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Best Martial Art for Self-Defense?

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  • #76
    Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
    NOt really. You have a good chance of getting gang attacked going to your car after the work day (night) is over. On top of that drunks aren't the best people to learn off of. Beating up drunks is easy.

    If you really want practical combat experience, either join the armed forces or become a contractor. Being a doorman only draws wannabes punks and people who really have no clue.

    You'll get in more fights with guys wearing "NO Fear" shirts than you will with people you can learn from.
    Been there and done that, USMC 93-97.


    • #77
      Originally posted by GQchris View Post
      Been there and done that, USMC 93-97.
      Great. Now take the practical experience you gained from combat training and enhance it with arts or styles that take SD into account.

      Surroundings, clothing (are some moves reliant on the other guy wearing a Gi ect), weapons, retention and defense. All the tools you'd feel would be valuable in a real life altercation.

      Find what works for what you work with. Sparring is good, as well as contact drills. I'm sure you understand that reality and drills differ greatly, but if you put realism and the proper mindset into the drills, it breeds specific reactions.

      No one style will cover everything that would be useful. But trying to find some place to "try out your skills" is a recipe for jail time or a grave, nothing more.


      • #78
        I currently train at a boxing/muay thai gym but not looking to fight in the ring, although its great getting the aliveness training and distance and timing down; I'll be here for a little while longer and then I may go check out some Krav Maga schools.


        • #79
          Originally posted by Tant01
          Not so fast... Police get prosecuted for crimes just like any civilian.

          Originally posted by Tant01
          The practical SD benefits of being a doorman would be learning to negotiate with belligerent idiots. .
          A great skill to have.

          Originally posted by Tant01
          As far as hands on practical protection skills go KOTF is right about fighting with drunkards... You would probably be better served cage fighting in open tournaments.
          Not all people who kick off are drunk and good percentage (depending on the kinda place you work) can be speeding/coked up/just plain psychotic/all the above including drunk. The sheer unpredictableness of this kind of work can really sharpen your wits.


          • #80
            Originally posted by Da Pope View Post
            Not all people who kick off are drunk and good percentage (depending on the kinda place you work) can be speeding/coked up/just plain psychotic/all the above including drunk.The sheer unpredictableness of this kind of work can really sharpen your wits.
            Yeah, that's what I was thinking.


            • #81
              Originally posted by GQchris View Post
              Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
              If it happened so often at any club the place would be raided and shut down. I have worked at some of the most low down after hours clubs in my area, and never encountered anyone "coked up" or crazy on drugs.

              If you're talking about practicing SD then make sure you focus on the two biggest advantages you will have, avoidance and awareness.

              If you just want to see how much you can beat on people then become a prison guard and get a good lawyer.


              • #82
                Sound advice king. I was lookin at the doorman gig not for the primary purpose of mixing it up physically, but for the training in awareness and avoidance. But I know that the physical altercations may be inevitable.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
                  If it happened so often at any club the place would be raided and shut down. I have worked at some of the most low down after hours clubs in my area, and never encountered anyone "coked up" or crazy on drugs.
                  Pretty tame place you live in.

                  Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
                  If you're talking about practicing SD then make sure you focus on the two biggest advantages you will have, avoidance and awareness.
                  I would add to that de-esculation skills.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Da Pope View Post
                    Pretty tame place you live in.
                    Not all of us can live in a comic book. However Bikers were usually the main trouble maker, they may have been speeding and coked up, they just must of been able to handle their shit better in my area.

                    My ultimate concern was being seriously injured or killed for no other reason then some club patron was upset he got bounced.

                    Originally posted by Da Pope View Post
                    I would add to that de-esculation skills.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by GQchris View Post
                      Sound advice king. I was lookin at the doorman gig not for the primary purpose of mixing it up physically, but for the training in awareness and avoidance. But I know that the physical altercations may be inevitable.
                      Wanna train awarness. Go to Wal-Mart or the mall and see how many people you notice carrying knives, or pocket knives. Pay attention to what people are wearing. You don't have to be paranoid but notice the landscape, what could you use to your advantage.

                      Do some of the people in the crowd look like a threat, or just weird. Anything laying around that would make a good weapon? Where are the exits?

                      Awarness doesn't just come from getting attacked. If you aren't aware that there is a threat till the shit hits the fan, then it's too late.

                      Not all the crazies give you the benefit of a warning.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
                        Not all the crazies give you the benefit of a warning.
                        This is sooo true. The thing is though how much of your life do you need to spend worrying about this kinda thing? Fine line at times between causious and paranoid...


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Da Pope View Post
                          This is sooo true. The thing is though how much of your life do you need to spend worrying about this kinda thing? Fine line at times between causious and paranoid...

                          Paying attention and worrying are 2 different things. Walking around with your head up your ass is idiotic. Thinking it won't happen to you because of factors like where you live or what you do is ignorant.

                          Paranoia is when you think everyone and everything is a threat, not when you assess what is going on around you, and are aware of your surroundings.


                          • #88
                            Intent is why we have the .45 caliber. The smaller caliber just didn't have the stopping power.

                            People with intent would stop coming till they bleed out, which wasn't soon enough.

                            Musashi advocates intent being important.


                            • #89
                              A good portion of the combatives I practice come from Fairbairn.


                              • #90
                                since this thread is up again

                                most likely, if you'll fight 2 opponents equal your strength, you will loose. the only chance is ko one fast when they don't fight, and then fight the second. you have to use a weapon against multiple opponents or avoid the fight in the first place

                                1 v 1 muay thai is still the best

