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"pissed" off

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  • "pissed" off

    ...Well boys, I learned a valuable lesson in situational awareness tonight...and also a VERY informative little epiphany about my local law enforcement.

    Me and my buddy were walking down his street to the corner convenience store to buy a 12 pack...and we see this car (I know the color, the make, and a VERY distinguishing decal on the rear window...but missed the license plate #) pull to a halt maybe a few houses in front of us.

    As we walk by, I get a better look at the car...four younger guys, either late in highschool or early in college (this happened down the street from my would certainly be nice to find it in the parkinglot) ...a real scroungey looking bunch of longhaired hippie-esue assholes...ask us for a cigarette.
    I tell them that I'm out, and the guy in the passenger seat asks for directions to the local grocery buddy and I tell them, and like A COMPLETE AND TOTAL MORON, I lean in when they ask where...

    "PISS MOTHERFUCKER" The cup hits me as they're driving off as quick as they can. By some stike of luck, my buddy managed to nail the driver in the face by flicking his smoke at him the second the cup was in the air, and they swerved shortly after...probably trying to put it out.

    Me and my buddy run back to the house to grab the keys and jump in his car, trying to call the cops at the same time we look for these asshole's car. He goes so far as to tell me to be smart about blades and no weapons of any sort...he's keeping his cool...and I'm fuming because I smell like piss and I want to curb stomp at least one of these little bitches.

    We drive around, hit the grocer, look down side streets, parkinglots, everything to no avail. As we drive back past his house...we see a cop car driving around with its search light on. We pull up behind him, being really friend is trying to wave him down out the window and flicking his lights at him...and the cop keeps driving. This goes on for about four blocks until finally he flips a bitch and drives into a parkinglot with us.

    We get out, tell him what happened. And he asks me what I'd like to do about it. I tell him I want to file a police report for assault and battery, and he says I could, but it wouldn't go anywhere...and he's on another case...there's been a burglary in the neighborhood.

    We drive around a bit more, and after about fifteen minutes we pull into the gas station, giving up and deciding to just buy beer and go home, just carry out our evening as we'd originally planned.

    Outside of the gas station is the same cop we talked to drinking a cup of coffee with two other cops...a fourth is on his way. They're meeting up and shooting the shit, talking about fucking livestock and bullshit. They AREN'T looking for the burgalar, and they sure as shit aren't looking for the cocksuckers that threw piss on me. They're just munching down on donuts and drinking coffee like a bad stereotype.'s back to carrying rocks for me...and I know now that the police will never come to my aide...Shock and awe?...not really. Just angry I didn't find the assholes...and happy to know that if I had...the cops wouldn't have come to scrape their broken bodies off of the sidewalk, because they'd be too fucking busy eating donuts and talking about livestock.

  • #2
    note: we were smart enough to leave all the weapons at home before we tried to find these pricks. We were both lucid enough after having piss thrown on us not to grab the loaded assault weapon or handguns, nor the knives, bottles, etc. and I even relenquished the brick I picked up after the initial incident, dropping it back to the ground before we left.

    It's not worth going to prison for...where people get "gassed" like I was on a daily basis.


    • #3
      Whenever cars stop near you, always check & run the license plate a few times through your head. Remember a good description of the car to the best of your ability.

      The police don't take pranks or light vandalism too seriously it seems. Best thing to do now is to let it go and watchout for cars that slow down near you when you're a pedestrian and keep a good distance from them.
      Last edited by Tom Yum; 09-15-2007, 07:35 AM.


      • #4
        do you feel like that one chick who was in that r kelly video?


        • #5
          ...not really. I feel more like a hated correctional officer.

          But thanks for the thought, douche.


          • #6
            People never learn from other people's mistakes.

            So what if you had caught up with them. Let's say you and your bud are beating two of them and the other two decide the ass whippin you are giving their buds is too much. So say one pulls out a gun or a knife and shoots or stabs you or your friend. Where does that leave either one of you?

            Also lets say you kick their asses in a parking lot and someone sees you and calls the cops. If they show up to find you too beating the guys asses they aren't going to give a rats ass that somebody threw piss on you.

            Yeah it sucks dude and I'd be mad as hell too but you yourself even admitted you did a stupid thing by leaning in the car. Instead of going all Charles Bronson chalk it up to experience and keep it as a reminder that instead of warm piss that hit you in the face it could have been hot lead.

            Would it really have been worth it to at best go to jail, or at worst die for a cup of piss? I mean honestly is that what you think your life is worth a cup of warm piss? If somebody is willing to throw piss on a complete stranger what else do you think they are willing to do?

            Not trying to be a smart ass bro just trying to give you a diffrent view on this.
            I would be mad as hell too bro but use it as a learning experience for yourself and don't make the same mistake twice. These people obviously do this often and what goes around comes around. But I'd imagine they would have something not very nice for a person that chased them and caught up.


            • #7
              Delete Delete


              • #8
                Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
                But I'd imagine they would have something not very nice for a person that chased them and caught up.
                I got a good look at the faggots...they drove off all quick when we tried to chase them down, my buddy even managed to nail one in the face when he flicked his smoke at them.
                They were idiot highschool kids, or freshmen in college... they didn't have a gun on them...
                and yes, I would be willing to bet my life on it.
                If we had caught up with those four...we'd be going to jail...they'd be going to the hospital.


                • #9
                  Juke box hero got starts in his eyes.

                  Originally posted by Garland View Post
                  I got a good look at the faggots...they drove off all quick when we tried to chase them down, my buddy even managed to nail one in the face when he flicked his smoke at them.
                  They were idiot highschool kids, or freshmen in college... they didn't have a gun on them...
                  and yes, I would be willing to bet my life on it.
                  If we had caught up with those four...we'd be going to jail...they'd be going to the hospital.
                  Spoken like a true hotheaded jackass.

                  You know 7 even 4 years ago I would have jumped in the car with you and even handed you a cup of piss to pour on those jerks after we kicked their asses.

                  ........but there is a lot to be said for age and experience. Speaking from that point I present you the first line of this post.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
                    ........but there is a lot to be said for age and experience. Speaking from that point I present you the first line of this post.
           what, you lose your nerve?
                    Really...what is it? Do any time?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Garland View Post
                      note: we were smart enough to leave all the weapons at home....
                      lol.....all these crazy kids on prozac, armed to teeth......god help us...


                      • #12



                        • #13
                          Pranks & people like this suck, but its worth letting go.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by PlasmaShock
                            Carry a paintball gun or airsoft gun in your car. The cops can't do anything about them because they are perfectly legal, they are not considered weapons, and you can mark the asshole's car with them so its easier to find. Not to mention maybe damaging one of their eyes.
                            ...yeah...had one of those handy too.
                            Unfortunately, we were on foot when it happened, and a good block away from the car. By the time we jumped into the car, they'd vanished.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Garland View Post
                              ...yeah...had one of those handy too.
                              Unfortunately, we were on foot when it happened, and a good block away from the car. By the time we jumped into the car, they'd vanished.
                              Years ago, someone once threw a milkshake at me while I was walking down the side of the road. They were a little off target, but a good deal of it splattered down my shoulder and onto my shirt.

                              I felt the same way you did, but they just sped off really quick. So I went home, changed my shirt and carried on with my day.

