back in the day when my mom tricked my into living in the middle east for a whole year, i was in fifth grade and i had to take the bus to school over there everyday. i went to an international school along with children from tons of different countries whos parents were in iran on business and whatnot. anyway, taking the bus to school and back took forever for some people because the driver had a specific route that he took everyday and picked up and dropped off everyone order, so some fools were on the bus for hours so we had to find ways to entertain ourselves. this manifested itself in two activities : throwing shit out the window at people, and fists fights. the people on our bus got pretty crazy with throwing stuff at people. it started off with rubber bands at first. some kid brought a fat bag of rubber bands with him on the bus and people started just shooting them at pedestrians who got close enough to the bus windows. but surely it progressed and got worse. people started brining pomegranates, water balloons, squirt guns, firecrackers, slingshots, anything they could think of to harass people on the street. one kid went as far as brining a car antenna with him so he could extend it out the window and wack people with it. if he saw someone up ahead walking by he would extend the antenna and give him a little wack on the back of the head or poke him in the butt as the rest of kids would laugh. another time we had an old man start banging on the side of our bus cause someone bounced a rubberband off his cap lol.....the driver just put his foot on the pedal and got the hell away from the dude. the kids used to love bringing pomegranates. after they would finish sucking the juice from them, they would toss them at the feet of pedestrians so the pomegranate would burst and stain their clothes. man, that was some crazy times....i even remember this one kid trying to slang me some condoms on the bus cause i guess condoms arent that easy to get in an islamic republic was a 5th grader doing slangin condoms on the school bus???? i tell ya, living in the middle east was pretty interesting to say the least, even though i was totally tricked into it, and forever traumatized as a result.
fist fights were common at school. almost daily in fact. thats just how people handle things in iran. its not uncommon to see two guys get in a fist fight over a taxi or something small likethat. butthey dont pull knives or guns, just old fashion fist fight. you win some you lose some, but everyone lives and gets to go home at the end. we used to have fist fights on the bus as the driver rode on and didnt even pay any attention to us.
fist fights were common at school. almost daily in fact. thats just how people handle things in iran. its not uncommon to see two guys get in a fist fight over a taxi or something small likethat. butthey dont pull knives or guns, just old fashion fist fight. you win some you lose some, but everyone lives and gets to go home at the end. we used to have fist fights on the bus as the driver rode on and didnt even pay any attention to us.