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Crazy man stabs ex-wife on street (Warning: Graphic!)

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  • #16
    Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
    interestingly enough, that movie shows a mountain of guns and weaponry siezed by police from criminals, illustrating that criminals will be able to get their hands on anything they want. so why deny the law abiding citizen a weapon to protect himself with??
    Sure that was the point of the old bumpersticker

    "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns."

    As a child, I didn't understand what it was saying. I figured "Well, yeah, that's kind of axiomatic, isn't it?"

    But these days I get it.

    I don't believe in authority. I tend to think if ANY person is allowed to own guns, then EVERY person should be allowed to own guns.


    • #17
      The video is disturbing at so many levels.Yes the act of violence was vile but what concerned me was the response to stop it.Yes the guy had a blade and most of you know the damage that can be done by it but those kicks.....I actually think one of those kicks to the back actually help him with the strike to the throat.
      The response,or lack of,to help the victim and even thou some of the methods used to stop the attack were poor,at least they were trying!What about the people just taking the footage?......Yeah the footage was later used but could YOU just stand there and watch this happen.
      So I asked myself the questions(and I think you guys would have to)'What would I have done? and 'How if I wasnt trained'.No weapon?Alright,take off my jacket and wrap it over the face of the assailant,this blinds him and also allows me to drag him off the victim.Secure blade by standing on arm or breaking arm if needed.Keep jacket over face and might even start to use it to choke the assailant unconscious.
      The victum obviously needed first aid,place victim to the ground and put pressure to the wounds as best as possible,raise legs to help counter the loss of blood.
      Having First Aid knowledge Is one of the things I think all you guys and gals should get,I have it due to Doorman/Security work I sometimes do.Yes it would be great to save yourself or someone else with your 'Martial art Knowledge' but imagine how grateful someone would be if you saved them with your First Aid knowledge.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Mike Brewer
        Again, tell it to the lady who was nearly stabbed to death by the pocketknife.

        I really think that if shooting the bastard wasn't an option, I'd have had to go with something heavy and unexpected right at the crease between the base of the guy's head and his neck. Hit him extraordinarily hard and from behind, where you'd be in less danger from his weapon. Assuming the incredibly unlikely idea that there was nothing - no bricks, rocks, sticks, etc - to bash the guy with, a hard elbow works well, too.
        I was thinking the same thing like a tire iron if I am in my car or an object found near by like a metal garbage can lid. If I had to go to HTH I'd hit him as hard as I could at the base of the you said.


        • #19
          just 1 pocket knife in the hands of one of those bystanders would have been enough. all they would have to do is stick it in the guys throat and it would have been over.


          • #20
            A weapon is worthless without the will to use it. If one of those bystanders had the real will to intervene, they would have done so by whatever means they could.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Michael Wright View Post
              A weapon is worthless without the will to use it. If one of those bystanders had the real will to intervene, they would have done so by whatever means they could.
              To many sheep and to many wolves in the world...not enough true warriors.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                Tell that to the chick he was stabbing.
                Yeah, of course from her stand point no. But I think you might agree - or maybe you won't - that your typical American (USA) male if he would respond would have responded with much higher levels of force or violence. And I'm not just talking about city folks either. Your rural and small town folks would be the same way as the city folks of America. Not to mention some of your "farm boys" are pretty big fellas.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by bodhisattva View Post
                  As a child, I didn't understand what it was saying. I figured "Well, yeah, that's kind of axiomatic, isn't it?"
                  You used words like axiomatic when you were a child? Hell, that deserves a thread of its own. lol


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Knuckles&Knees View Post
                    Yeah, of course from her stand point no. But I think you might agree - or maybe you won't - that your typical American (USA) male if he would respond would have responded with much higher levels of force or violence. And I'm not just talking about city folks either. Your rural and small town folks would be the same way as the city folks of America. Not to mention some of your "farm boys" are pretty big fellas.
                    im not sure. that was a gruesome scene. not all people would be able to spring into action immediately. some people may run away, not wanting to end up getting butchered as well. some people might shit their pants from the sight. and some may have killed the guy right there. cant really predict how people are going to react in that scenario. plus, it will also depend were you live. in the hood were people see violence all the time, you might find some hard fools who would have no problem killing someone like that. but theres also the flipside to that. i live in the bay area, "Scrillacon Valley", and i tell you, just about everyone here is only concerned with looking good/sexy and looking like they have money. they do not spend their freetime, training and preparing to deal with violent encounters and trying to make themselves stronger people. the majority of people here seem to be weak inside, i would not count on any of them to step in and try to save me if some guy was trying to stab me on the sidewalk.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by HERQ454 View Post
                      The video is disturbing at so many levels.Yes the act of violence was vile but what concerned me was the response to stop it.Yes the guy had a blade and most of you know the damage that can be done by it but those kicks.....I actually think one of those kicks to the back actually help him with the strike to the throat.

