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Crazy man stabs ex-wife on street (Warning: Graphic!)

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  • Crazy man stabs ex-wife on street (Warning: Graphic!)

    I would have smacked this guy in the head with a fat rock. I know he has a knife but it is sad to see so many people almost do nothing while a woman almost gets stabbed to death. Even sadder this guy got only four years in prison.

  • #2

    If I had been there (and I wish I was) that guy would have eaten a bullet...or two or three or a magazine full.

    I cannot not believe that those bystanders did jack-shit until he had the time to stabb her 20 or so times. They should have swarmed him.

    Folks, the fact of the matter is often, whether it is in your home, the local shopping center, or on an airplane, subway, cruise ship, or in the public school, only self-defense by the “private citizen” will be available when a domestic criminal or foreign terrorist comes knocking at the door. Wouldn’t it be better that the individual citizen be more prepared to ACT than less?


    • #3
      god that shit was fucking sickening. i couldnt watch the whole thing. fucking terrible. more evidence for the need for allowing law abiding citizens to carry guns. if even one of those people trying to intervene had a gun he could have stopped that shit way earlier. i need to go vomit my guts up from how ill this video and human beings in general make me.


      • #4
        please people, carry at least a basic pocket knife so you have at least some kind of chance of stopping a determined attacker. we need weapons.


        • #5
          That was truly awful to watch.

          In the UK every law abiding citizen has been disarmed. Handguns were banned in the wake of Dunblane. Any knife with a blade over 3 inches is illegal to carry, and even then if under 3 inches is carried concealed and you cannot justify it's use for utility, you can go to jail. Even palm sticks and kobutan keyrings are now under scrutiny. Every year various corners of the Government call for Boxing and now MMA to be banned. Pretty soon it will be illegal to stay in shape, have locks on your doors, or care about protecting your family (which of course makes you a vigilante).

          Oh yeah, and you can't even get in anywhere wearing steel toed boots.


          • #6
            Of course Mike, it was a nice feed.

            Great last post on the kata thread by the way, sums the whole thing up for me very nicely. There you go, flaunting your articulate superiority again


            • #7
              Originally posted by Mike Brewer
              Come on, Dick. Aren't you being a little dramatic? She'd have been fine with a pair of steel toed boots.

              Yea..but I'd feel so much better filling him full of holes


              • #8
                I don't take that video as any substantial proof the Dutch should move to legalizing firearms or even that the average citizen *must* carry a firearm. Certain things are illegal in the United States and perhaps a medium machine gun would have taken down the infamous L.A. bank robbers that several years ago got into a 45 minute shootout with police, but I'm not sure legalizing medium machine guns in the U.S. is the way to go. Maybe I'll post the video to better illustrate my point. I kind of wish that woman was carry a gun though.

                I think for me what stood out more was the local reaction of the men in terms of level of violence they were prepared to bring - or I suppose for some even capable of mustering. I guess I should be careful from assuming to much from this video and consequently stereotyping all Dutch, but I can't but help feel a good 95% of U.S. males would have responded with far greater levels of violence *once they choose to respond with violence.* - Now... U.S. males might not respond but if and once they do they 9 times out of 10 will respond with high levels of aggression.

                Frankly, the guy seemed fairly easily subdued. The kicks and pushes and gentle touches upon the guy by early Dutch male arrival had no real intent of destruction or force behind it. In my opinion this is why his stabbings continued for so long. Nor was the guy "crazy" by U.S. standards, if he was it would have been hell for 4 or 6 of those guy to deal with him, he would have literally been swinging at every and anyone around him after his former lover left.

                All I know is none of those studs need to become cops in Milwaukee, Chicago, or Detroit.

                4 years? Wisconsin has a young 20 year old man facing life in prison for boning his 17 year old girlfriend (they'd been dating for years). Some how, both nations courts and laws seem to have their priorities screwed up.


                • #9
                  Documentary on Hollywood bank robbery shootout. (goes into the weaponry used)



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Knuckles&Knees View Post
                    I don't take that video as any substantial proof the Dutch should move to legalizing firearms or even that the average citizen *must* carry a firearm. Certain things are illegal in the United States and perhaps a medium machine gun would have taken down the infamous L.A. bank robbers that several years ago got into a 45 minute shootout with police, but I'm not sure legalizing medium machine guns in the U.S. is the way to go. Maybe I'll post the video to better illustrate my point. I kind of wish that woman was carry a gun though.
                    they dont need to legalize machine guns, but they could provide them to police departments like the lapd. the entire department was out gunned by 2 men, they needed to raid a local gun store to pick up more firepower during the north hollywood bank shootout.

                    one thing i think about is the body armor one of the men had a custom suit that covered his entire body in bodyarmor. this guys suit was so well made that you could see lapd bullets actually bouncing off him as he paced back and forth and fired on police at will. my question is, if these fools created bodyarmor capable of taking on an entire police department for over 45 minutes, how come soldiers and leo's cant have something similar created for them???



                    • #11
                      one of those dudes was wielding a heckler and koch g3 lol.......


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Knuckles&Knees View Post
                        Documentary on Hollywood bank robbery shootout. (goes into the weaponry used)

                        interestingly enough, that movie shows a mountain of guns and weaponry siezed by police from criminals, illustrating that criminals will be able to get their hands on anything they want. so why deny the law abiding citizen a weapon to protect himself with??


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
                          interestingly enough, that movie shows a mountain of guns and weaponry siezed by police from criminals, illustrating that criminals will be able to get their hands on anything they want. so why deny the law abiding citizen a weapon to protect himself with??
                          Well, that's the problem with dealing with the issue of firearms in places like the United States and Brazil - incidentally the NRA was down in Brazil about a year or two ago lobbying to keep guns legal in Brazil - in places like both these nations the environment is already saturated with firearms.

                          I'm not suggesting that most people in the U.S. or in Brazil are walking around packing firearms because most I doubt are. Nonetheless, there are a lot of people packing and you never know for certain when you run into one of them.

                          I'm personally not against legalized firearms, not because I listen to the NRA and not because I think I'm ever going to run into a so-called "terrorist" (there are enough of those in the U.S.) but I'm simply used to firearms, and I frankly, rather blow somebody away if that somebody becomes a "night time intruder."

                          There was a time in the United States and Brazil when guns were legal yet people weren't shooting each other like they are now. (yes some westward mining towns were very violent in the early 1900s but I'm not talking about those mob/lynch run towns)

                          Anyways, American terrorism that effects many daily.
                          All 5 Parts:

                          Part 1.
                          [youtube]<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>[/youtube]


                          • #14
                            Dick- they dont need to legalize machine guns, but they could provide them to police departments like the lapd. the entire department was out gunned by 2 men, they needed to raid a local gun store to pick up more firepower during the north hollywood bank shootout.
                            Though, it could be argued we are already live in a police state, I think it would be a shame to give the police weaponry not allowed to the private law abiding citizen since by definition the “private law abiding citizen” is a member of the unorganized militia authorized by the constitution of the United Sates and more often then not it is the “citizen” who is on seen when these criminal acts occur not the police. It is another matter rather or not the citizen chooses take reasonability and act or cower like a sheep when the wolf shows up. And to be honest folks tend to give far too much credit to “full auto” mode. Except in a small number of situations that apply 99% of the time to military application semi auto is preferable anyway.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                              Come on, Dick. Aren't you being a little dramatic? She'd have been fine with a pair of steel toed boots.

                              A hell of a lot better than with a pocket knife.

