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reiki healing
Registered User
- Mar 2004
- 126
The greatest real advantage is an apparent disadvantage.
"The hard and strong will fall. The soft and weak will overcome." ~Tao Te Ching~
"You mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?" ~Princess Bride~
(dun wanna register at new board)
As far as I know, Reiki focuses on the human paractitioner becoming a clear channel for universal energies - not their personal energy - to flow through them, particularly to their hands and into the person they are trying to heal. You should not feel drained after the process, since you would not be using your own energy. The idea is that while you might not know what energy the person needs, the universe does know, and will most efficiently harmonize the person's energy field back to its healthy state.
Registered User
- Mar 2004
- 126
The greatest real advantage is an apparent disadvantage.
"The hard and strong will fall. The soft and weak will overcome." ~Tao Te Ching~
"You mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?" ~Princess Bride~
Registered User
- Mar 2004
- 126
The greatest real advantage is an apparent disadvantage.
"The hard and strong will fall. The soft and weak will overcome." ~Tao Te Ching~
"You mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?" ~Princess Bride~
Originally posted by HandtoHandYou actually believe that shit?Various forms of energy healing has been practiced by countless people across the world over the millenia. You think it suddenly loses credence now? I believe in a more holistic approach to healing... one that heals the whole person, not just their physical body. If you don't believe that, that's fine by me. Nobody's telling you to.
Registered User
- Mar 2004
- 126
The greatest real advantage is an apparent disadvantage.
"The hard and strong will fall. The soft and weak will overcome." ~Tao Te Ching~
"You mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?" ~Princess Bride~
Originally posted by HandtoHandAre you famaliar with placebo? If you're body's got a major problem see a doctor, if your mind's got a searious problem go see a shrink. But why get heeled if there isnt a problem.
"In the West we do not have a measurable definition of health. There is no medical text book which defines the state of health. There is no monitoring process for when, and how much, we are healthy. We only know when we are unhealthy, because then somethign is wrong. The working definiton of health in Western medicine is when you are not ill... In China, this whole proposition is reversed. They simply turn it around. When someone is ill they ask the simple question 'Why is this person not healthy?'" (Wong Kiew Kit, The Complete Book of Tai Chi Chuan)
I don't mean to contrast the West with China, just modern "Western" medicine with pretty much every other medicine in the world at any point in history. You probably know that healing somebody by just treating the physical body makes for a much slower and uncertain recovery than treating somebody holistically. Western hospitals are increasingly paying more attention to studies that show how a person's environment and attitude can significantly affect recovery. It has also been shown that people who are prayed for (by loved ones of any faith) recover faster and smoother than people who are not. Medical history abounds with isolated cases of seemingly miraculous recoveries they can not explain. There was a boy that beat his uncurable cancer by concentrating on visualizing tiny battleships in his bloodstream which zapped cancer cells.
Basically, there is more going on in both maintaining and recovering health than the physical body alone. China has been at the forefront of researching the mind-body link of their traditional medicines (efficiency of acupuncture has already been improved with this research), and more and more Western doctors are starting to pay attention. We are steadily progressing into a time when the human being will be treated as a harmonious whole, not as fragmented parts (mind, body, emotions, etc) that have nothing to do with each other. Mental problems breed physical problems, physical problems breed mental ones... and traditional medicine of every culture on Earth would trace both back to the spiritual foundations by which these are nourished. Is it spirit? Is it science? I'd say both. But if this innate force can be tapped and utilized on a mass scale, the results would be phenomenal. Only time will tell. *shrug*
I Didn't realise my interest into Reiki healing would cause such input and different views of opinions on the subject.
I have just got back from yorkshire so sorry i haven't got back to you on all your replies.
I guess it's something you either believe in or not i suppose.
Registered User
- Mar 2004
- 126
The greatest real advantage is an apparent disadvantage.
"The hard and strong will fall. The soft and weak will overcome." ~Tao Te Ching~
"You mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?" ~Princess Bride~
Originally posted by HandtoHandPostitive thinking and placebo cure some things and other's it cant. It all depends on the severity, pearson's mind, and physical condidion.