                      The response,or lack of,to help the victim and even thou some of the methods used to stop the attack were poor,at least they were trying!What about the people just taking the footage?......Yeah the footage was later used but could YOU just stand there and watch this happen.

                      So I asked myself the questions(and I think you guys would have to)'What would I have done? and 'How if I wasnt trained'.No weapon?Alright,take off my jacket and wrap it over the face of the assailant,this blinds him and also allows me to drag him off the victim.Secure blade by standing on arm or breaking arm if needed.Keep jacket over face and might even start to use it to choke the assailant unconscious.
                      Good question. I'm not sure. Generally my cultural upbring tells me not to get involved in things that are none of my business. And honestly, generally I follow that rule. But that stabbing was f*ckin brutal by any standard - certainly by an American (USA) standard. It was hard for me to watch.

                      The guy however was not intimidating in build - not to me at least, and if I may borrow a British expression not to any of my "mates." (I'm confident in predicting that)

                      If I was by myself I might not have done anything is my "heart" gave out on me. But if I did I can almost certainly promise you my attack would have been launched with what in the Marine Corps they call "extreme prejudice." Once the game is on it is on.

                      If I was with one or more friends then, that came up from the "hood," then I pretty much can predict once I so much as throw a punch or kick (no words needed - and whether I'm right or wrong) my "partners" would have launched in on him like lions attacking a raw piece of meat. But to understand this you have to understand the culture of "violations" that formed a fundamental part of Midwestern poor and or middle-class working neighborhoods. "Violations" as punishment culture originate amongst the gang culture (and rules) but this punishment culture became more or less assimilated into the regular "neutron" society shared by the gang bangers. In other words we might say "regular folks" adopted some of the modes or methodology of thinking as the gang culture (in some ways blurring the cultural lines between both).

                      As one of my good friends use to say to me, "I won't die for you but I'll die with you."

                      I come from and live in by the way, a middle-class area, predominately middle-class (mixed with some poor) and predominately Black-American. Culturally, however, middle-class former factory waged areas, such as in my town, could not be further culturally apart from Black-American middle-class neighborhoods in Hampton and Norfolk, Virgina. Those are quiet, respectful neighborhood cultures. Mine is more akin to Brooklyn and frequently has rapes, attempted murders, armed robberies, assaults, and less frequently homicides. It is a noisy area built upon a code of shared violence and respect for "silence."

                      I only bring all this up because "mind set" plays a large part in things. Just like the U.S. military does a good job of instilling a certain mind set in people which enables them to *move through* fear and engage the "enemy."

                      American culture in general - be it city or rural - is a pretty "tough" culture. Kind of like the Irish, Scottish, or Cuban culture being pretty "tough" cultures. I don't know much about contemporary Dutch culture so I really can't say. But from that video they did not strike me as a "Cleveland" or a "Philadelphia." But, hey! Maybe I'm wrong. [shrug]


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by darrianation View Post
                        Too many sheep and too many wolves in the world...not enough true warriors.
                        I'm afraid so


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Knuckles&Knees View Post
                          Good question. I'm not sure. Generally my cultural upbring tells me not to get involved in things that are none of my business. And honestly, generally I follow that rule. But that stabbing was f*ckin brutal by any standard - certainly by an American (USA) standard. It was hard for me to watch.

                          The guy however was not intimidating in build - not to me at least, and if I may borrow a British expression not to any of my "mates." (I'm confident in predicting that)

                          If I was by myself I might not have done anything is my "heart" gave out on me. But if I did I can almost certainly promise you my attack would have been launched with what in the Marine Corps they call "extreme prejudice." Once the game is on it is on.

                          If I was with one or more friends then, that came up from the "hood," then I pretty much can predict once I so much as throw a punch or kick (no words needed - and whether I'm right or wrong) my "partners" would have launched in on him like lions attacking a raw piece of meat. But to understand this you have to understand the culture of "violations" that formed a fundamental part of Midwestern poor and or middle-class working neighborhoods. "Violations" as punishment culture originate amongst the gang culture (and rules) but this punishment culture became more or less assimilated into the regular "neutron" society shared by the gang bangers. In other words we might say "regular folks" adopted some of the modes or methodology of thinking as the gang culture (in some ways blurring the cultural lines between both).

                          As one of my good friends use to say to me, "I won't die for you but I'll die with you."

