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Acceptable reasons to brawl?

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  • #31
    this kanik guy thinks he is some kind of tough guy, when in reality he doesnt realize that he is no different than the people you see on bumfights videos.


    • #32
      Originally posted by kanik View Post
      I know enough streetfighters to know that it is one of the best training methods out there.
      The Ultimate Fighter A Conversation with a Gang Member

      He lurks around every dark corner. He has no fear. He's been in fights everyday of his life. Despite your years of martial arts training he can defeat you.



      • #33
        He just want's to run up the number of hits and replies on this thread, then he can show his buddies the smash hit thread that he wrote on the internet. Ha Ha Ha


        • #34
          Originally posted by Hardball View Post
          He just want's to run up the number of hits and replies on this thread, then he can show his buddies the smash hit thread that he wrote on the internet. Ha Ha Ha
          haha! Damn straight! OK ok.... The gig is up... AND I have split personalities and severe paranoia *looks over shoulder nervously* I tell ya... everyone... EVERYONE is watching me!!! I dont know why!!! Anyway, I'm gonna quit trying to explain myself after this one sentance.... Its a good training method, and I dont avoid them at all costs, coz in my oppinion thats just being a panzy, you stand when you needa stand, and use the force required, and you look at every single aspect of your day as training.


          • #35
            Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
            this kanik guy thinks he is some kind of tough guy, when in reality he doesnt realize that he is no different than the people you see on bumfights videos.

            Hey! Dont dis my buds!


            • #36
              Originally posted by Mike Brewer
              I agree with taking a stand and using force when it's required, but that isn't training, is it? That's defending yourself.
              But if you consider everything you do training it sure is... Besides, whats the problem with using defending yourself as training? Also so you know, its defending yourself, not self defence... Meaning, Self defence is usually classified as when somone is going to hurt you in some way and you stop it, I consider defending myself, standing for my own pride, ego, honor, whatever the heck you wanna call it.


              • #37
                Originally posted by kanik View Post
                That aside... A lot of you people still havent given your damn answers, careful I may blow up and try kick the crap outa you if you dont answer me, me fighting for no reason and all ;P hahahaha!
                I like Mike's post that I present quoted below. I also like Little Apples post #27. If I was to say how one should shoot for what's "ideal" - at least in what I view as ideal - I would say Little Apple's example of the young man that she knows whom is a good martial artist is ideal per se. But we don't live in a perfect world so I don't presume expect perfection from most human beings walking around. So, the big Irish-American rumbler she mentioned is just a part of life - refer to it as evidencing merit in the social sciences such as the field and written texts of sociology.

                I often wonder can any human being get through life (a long life I'm implying) without any regrets? Anyways, there is mature and experienced wisdom in the quoted comments of Mike's I present below.

                I don't know, Kanik, I thing situation dictates. I'm certain local (even down to the neighborhood level) cultural mores play a significant factor in the rise of any altercation. So, I can't say for certain when it's acceptable for each individual to brawl - except of course for those grave things most people have already mentioned.

                You seem like you're probably an alright guy to me. At least that's how I interpreted the diction and tone of your posts. You just come off as a young person with pride, bravado, and sense of wanting to do "the right thing." Ah! But "the right thing" is ever so elusive. When I was young I was certain of it. When I grew older I became less certain and realized most those responses deemed "the right thing" simply really local neighborhood mores that were and are arguably the wrong things. But again: situation dictates.

                I have my own judgments. And those are just judgments I'll have to live with. Those are judgments I'll have to be judged for after I die. So, I'm all for maiming people (me personally I mean). But these are certain kinds of people, people that operate on a certain "playing field" if you will, or operate within a certain scope of mores. If a person is a member of the Mexican Mafia, or drug dealer that has tortured one or more addicts with hot irons for not paying financial debts in a timely manner, or if a person is a member of the La Cosa Nostra or 1% biker gang, or if the person is none of those things but simply mean and cruel (kind of like the guys that dragged Mr. Byrd to his death in what I believe was Jasper, Texas?)... should I really give a f*ck if I broke one of these persons knee? I'm the furthest thing from a tough guy but I'm also the furthest thing from Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, or Siddhartha Buddha. So, if a person ever comes f*ckin with one of my little nephews, if you ever ask me where I'm going, I'd likely respond: "To prison or hell, whichever is more expedient." I may not win but they'll know that I'm come'n.

