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Acceptable reasons to brawl?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Mike Brewer
    Ready, Fire,
    Or fire.... ready, aim...... fire a few more shots wildy. Shoot enough times and one is bound to hit eh?


    • #17
      Originally posted by Mike Brewer
      Yeah. Right in your own foot.
      Well I never DID specify WHERE one would hit ^_^


      • #18
        Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.




        • #19
          Originally posted by KirkhamsEbooks. View Post
          Nice song... But whats the relevence?


          • #20
            You look for trouble, you'll find it

            Hit a man without a good reason, he'll hit back

            Quote from martial science

            "It's not whether someones a better fighter or even a better fighter that day. It's whether they're a better fighter that 10th of a second"



            • #21
              Originally posted by KirkhamsEbooks. View Post
              You look for trouble, you'll find it

              Hit a man without a good reason, he'll hit back

              Quote from martial science

              "It's not whether someones a better fighter or even a better fighter that day. It's whether they're a better fighter that 10th of a second"

              Now thats just common logic. Hit a man WITH good reason, and he'll hit back. I learn martial arts not so I dont have to fight, but because I love to train, I dont consider fights as scary and should be avoided, but rather a good training method. I know enough streetfighters to know that it is one of the best training methods out there.


              • #22
                I'm not going to say you're wrong Mike, but I will say your friend was right! Lol, you are definitely in a "mood."

                As to my beliefs, I guess it's hard for me to say. I've never been in a brawl myself (thank goodness!), so I'm trying to think of this in terms of the men I know: but they're all so different!

                I knew a young man who was an exceptional martial artist, and had a great natural fighting ability (timing, coordination, etc) but also had some of the best manners I've ever seen. He was extremely non-aggressive out in life, and I would be astonished if he ever got into a fight. The thing was: in his universe, being rude was the worst off all possible sins, and hitting someone is extremely rude. He would never lower himself to that level~ let the world think he was a pansy, at least he wasn't rude! Lol. I think I'd be disappointed if he ever got into a fight. Unless it was a matter of life or death, and even then I'd expect his primary objective to be escape.

                But then I also know this other man, and he is this giant of an Irish-American-ex-military-son-of-a-b**** who rather enjoys brawling, and his family gatherings usually involve at least a couple good fights. He usually goes about his business peacefully, but he's also lain out a guy in a restaurant for making a crude comment to his son. Yup: inside the restaurant. Didn't even go outside. I don't think I'd ever go so far as he does, but so far he's fine, and I think it makes him kind of happy to have a rumble buddy to trade blows with. Maybe I'm just used to him, but I think that it's... permissible... for him to fight when everybody wants to, or when he's defending...something...

                Perhaps I think we should "be the best we can at what we are"...? Or something equally as cheesy?


                • #23
                  i saw a fight break nearly out bullwinkles pizza place back in the 80's cause some guy pushed another guys son out of the way to go play arcade games.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                    The baggage comes later in your life when you grow a conscience.

                    "Oh God, I hope the nominating party never finds out about this shit! How much does it cost to kill a hooker?"
                    Just to reconcile these seemingly contradictory sentences for Mike, I would like the cite scientific findings that show hookers, just as fish, have no feelings. (Dolemite & Superfly, 1979.) Therefore killing hookers, according to postmodern ethicists (Lay, K. and Bastard, O.D. 1999) , is acceptable for political gain.


                    • #25
                      It's true. It's pointless to kill hookers. Most of them are dead inside anyway.


                      • #26
                        Is it just me or do most people on this thread take thigns out of context and dont take in the whole picture but rather the bits they want? seriously, I want to know. Yes I see fighting as a training method... but I am quite certain I have said I dont fight people for no reason, and I am also pretty sure I have said that if the opposing party is not accepting of the fight I wont force it on them. Beleive me mike, I am not one to do somthing I know I will be ashamed of later in life, I am a firm beleiver in the nature of karma, so naturally, I dont get carried away, like I have ALSO said "do to others as you would have done to yourself" I am not a dumb-ass, I will fight people for the same reasons I would expect somone to fight me for, and I will try deal the appropriate/minimum amount of damage for whatever I am hoping to acheive.

                        That aside... A lot of you people still havent given your damn answers, careful I may blow up and try kick the crap outa you if you dont answer me, me fighting for no reason and all ;P hahahaha!


                        • #27
                          probably a young kid exaggerating what he would actually do and then coming down to what he really means.
                          Isnt Kanik the guy that lives in a forest and trains with beavers

                          I remember the training in the woods post, visions of some guy hurling shit around in a mad frenzy.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                            I didn't catch that thread.

                            What do you think, though? A guy that interested in learning to be a great fighter? He ought to join the military, right? I mean, it's certainly going to teach him more than wrestling around with the neighbors. And best of all, his chain of command will TELL him what acceptable reasons to brawl are.

                            Maybe we should make it a poll:

                            Option One:
                            Man up, quit trying to be a big fish in a little pond, and put your money where your mouth is (That's all the cliches I could fit into one option)

                            Option Two:
                            Delude yourself into believing that getting into meaningless scraps is teaching you "how to be a streetfighter."
                            cant help think it will be option 2.


                            • #29
                              Hahaha! and there y'all go again ^_^ comming to misconclusions.... hoi... Ok, no I dont wanna become a regular streetfighter. But a few here and there wont do any extreme harm.... and yes I am a 9 year old kid that likes to talk big to make himself look big ^_^ ooo! wait wait! Better yet! I am a 9 year old girl that likes to talk big, and like a guy, to make herself seem tough! Yeah, thats the one =D

                              More seriousn note... I beleive in fighting for what I stand for, but I dont beleive in overkill either, if it will only take one punch to shut somones mouth, then one punch its gonna be. Minimum thing i'll fight for is if some dude doesnt listen to my constant warnings to stop ^_^ and if thats wrong or hard to understand in your wierd assed worlds, then omg! I am sorry that I beleive in defending myself eh?


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Ghost View Post
                                probably a young kid exaggerating what he would actually do and then coming down to what he really means.
                                Isnt Kanik the guy that lives in a forest and trains with beavers

                                I remember the training in the woods post, visions of some guy hurling shit around in a mad frenzy.
                                Wow! Thats me! You must be psychic! Except a lil less of a mad frenzy and a lil more of an insane rampage...

