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Acceptable reasons to brawl?

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  • Acceptable reasons to brawl?

    I am just wondering on everyones oppinion on acceptable reasons to get into a fight, a brawl, or whatever you wanna call it... what is an acceptable reason to go and punch/kick some guy in the head? or anywhere else for that matter? I mean, as far as I am concerned, its as simple as if I beleive they need to be kicked into line =D but other people are sure to have different oppinions.

  • #2
    there are no reasons to **** up someones day, unless its self defense or they provoke it. so if you feel like fighting and wanna hit some random person on the street imagine what would be going through their mind. *guy is walking, minding his own business* *guy takes notice of you walking in his direction on the sidewalk* *guy has adrenaline rush, your fist hits his face* *guy is on the ground wondering wtf just happened and why*

    end result innocent person has been assaulted, if he files a lawsuit your in jail. think before you act.

    ok I'm not saying this is what you were thinking bout but its just a reminder for all those 'hot heads' out there


    • #3
      Originally posted by likeWater90 View Post
      there are no reasons to **** up someones day, unless its self defense or they provoke it. so if you feel like fighting and wanna hit some random person on the street imagine what would be going through their mind. *guy is walking, minding his own business* *guy takes notice of you walking in his direction on the sidewalk* *guy has adrenaline rush, your fist hits his face* *guy is on the ground wondering wtf just happened and why*

      end result innocent person has been assaulted, if he files a lawsuit your in jail. think before you act.

      ok I'm not saying this is what you were thinking bout but its just a reminder for all those 'hot heads' out there
      Haha! I knew somone was gonna reply somthing like that! But no, Naturally the situation you described is not advisable. But I do think it acceptable to fight for more reasons than most of you guys would. Call me what you will, but only so long as you put in your own input and thoughts on the matter. ^_^ So come on! What is an acceptable reason to fight? Take it from your own thoughts or experiances, or other peoples if you have too. I want this thread to get started, and then I will clearly state what I beleive.


      • #4
        when i was in the 11th grade punched the crap outta this guy in my math class coz he was throwing protractors at me. why did i fight? coz it was provoked i shouldn't have fought for that reason, but that reason was an excuse coz i that guy was a jerk aswell. what came out after that situation? i got a 3 day suspension, 2 day detention and was put on a contract, that stated any other violent acts on my part and the police would get involved and i would be expelled, though the worst thing that occurred was i was scared coz i saw a side to myself that i never thought i had, i was shaking literally, coz i really fucked up that guys day, that kid walked away with a busted nose and a cut under his eye, i always wondered how the cut got their maybe from the connection from the punch and it squashing his face against his own skull. bottom line is brawling isnt a good thing unless its self defense and if its provoked, but it sorta depends what kind of provoking it is.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mike Brewer
          I'm not one to tell other people how to live, but I will say this:

          If you go around thinking you're everyone's judge and jury - that somehow you have the right or the authority to decide who needs their ass kicked and who doesn't - then you'd better be prepared for the day when you decide to thump on someone better than you. There's a whole lot of folks in the world who look like mild-mannered nobodys but who are more than equipped to send you to the hospital if your ego outruns your ass.

          Hopefully you learn it the easy way by getting your ass kicked and being humiliated in front of your friends instead of the hard way as the doctors tell you that the gunshot wound has ruptured your bowels and you'll be crapping in a bag for the rest of your life.
          I am no judge nor jury. Though I do beleive I have the right to put somone in there place if the situation arises. I am not one to sit idly if somone has a go at me, I wont just go *snaps* "BLARGARGLE!!!!!" *starts ripping heads off* I will stand up for myself and others, and if it leads to a fight it leads to a fight. I will usually try and abstain from picking fights, but if somones a dick, somones a dick. They ruin my day along with other peoples, then I see no problem in my stopping them doing so in the future.


          • #6
            dont take what mike said to heart (as in this is meant to be a discussion not an arena for picking fights) but he does have a point just like mine in my first reply, put yourself in other people's shoes. heres an example outta what was mentioned, ok so theres a guy who you think is a dick and your day is ruined, he has a day too maybe he started being a dick coz something you or your friends did, so him being a dick in return would make his day slightly less shittier coz he doesnt feel walked over. but then again if the guy is a real scum bag and has a low self esteem and feels glorious when he makes others feel like crap then you should really ignore him, coz you got your friends to have fun with concentrate as a whole not on everything around you so therefore that guy is a 'empty' factor since he doesnt play a role in you having fun (unless your the one with low self esteem and you having fun is when your belting people), or your other option is to put him in his place, i'd take the ignoring him option unless he picks a fight and throws the first punch, coz sometime in the future it'll catch up to you, someone guy will put YOU in YOUR place so just let everything take its natural order no need to go texas ranger on anyones ass unless they assaulting, your loved ones, old people or children or your wife/girlfriend.


            • #7
              Reasonable fear of injury or death and no way to escape..

              Originally posted by kanik View Post
              I am just wondering on everyones oppinion on acceptable reasons to get into a fight, a brawl, or whatever you wanna call it... what is an acceptable reason to go and punch/kick some guy in the head? or anywhere else for that matter? I mean, as far as I am concerned, its as simple as if I beleive they need to be kicked into line =D but other people are sure to have different oppinions.
              Who needs a reason? Why do you suppose they call a "sucker" punch a suckerpunch?

              You've heard the term blind sided? The element of surprise foo'! What's the point?