                In general I think it is better to let law enforcement handle situation or even at times just to "turn the other cheek" and chalk up whatever insult or assault you received to life and another lesson. Certain people will get what's coming to them eventually anyways, be that incarceration or death or paralysis through violence. You have people in some small Midwestern towns that are rugged, farm or manufacturing workers, some who wrestle, or lift weight and punch hanging bags, and all around are "tough enough" guys. Yet they are really "good people" and helpful, community orientated, and try and avoid fights and let local town police handle situations that boil over. I think this is a good way. You may not be able to live like that in certain cities and neighborhoods though. Life's a b*tch and unfair.

                I would really regret maiming someone that is just what we might call an "average joe." What if this guy is a 36 year old, married, plumber with kids to support, and just talking trash to me in a drunken state? What if that person punched me, or punched me more that once? I would [/b]really[/b] regret breaking someone's knee like that. The person has children to support, a wife that probably cares for him, and many of us fly off the handle at times. Yeah, I might punch the person back but I would from the bottom of my heart, not want to seriously injure the person. (I would hope the person doesn't serious injure me either )

                Anyway, here's Mike's post I think you could benefit from reading over again and reflecting on. Good stuff.
                Originally posted by Mike Brewer
       end up discovering that those were people you were hurting for fun and recreation. People like say, your son or your daughter. Human beings with the same ties, same families, and same codes of honor that you have who have to go live down some humilation because of you.

                It's not the scrapes and bumps and broken bones that stay with you. Believe it or not, it's not even the fighting ability, cuz that shit's going away when you get old and crusty. What will stay with you is the fact that you took away someone's dignity because you were an asshole that thought it'd be a fun way to "train." And believe me, I'm not talking "at" you from some pedestal. I'm working that karma off myself, right now, as we speak. Now you may be the type os sociopath that has no compunction about hurting other people for your own selfish reasons, and you may be that rare soul who can injure others and never feel the least bit of guilt. If that's the case, then stop being such a pussy and picking on your local street crews for training. Go join the Marines and fight real fighters who are trained and armed and can fight back. Do it for something more meaningful than learning to beat up the guys who hang out at your local 7-11. What you'll learn about streetfighting in your neighborhood is that not many people are very good at fighting, and if you go out ready for trouble, you'll probably beat the hell out of the stupid bastard that was just out having a good time with his girlfriend. But you know what? That doesn't make you a fighter, and it doesn't even make you good...


                • #38
                  Yeah, my ego is large. But I dont mind, and hey, it aint like I get into a brawl everyday, its very rare for me to get into one. But that doesnt change my views. Every aspect of your day should be geared towards training, if somone is willing/going to fight me, i'll fight them. Unless I know its a lost cause AND there is no reason. Meaning, I am not going to fight a professional heavyweight champion because he looks at me funny and is game.


                  • #39
                    be like miyagi, my friend....

                    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


                    • #40
                      If somone oversteps my bounderies, i'll fight. Naturally I will avoid fights that I know for a one hundred percent fact I will get my ass handed to me, and I also avoid fights if the person is weaker than me, the only fights I see as worth my time, are the ones I can learn the most from. No, I am not contradicting myself, i'll fight when I fight. Knuckles&knees post was interesting, and I am guessing mike, that you dont exactly love me or my beleifs eh? In my eyes, ego is how you identify yourself. Ego is self identification, so if somone oversteps on my own identity, I am gonna make them get off it and while doing so, will learn in the process. I will do what I beleive I should do, not what I want to. I figure, if I win then the person I fought will learn to be more reserved in speech and or actions. And if I lose, I will win next time.


                      • #41
                        Oh and for Knuckles&knees, there is no denying that I am a young, headstrong, egotistical, kid that has a lot to learn. In time everything will come. Providence.


                        • #42
                          Umm... That was unexpected. But I guess its good to know. Interesting input, but for now, I gotta go train on some unsuspecting innocent bystanders

                          No but seriously, maybe I am a little over the top, but I am what I am, and like I and you have said, maybe I'll learn. Everything is possible.


                          • #43
                            if your gonna believe in something, believe in Dick Hardman.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                              Make sure they aren't better than you.

                              And as for the unexpected part, I will always respect a fighter more than someone without the balls to take a stand. If I'm abrupt, it's usually because I give you credit for being a big enough man to take it.
                              Fair enough ^_^ and no they wont be better than me :P though there has been this one A-hole whoes been giving me a hard time, everytime I see him in town he shouts out about how I am a drug addict... or somthing... I dunno, i've never had any interaction with him or he has had none with me, the first time I even saw him, he randomly started shouting crap to me and my friend. See? people like that. Haha, but hey! He hasnt used up ALL his chances yet, I say he has one more warning from me to stop harrassing me, i'll make it a very clear one.

                              (on a side note, I am not a drug addict, I dont even drink alcohol)


                              • #45
                                Do you live in the U.K.?

