stick with it, soon you are hitting that bag with everything you have, and you feel immense pride

    than the teacher gets you to spar with a fellow classmate, you are taken back by the fact that your target now moves, your punches are used to hitting a stationary target that doesnt fight back, and you are getting nailed by punches, but you keep up with it, and soon you are doing very well, you feel immense pride

    than you go into your first tournament, you are not used to the aggressiveness and you get your butt handed to you, but you keep the training, and soon you are a golden gloves champion, you feel immense pride

    One day you decide to join the ufc, afterall you are a great fighter, after being taken down by an amateur wrestler, you realise you have no ground game, you put work into other styles, and you grow stronger, your pride knows no boundaries,

    one day you are walking down the street, and get jumped by a gang of hoodlums, you are not used to an unexpected attack, you are used to a sanctioned fight, with warm up, gloves, one on one , you are taken by total surprise, and you regain conciousness in your blood, and you find your wallet gone.

    This day you realise, pride is nothing, no matter how good you think you are, you can always get better, and a true martial artist will never stop learning

    Give up pride, and go your way in peace

  • #2
    lol nice post


    • #3
      humility/pride have nothing to do with getting attacked unexpectedly. people of all walks of life get attacked everyday. arrogant people, shy people, sad people, gay people, fat people, tall people, it doesnt matter. anyone can get attacked unexpectedly. thats why its unexpected.

      heres a mentally disabled guy getting killed by a bat from behind by some wack ass gang member for no reason.

      bad things can happen to anyone. our best defenses are awareness, weapons, and friends.


      • #4
        Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
        humility/pride have nothing to do with getting attacked unexpectedly. people of all walks of life get attacked everyday. arrogant people, shy people, sad people, gay people, fat people, tall people, it doesnt matter. anyone can get attacked unexpectedly. thats why its unexpected.

        heres a mentally disabled guy getting killed by a bat from behind by some wack ass gang member for no reason.

        bad things can happen to anyone. our best defenses are awareness, weapons, and friends.
        Amen to that.


        • #5
          Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
          heres a mentally disabled guy getting killed by a bat from behind
          did you find that doing a google search? Jesus H. Christ...
          this is kinda what scares me about the internet...everything you can think of is on's only so long before some voyueristic fucks figure out they have a market with this sort of shit and go out doing it.

          Icky icky ick ick.


          • #6
            great post jiu-ju, i like that.