Now, I don't think there's anything "miraculous" about it. If science truly devotes itself to the unbiased study of the mind-body link (as scientists in China and Japan are doing), it can delve into a frontier of exploration that has been common knowledge to humans throughout the millenia. However, this process can exist with or without scientific verification. Science can only hope to understand it, and perhaps make it more readily available and efficient, such as the case with acupuncture. And you don't necessarily treat things with just "positive thinking." As I said, it is a holistic approach that deals with mind, body, emotions, and spirit as a whole. Traditional internal energy techniques were supplemented with herbs which we now know to have theraputic qualities.
Registered User
- Mar 2004
- 126
The greatest real advantage is an apparent disadvantage.
"The hard and strong will fall. The soft and weak will overcome." ~Tao Te Ching~
"You mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?" ~Princess Bride~
Originally posted by HandtoHandOkay hear's and example; You've been stabbed in the subclavian artery you only got 2 seconds before you black out and 1&1/2 more before you die. It doesnt matter how much energy you can channel you're going to die in a few seconds anyways.
Granted the figures i provided differ depending on body size, gender, physical fitness and otehr factors but its general.).
Explanatory edit: because holistic healing asks not "why is this person sick?" but "why is this person not healthy?", it concentrates more on prevention of disease (read: maintaining of health) rather than extreme hypothetical scenarios.
Oriental modalities?
Hi! Just some info… I’m a practicing massage therapist with over 15 years of experience. In that time I saw a countless number of reiki practitioners, chi healers & others so called psychics. I’m very sorry to report, that 98.9 % of them are FAKE. The rest 1.1% can do unbelievable things. Just the fact that ANYBODY can get a diploma stating that he/she achieved rank of reiki Masters in 2 two days seminars should tell you something!!!!For proponents of reiki: Name reiki practitioners who healed bone fracture after10 (15, 20) secessions? Treated stomacular ulcers? Got rid of headache syndrome? At list reduced durations & acuteness of asthma attacks? Not in general terms” I heard…” Rreal facts, please. I did all that times after times using traditional western & Russian massage techniques. Do I call myself reiki master? While oriental medicine has great value, do not think of it as ultimate medicine. You should know that oriental medicine has a very vague notion of anatomy & physiology, as well as clinical diagnostics. I laugh hard when reiki master tells patient-You got liver- liver what??? Everyone got liver. Be ware of fraud.
Registered User
- Mar 2004
- 126
The greatest real advantage is an apparent disadvantage.
"The hard and strong will fall. The soft and weak will overcome." ~Tao Te Ching~
"You mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?" ~Princess Bride~
Originally posted by HandtoHandThis is actually pretty funny, you can get a stab in the subclavian artrey from either the front or back, and no matter how tough you are you can be killed. Navy SEALs are exceptionally tough and well trained, but occasionally the do die in operations. Besides i've never heard of Chi Kung but it sound like a load of you know what.
Registered User
- Mar 2004
- 126
The greatest real advantage is an apparent disadvantage.
"The hard and strong will fall. The soft and weak will overcome." ~Tao Te Ching~
"You mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?" ~Princess Bride~
Originally posted by bratvasIn that time I saw a countless number of reiki practitioners, chi healers & others so called psychics. I’m very sorry to report, that 98.9 % of them are FAKE. The rest 1.1% can do unbelievable things.
A lady in my Tai Chi Chuan class had damaged her shoulder in a car accident and had to get an artificial bone put in. Normally one has to go to physical thereapy sessions for months after an operation like that, but she only went once, and the doctor told her to just keep doing Tai Chi Chuan because it was doing her a lot more good than conventional physical therapy.
Registered User
- Mar 2004
- 126
The greatest real advantage is an apparent disadvantage.
"The hard and strong will fall. The soft and weak will overcome." ~Tao Te Ching~
"You mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?" ~Princess Bride~
Originally posted by Thai BriIf you're determined to believe in something, no one can stop you.
You'll be telling us about aliens next.