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Best Martial Art for Self-Defense?

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  • #16
    Right now Michael I do some security at my church, we have had altercations and have had to throw someone out before, who would not go quietly. Which of Paul's stuff should one start out with?


    • #17
      Paul has a Law Enforcement program that is based on an escalating level of force.

      Level 1 is the restraint and movement of an individual, which employs Dumog, Locking and a little BJJ.
      Level 2 is for when the threat escalates to striking, and involves Destructions combined with a more aggressive level 1
      Level 3 is for a serious threat, in which the relavent components of the RAT System are employed

      He hasn't taught it for quite a while, and typically only Full Instructors know it. I teach it to Police Officers and Security Staff and it seems to hit the mark.


      • #18
        I can't be without it man! I currently train at at a boxing/muay thai gym but I need more.


        • #19
          Yeah, the best arts for striking, but I appreciate in your position and in that environment you have to be careful.

          Just remember mate:

          If he won't walk then walk him
          If he won't be walked then drag him
          If he won't be dragged then drop him


          • #20
            Those are outstanding mantras. lol


            • #21
              I'd really rather not get into a physical altercation simply because of this litigous society we live in, especially here in the San Francisco bay area. But at the same time, sometimes there are certain individuals that need to be put down.


              • #22
                The RAT system sounds interesting...I hadnt heard ot it until now! Does anybody have a link to a place where I could read more about this?

                Thanks in advance


                • #23
                  Originally posted by MortalKombat View Post
                  The RAT system sounds interesting...I hadnt heard ot it until now! Does anybody have a link to a place where I could read more about this?

                  Thanks in advance
                  Here is a Wikipedia article to progressive fighting system, Progressive Fighting System - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia there isn't mush details here.
                  I think you should contact a local training institute for information ..


                  • #24
                    visit Home


                    • #25
                      Cool thanks for the links gonna check em out now!!


                      • #26
                        Forgive me for being sceptical but this website "" has one of those "too good to be true" feels to this a legitimate source?



                        • #27
                          Originally posted by MortalKombat View Post
                          Forgive me for being sceptical but this website "" has one of those "too good to be true" feels to this a legitimate source?

                          Here's the thing... Any MA/SD/RBSD can benefit your training. You'll get out of it only as much as you put INTO it!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by MortalKombat View Post
                            Forgive me for being sceptical but this website "" has one of those "too good to be true" feels to this a legitimate source?

                            You're right to be sceptical, especially when it comes to martial arts and martial arts marketing.

                   is Paul Vunak's official site, so yes it is a legitimate source. The style of the website is not managed by Paul and is typical of many martial arts websites, and for the record its not my personal cup of tea. However, what you read on there about Paul Vunak is true. What you read about his achievements, the achievements of his system, and the many prestigious organisations who have benefitted from that system is all completely true. He is a world class martial artist and has been for the last 25 years, if you hold even an outside interest in the martial arts I am surprised you are not familiar with him or his system.

                            To support what Tant01 said, what remains to be seen is whether the claims made on this (or any site) about how YOU will make the system work are open to scrutiny. That is down to you.

                            For the hell of it, here is one of my youtube videos showing my favourite clip of Paul Vunak. To this day I still watch this and am blown away by his talent and attributes.



                            • #29
                              ^Truly nonpareil.


                              • #30
                                Vunak is certainly very talented and has created a good system based on some sound principles. I didn't like everything he said or showed, but I liked more than I didn't.

                                I would like to give it a try but, from what I've seen so far, I would personally still prefer Senshido's system for self defence. Mostly because I have used it in reality and it has worked brilliantly.

                                That is not to criticise the PFS system in anyway, but you have to go with what works for you.

