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stick fighting with walking stick

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  • stick fighting with walking stick

    Hello everyone. The main weapon we use here is a bamboo walking stick. Mine is about 42 inches long because this fits my height, but everyone's is different. The main reason for this is it serves many uses: it is legal,first of all,and it is useful as walking stick,for protection against snakes and wild dogs,and also to look under stones and wood where snakes and scorpions may be hiding. I teach the farmers here my own system which is based on what I have learned in FMA,combined with the American Indian form I learned from my own family and also from what I used in my career in law enforcement.But I am no master of any system and have much to learn myself.

    My question is what do you guys think are the best systems using this kind of weapon: I know there are Chinese and japanese systems as well as silat and Indian,and I am always looking to learn new things. Thanks

  • #2
    One of my Instructors, Mr Rick Faye, is renowned for his use of the walking stick for self protection. Over the years he had shown me some excellent applications with it. The method he teaches comes from FMA, a lot of it from the Pekiti Tersia system. If you check out his website ..:::: MKG International ~ Rick Faye's Minnesota Kali Group ( I believe he has a training DVD on this subject. I would certainly recommend it.


    • #3
      Thanks Mike I checked out the website and it looks really interesting and effective. I will look for the dvds. There is also a whole book you can dwnload from internet which is Indian Police Walking Stick System of Self defense, or something like that. It is very old and written by some British officer, I believe, but it is interesting from an historical point of view.


      • #4
        I'll add something anectodally...

        Those fucking things suck to get hit with. I got into a scrape last halloween and was severly concussed and felt stupid (more so than usual) for the next week or two...not to mention the gnarly ass gash that it left above my right temple. Thank Christ the kid didn't follow up on me or I would've been toast. I am very happy to be thick skulled enough to be able to take a hit like that and still fight back.


        • #5
          I have also been hit with them and I know what you mean. I suppose a strong cane would also do some damage. The problem is though canes and walking sticks are legal, most people are really not going to be bothered carrying them around unless they are in the country or have medical condition that requires one to actually use them.


          • #6
            Originally posted by ltindiandaeng View Post
            The problem is though canes and walking sticks are legal, most people are really not going to be bothered carrying them around unless they are in the country or have medical condition that requires one to actually use them.
            Or it's Halloween.


            • #7
              That sounds like a really great stick you made. I have only bamboo stick which was made and given to me by a friend. Unfortunately had to leave it in Thailand as I could not take it on the plane. When I come back to Thailand I have 2 interviews for position with private investigation services. if I accept any of these position will have to stop teaching stick fighting school. Most of work will be in cities. As a foreigner I cannot carry a gun and walking stick probably not practical for all occassions. Weapons laws very strict here.


              • #8
                Hi ltindiandaeng,

                if you will be back in Thailand I would advise you to look for Kom Faeq teachers. It is part of the physical education program so with a little investigation it shouldn't be hard to find one. I saw school kids walking with
                sticks with a small cord around their wrists.
                The techniques are basic and simple, they are basically basic Thai sword techniques applied to the stick so it's quite effective and direct.
                Good luck with the interviews, by the way.


                • #9
                  I am quite envious of your lifestyle - living in Thailand and Vietnam. I had the opportunity to spend a couple of months in Chiang Mai a few years ago, and I long to go back.

                  I seem to remember Hapkido having cane techniques, but those use a cane with a curved grip (like a hook) rather than a ball top.


                  • #10
                    Hello everyone. I am returning to Thailand next week. Tee sok , I wrote posting on muay thai forum about kom faeq and received very interesting response from George Stando. There is a very popular show called Kom Faeq in Thailand about a master of kom faeq who fights gangsters. It is very unbelievable as most Thai shows are but they do show some interesting training routines for the kom faeq stick. Also for answer to Aseepish thank you very much. I like the quatation in your posting. I have read about hapkido cane techniques also. There is also a school called cane masters which teaches techniques from various styles. I myself have a school in central Thailand and teach farmers techniques using bamboo walking sticks to defend their crops and themselves from robbers. It is based on escrima and also techniques I used to teach for batons as weapons instructor for department of corrections. I have interviews for employment in bangkok when I return to Thailand, however, so I may have to give up the school. I hope not as it was very enjoyable.


                    • #11
                      Hello ltindiandaeng,

                      yes I had read that thread, I asked friends about Kom Faeq and also my
                      teacher, if you learn basic Thai sword techniques then you can surely apply them to a walking stick. But I see you are doing fine with your previous knowledge of armed combat ! Even if you never stop learning.
                      I never got the chance to see that serie on Channel 3, maybe it's somewhere on youtube as I saw there are some other Thai series there.
                      Good luck again.


                      • #12
                        Thank you tee Sok. In Chiang Mai, Kom Faeq is on channel 7. It is actually a somwhat unbelievable show. Especially when the hero, Khan, is being shot at with automatic weapons and he bats the bullets out of the air with the stick. If you don't take it seriously,though, it is entertaining. There is a school in Chiang mai which teaches krabi-krabong, but it is quite expensive. I have heard it is a very good school. They also teach muay chaiya of some sort.


                        • #13
                          Yes Channel 7, sorry ! You are right you have to take Thai series lightly, I found them kind of trashy at first but then you get used to them. Most Thai people love them. I think I know the school you are talking about, if you want to learn Krabi Krabong basic techs (which are good) it would be a good choice, but if it's expensive never mind as there are many KK schools in the country.


                          • #14
                            Cane vs baston

                            Cane vs baston match in Houston, Texas
                            Can you DIG IT!


                            • #15
                              This has some great stick fighting moves for beginners.