              Pick your victims carefully so you don't get shot dead? LOL


              • #8
                Confucious golden rule.... "Do unto others as you would have done unto you" I take that into account, hence the reasons I give people chances, if I fight somone and I lose, I can handle it, if they lose, they should be able to do so as well, I wont fight somone who is unwilling, if they back down, I wont persue them. But if I was being an asshole, then by all means, somone should stand in front of me and say "**** off dickhead" and not back down untill I did. OR until I decided to fight them... anywho, this thread is for your beleifs on acceptable reasons to fight, not for saying mine are wrong, so come one come all! Reasons please!


                • #9
                  Oh... and an interesting little story to show my point... there is this guy, that was with a bunch of friends, and was calling out insults to me and my friend, I ignored it untill he started getting really rude, then I called out to him "Oi, watch you do or somones gonna stop you" I continued walking after he stopped, the next day i was walking with the same friend, and he was sitting at a table with one of his friends, and started death-staring us, he then started calling us dickheads (note I have never met this guy before) under hhis breath almost inaudible, but you knew it was comming. So, I looked back and him and asked whats up, he turned away, I continued walking. You see, if I took any chance to fight, I would have allready done so with this guy, if he keeps hating on me without reason, i probably will eventually. But I beleive everyone deserves there chances, and not just one chance either.


                  • #10
                    like i said earlier just wait for guy to pick a fight so when he tries smacking you, you end up fucking him up, hopefully he wont try again coz he tried once and failed so its humiliating for himself, though if you pick the fight and **** him up he'll most likely try and get back at ya, maybe that time it might be a car with 3 guys armed with bats.

                    also the world is full of jerks so yeah its a hopeless battle if you try putting all of em in their place its also a bit dangerous doing this coz 99.99% of the time you don't know who the person is or what they capable of. i try avoid fights as much as possible especially if i consider the person not worthy of my fists, but have been occasions where i been on the edge of stamping someone out, like on one instance this guy (must have been on some heavy drugs or something) went out of his way to insult my friends and myself, like he didnt yell out abuse from a few metres away he came right up to us and was really pissed off at us for no reason, my friends managed to calm him a bit and sorta directed him elsewhere, at this point i was very silent as it was all happening coz my blood was starting to boil and i was getting ready to crack with rage.

                    but then again its probally not wise to get into a fight with someone on heave drugs, good example.

                    1 and a half years back when i used to work at McDonald's there was this guy on ice (i dunno if you guys in the states have that aka crystallized methamphetamine, makes you very aggressive) well this guy started kicking the crap outta with taxi's rear side door while the taxi driver was getting his meal from drive through then the guy went to the taxi driver and was hitting him from outside the car then the taxi driver got a coin dispenser (long steel thing that houses, 20c,50c,$1,$2 coins, it was more or less a steel bar) and smacked the drugged up guy in the mouth/teeth the guy wasnt even shaken by this i dont think he felt it and just continued for a bit then finally running off.

                    if the person cant feel pain and is very very aggressive then i dont think you can win that fight, i reckon he'd still be fighting if you stabbed him and then started trying to hit him with a bat, though once the drugs wear of he'd be fkn feeling it.


                    • #11
                      An acceptable reason to fight-- is you get stuck in the county jail and nobody's gonna pay your bail. Fight for your life, fight for your manhood.


                      • #12
                        Acceptable reason- if you can absolutely positively, 100% get away with beating the shit out of the other idiot without legal ramifications, and if not, only in protection of yourself, your friends and family, your property, etc. This does NOT include your ideologies...if somebody is being an ass, let them be...but if they're trying to bait you...palm a bottle and wait for them to make the first dumb decision...

                        Make the other person regret their actions, so you don't have to.


                        • #13
                          the sucker punch is one of the most common methods of attack nowdays it seems. i have seen a number of people get taken out by suckerpunched badly, and have heard of even more people being taken out by the suckerpunch. it was only the other day one of my friends was telling me how his friend got suckerpunched so hard at a club, that he had to be taken into surgery the fallowing morning to fix the damage to his face. this guy didnt even know why he got punched, he figures he may have been dancing with another guys girl cause he says he was dancing in the club, and then just woke up in an ambulance. just like that one dude who got his eye socket broken by a suckerpunch in The Real World philly.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by kanik View Post
                            Haha! I knew somone was gonna reply somthing like that! But no, Naturally the situation you described is not advisable. But I do think it acceptable to fight for more reasons than most of you guys would. Call me what you will, but only so long as you put in your own input and thoughts on the matter. ^_^ So come on! What is an acceptable reason to fight? Take it from your own thoughts or experiances, or other peoples if you have too. I want this thread to get started, and then I will clearly state what I beleive.

                            If you're a trained martial artist, you may strike another individual for the same reasons you would point a gun at him



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by KirkhamsEbooks. View Post
                              If you're a trained martial artist, you may strike another individual for the same reasons you would point a gun at him

                              Yeah... or I could strike an individual for the same reasons I would strike him. There is such a thing as control not every punch/kick is a lethel weapon man... unless your the incredible hulk or somthing.... hmm.... thats a thought...

                              Nice input so far ^_^ I aint asking for advice just so you guys know, I have my beleifs which arent really gonna change very drastically, I just like hearing other peoples as well. So hey! If I wanna brawl a guy coz he steps over my bounderies thats my problem if he cames after me with a shit load of friends with bats. Act before you think damnit!!!!!