                          I come from and live in by the way, a middle-class area, predominately middle-class (mixed with some poor) and predominately Black-American. Culturally, however, middle-class former factory waged areas, such as in my town, could not be further culturally apart from Black-American middle-class neighborhoods in Hampton and Norfolk, Virgina. Those are quiet, respectful neighborhood cultures. Mine is more akin to Brooklyn and frequently has rapes, attempted murders, armed robberies, assaults, and less frequently homicides. It is a noisy area built upon a code of shared violence and respect for "silence."

                          I only bring all this up because "mind set" plays a large part in things. Just like the U.S. military does a good job of instilling a certain mind set in people which enables them to *move through* fear and engage the "enemy."

                          American culture in general - be it city or rural - is a pretty "tough" culture. Kind of like the Irish, Scottish, or Cuban culture being pretty "tough" cultures. I don't know much about contemporary Dutch culture so I really can't say. But from that video they did not strike me as a "Cleveland" or a "Philadelphia." But, hey! Maybe I'm wrong. [shrug]
                          sorry but again i have to disagree. some places may be tough, but i see way too many limp wristed, office space type software engineer people, and way too many guys walking around in tight pants and makeup, looking like they are too frail and too busy looking to toss some salad to be of any help in any kind of emergency situation. american culture is making people weaker and weaker it seems in a lot of parts...


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Michael Wright View Post
                            A weapon is worthless without the will to use it. If one of those bystanders had the real will to intervene, they would have done so by whatever means they could.
                            Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
                            im not sure. that was a gruesome scene. not all people would be able to spring into action immediately. some people may run away, not wanting to end up getting butchered as well. some people might shit their pants from the sight. and some may have killed the guy right there. cant really predict how people are going to react in that scenario. plus, it will also depend were you live. in the hood were people see violence all the time, you might find some hard fools who would have no problem killing someone like that. but theres also the flipside to that. i live in the bay area, "Scrillacon Valley", and i tell you, just about everyone here is only concerned with looking good/sexy and looking like they have money. they do not spend their freetime, training and preparing to deal with violent encounters and trying to make themselves stronger people. the majority of people here seem to be weak inside, i would not count on any of them to step in and try to save me if some guy was trying to stab me on the sidewalk.
                            I just got done responding to HERQ454, with what in essence, was pretty much the frame of thought of kind of what you two said.

                            I think I need to point out here that I have been a coward before. It is in fact one of the things that motivated me to get off my a** and train some combat arts. In fact I told my Sifu that *particular* story (only vaguely though) the first time I met him for training. That particular experience caught me out the blue, I was entirely unprepared for that, mentally and otherwise. It was less brutal that what that woman went through in that video though. But after I could not talk the person down I just left.

                            Outside of that I've seen people assaulted but I haven't gotten involved. You also have to be careful what you do decide to intervene in. I don't know... come to think of it life is pretty damned depressing.

                            To be honest, if I was by myself I'm not sure if I would have intervened or not. The only thing I do feel extremely confident in saying is that if I had decided to intervene I would have attacked with "extreme prejudice." I would not becoming to play "pity pat."


                            • #29
                              Here in America we have more than our fair share of folks who live in denial in the words of Dave Grossman-

                              “It is denial that turns people into sheep. Sheep are psychologically destroyed by combat because their only defense is denial, which is counterproductive and destructive, resulting in fear, helplessness and horror when the wolf shows up.

                              Denial kills you twice. It kills you once, at your moment of truth when you are not physically prepared: you didn't bring your gun, you didn't train. Your only defense was wishful thinking. Hope is not a strategy. Denial kills you a second time because even if you do physically survive, you are psychologically shattered by your fear helplessness and horror at your moment of truth.”

                              Unfortunately, the world is often run by cowardly sheep that could never do what the warrior can do and the very fact that people like him exist makes them nervous and because of their denial they naively believe the warrior is obsolete and should become sheep like the rest of senseless flock. They create laws to defang the warrior, anti-gun laws and anti self-defense laws putting their trust in the Shepard (government) to keep them safe. Unfortunately this is denial because those who will foresake their personal responsibilities passing them on to others in doing so they give up their liberties as well. Exchanging liberty for safety is not a good trade because what you end up with is neither liberty nor safety (and those who do not believe that ...are in denile).


                              • #30
                                i really fear that ill not be able to act fast enough if i happen to come across something like that. i have trained hard and consistently, and im more prepared now than i ever was. however, as much as id like to think i could spring into action, i may not be able to. that is why want more training. seeing this video really got me thinking of joining the military sometime in the future to receive discipline and training that will make me a stronger person who will not hesitate to confront threats. also seeing the videos of the navy seals and british marines who would run towards incoming threats in order to destroy them made me desire that level of training and courage.

