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Mental aspect of Self Defense and training

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  • Mental aspect of Self Defense and training

    general questions?

    How much emphasis do you place on the mental aspects of self defense in your method.

    What do you consider realistic training methods?

    What do you consider your methods answer to mind, body and spirit?

    Rudy Franco
    Last edited by Rudy Franco; 06-12-2007, 12:13 AM. Reason: misspelling

  • #2
    I have always believed the mind to be much stronger than our physical body

    You can be at the point of exhaustion physically, but if you keep your mind focused and calm, you will pull through
    as soon as you let your mind tell you that you wont make it, you are already going down,

    I dont know if this is a good example, but if you are standing outside on a really cold day, without a jacket, your body will feel cold, but if you calm the mind, and dont let it acknowledge the cold, you can stay outside for quite the period of time, in almost a half meditative state, but as soon, as you let your mind go into a cold hysteria, you will start to breakdown, and your mind will acknowledge that indeed your body is cold.

    If you are injured on the battlefield, you can either let your mind hysteria, and paralyze your body, or you can keep it focused, and pull through, even seriously injured,

    the strong mind will pull the worn down body through anything,
    however, the strong body will not pull the worn down mind through as much

    well that was my little rant

    Hope it made sense, I am seriously not good at saying my ideas,



    • #3
      Another quick example,

      there are two types of mindsets

      The victim mindset, and the action mindset

      These two people can have the exact same bodies physically, but what makes the difference between these two is in the mind

      when one is taken advantage of, ones mind will breakdown ,and they will be unable to take action

      when the other is taken advantage of, this persons mind will keep them strong, and instead of doing nothing like the victim, they will do whatever it takes to pull through

      It is all in the mind, and partly in the body


      • #4
        Mindset is everything.

        Never give up:

        When you are exhausted and about to puke keep going never quite. I use lots of PIDs (puke inducing drills).

        When you get the wind knocked out of you from a hard thrust kick or hook to the ribs or a sims round hits you on the cheek under your face mask and your eye begins to swell keep on fighting. You don’t get to many chances in training to make the choices between quitting, lying down and dieing or staying in the fight so you should take advantage of each and every opportunity to train it.

        Every time you hit the pads or shoot your gun do so with 100% emotional commitment to ill-intent and maximal damage. Aggressiveness will often make up for lack of a imperfectly executed technique.

        To me the combat mindset is the guy who has his hand on his gun (still holstered in its normal concealed carry position) saying to himself if that motherfucker takes one step closer “I am going to draw and shoot him to the ground” that’s the guy who will be the winner of the fight.

        It's all about the WILLINGNESS!


        • #5
          Originally posted by darrianation View Post

          Mindset is everything.

          Never give up:

          When you are exhausted and about to puke keep going never quite. I use lots of PIDs (puke inducing drills).
          Funny, we call that stuff "punishment classes".

          when we used to at the local "Y" and the months neebies were a little soft, my instructor would gather the core group and call a "punishment class" to those that knew you would stick it out to the point of puking. My instructor would yell alright which one of you fuckers is gonna puke for me. I would slowly raise my hand in jest and work my self up to the deed wipe my mouth and keep it going. To the horror of the guppies, those were great classes.
          Mind over matter, I don't mind so it doesn't matter.

          We train to work through pain,puke,blood, snot, sweat, saliva, even though the random puss monster, not because we like it, but because it could happen in the street. The mind is your greatest weapon and those that do not train it, will be defenseless.

          Rudy Franco


          • #6
            That is not only great for developing fitness but it also develops the mental aspects because what many folks don’t realize is that the body is far more capable as long as the will is there to push it.

            We use to dedicate one class a week to just conditioning through these types of exercises. Lots of fun.

