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Best Martial Art for Self-Defense?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Uke View Post
    Anyone who has trained in a live and realistic manner.

    Describe your idea of "a live and realistic manner."


    • #47
      Originally posted by Uke View Post
      So I have to shake my head when someone suggests that "getting out what you put in" applies in this context. Olympic styled boxers, wrestlers, judoka and tae kwon do competitors probably put in more time and effort than most MMA competitors. They train for years since their youth to improve and compete for gold.

      Does that mean that they would even win in the ring against top MMA guys? .

      False comparison, as someone who trained MMA exclusively for years and years would not be likely to win against top guys in boxing, wrestling, judo, etc.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Uke View Post
        Most of the best styles for self defense/urban combat .

        How do you qualify which are "the best"?


        • #49
          Originally posted by Uke View Post
          You have kids running around believing that muay thai is actually viable for street violence

          Who do you think is more likely to have had experience with violence in the streets, someone with many years of Muay Thai or someone with a few months of 'ABC Street Defense Co.' classes?


          • #50
            Originally posted by Uke View Post
            there is ONLY ONE range in self defense. And that is CLOSE QUARTERS!

            Ah, so being able to control and dominate someone at close quarters would be useful, right?


            • #51
              I see the dog got off his leash to sniff ass again. Seems Uke he like the smell of your ass since he follows it around and does nothing else on this forum.

              Note Uke is speaking of standing and grappling. Not rolling around playing grab ass with a ref present.


              • #52
                Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
                Note Uke is speaking of standing and grappling. Not rolling around playing grab ass with a ref present.

                Note: Queenoftheforest apparently has reading comprehension and general cognitive issues.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                  It's certainly not the time to bet your ass on things you've never actually done, in real-time with real intent and real (not pretend or "here's what I coulda done") opposition before.
                  Wow I made that same point myself recently in another thread, but I wasn't being a shithead when I did it.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                    Describe your idea of "a live and realistic manner."
                    You first.


                    • #55
                      Don't sweat it, DJForest.

                      See ... that's the funny shit about guys like Jubidoo. He's all mouth on the internet, but he knows where to draw the line in reality.

                      To hear jubidoo tell it, he'd say the same shit offline that he would online, but we ALL know better.

                      I don't give a **** if jubidoo was Tim Mousel, Mike Brewer or any other person from this site. They all know where to draw that line.

                      Brewer talked that shit before on this site. He began boasting about his own school in Colorado and went on to talk about the "premier"(his words not mine) school in the state. That "premier" school, as it turns out, is run by a student of one of my brothers. I let Mike go on and on about how great it was and how they did this and that .. and then I finally dropped that bomb on him.

                      Of course in classic Brewer fashion he tried to bullshit his way back out of the hole he had dug, but the point was made:

                      Go talk that loud mouth shit at a REAL school where they won't hesitate to PROVE what works and what doesn't.

                      Of course he didn't.

                      The discussion quickly turned into who he's met and what seminars he's attended to seem familiar with the shit that I write here. All of a sudden there was no talk about finding out what worked even though the school was practically 15 fucking minutes from his house. Beyond the back and forth shit talking, he never made his way there(or at least he never spoke about it here for everyone to see) to find out if his special little ideas about SD and MMA would work when facing "premier" SD practitioners.

                      Jubaji is no different. He's a loud mouth asshole too. Jubaji just knows better than to pretend that he knows a fucking thing other than when to tune in to watch fat Japanese men hug and grab each other's asses.

                      He's harmless. He's a dickhead, but he's just a harmless poser with lots of free time who's looking for love in all the wrong places.

                      Once Brewer left, Jubidoo needed some other ass to kiss and hug.

                      Lo and behold Tant01's ass has lipstick all over it and jubaji is still wearing his clown makeup.

                      Don't dedicate too much time on the forum pooch, DJForest.

                      Write some of your good shit.

                      I like reading it.



                      • #56
                        Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
                        Wow I made that same point myself recently in another thread, but I wasn't being a shithead when I did it.
                        Don't sell yourself short. You're always a shithead in my book, champ.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
                          You first.
                          I believe I asked first. What are you afraid of?


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Uke View Post
                            Don't sweat it, DJForest.

                            See ... that's the funny shit about guys like Jubidoo. He's all mouth on the internet, but he knows where to draw the line in reality.

                            To hear jubidoo tell it, he'd say the same shit offline that he would online, but we ALL know better.
                            Oh, are you feeling insecure, little bitch? LOL!


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by pUke View Post
                              Go talk that loud mouth shit at a REAL school where they won't hesitate to PROVE what works and what doesn't.

                              Like yours, pUke? Tough guy like you must have some interesting experiences to share. Go ahead.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by pUke View Post
                                tune in to watch fat Japanese men hug and grab each other's asses.

                                Are you racist, little bitch? Or just as ignorant as you seem? There is no third choice.

