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A Woman's Guide to Spotting Bad Men

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  • A Woman's Guide to Spotting Bad Men


    *A woman's guide to spotting bad men*

    /Tuesday, August 2, 2005/


    There are a lot of frogs in dating land -- and a lot of wack jobs,
    leeches, narcissists and other dangerous guys waiting to suck the life
    out of you.

    Counselor Sandra Brown spent 15 years trying to change their dangerous
    ways, only to burn out and flee to a North Carolina mountaintop.

    But she has one thing left to give - the sum of her wisdom about
    intractably pathological men and the women who seem to fall for them
    time and again.

    "Women just don't know how to gauge when someone is unfixable," said
    Brown, who hopes to clue them in with her latest book, "How to Spot a
    Dangerous Man Before You Get Involved" (Hunter House, 250 pages, $14.95).

    Brown says dangerous men come in eight flavors - the permanent clinger,
    the parental seeker, the emotionally unavailable man, the man with a
    hidden life, the addict, the mentally ill man (especially when they're
    off their meds or not in treatment), the abusive or violent man and -
    most dangerous of all - the emotional predator, who can smell a victim a
    mile away.

    What they have in common, she said, is "the inability to grow, change or
    have insight."

    Learning to spot the red flags isn't enough. Instead, Brown said, women
    need to understand the grim reality of pathology - that men with
    ingrained personality disorders ( which includes many of her eight
    categories) are incapable of turning over a new leaf, no matter how much
    they swear otherwise.

    Until women get it, they'll keep searching for loopholes to explain why
    their bad guy is an exception to the rule. For some women, she said,
    trust is eternal.

    Brown stresses that physical violence is only one type of danger.
    Emotional trauma - the more common wreckage - also damages women's lives.

    "Pathological people screw you up," said Brown, who sounds a bit
    shellshocked herself as she describes the assaults and threats she used
    to endure from both male and female clients who came unhinged. (Women,
    she notes, have the same capacity for pathological behavior as men do.)

    "I worked with wacks," she said. "I have been stalked and attacked and
    my windshield shot out and my brakes cut - and that was by clients who
    cared about me."

    Brown, 48, who says she was once involved with a pathological man
    herself, began working in victim services after the 1983 murder of her

    After earning her credentials as a masters-level therapist, she went on
    to found residential and outpatient programs in Florida for severely
    traumatized women with chronic histories of victimization. She also
    worked with perps, including serial rapists, killers and emotional con men.

    "It was there that I began to get frustrated seeing the same women come
    back," Brown said. "The longer the women stayed in these relationships,
    the easier it was to normalize abnormal behavior. It's almost like the
    Stockholm Syndrome - the more you're exposed to something, the more
    you're OK with it."

    The gravitational pull between dangerous men and chronically victimized
    women was so great, Brown had to set aside separate appointment days for
    male and female clients to prevent her counseling center from turning
    into a dating service.

    "Right in my counseling lobby," she said, "these people were hooking up."

    Although she hadn't read Brown's book, June Wiley of New Beginnings, a
    Seattle shelter for domestic-violence victims, said Brown's overall
    message sounded like "a lot of good common sense."

    Wiley agrees women need to go with their gut when something seems amiss.
    A book she has read and highly recommends is Gavin de Becker's 1998
    bestseller, "The Gift of Fear and Other Survival Signals that Protect Us
    from Violence."

    Wiley was wary, however, of Brown's belief that chronic victims need to
    examine their own patterns of behavior.

    "I tend not to blame the innocent person," she said.

    Brown said she's not blaming women, she's trying to help potential
    targets gain the insight to protect themselves.

    "Any one of us could make a bad choice one time and realize a mistake
    and correct it," Brown said. "I'm talking about women with chronic
    patterns. My belief is you can't change what you can't name."


    *The Permanent Clinger:* He's sensitive, maybe even meek and mild, and,
    like you, he's been hurt. He's nice -but a bottomless pit of neediness.
    If you try to leave (difficult, because you hate to hurt his feelings)
    he'll scream, cry and threaten self-harm.

    # *Strategy:* If you suspect a clinger, slow down the relationship and see
    how he responds. If he freaks, beware.

    *The Parental Seeker:* He's just a big, overgrown kid - and not in a
    good way. You'll have to wait on him, make all the decisions and feed
    his ego. His biggest contribution to family life will be playing with
    the children.

    # *Strategy:* Quickly scope out how well he functions - at work and in
    life. Underachievement is a symptom. Don't confuse rescuing for intimacy.

    *The Emotionally Unavailable Man:* He'll happily string you along, even
    though he's married, engaged or so committed to career or hobbies that
    you'll always come last. He seems exciting, charming and fun-loving at
    first, but guys like him send more women to counseling than most other
    dangerous types.

    # *Strategy:* The minute you find out he's married, end it, for your own
    integrity and peace of mind. If he spends all his time on other
    interests, ask yourself: Where's his commitment to me?

    *The Man With the Hidden Life:* By the time you learn of his hidden wife
    and kids, secret addiction or criminal history, you'll probably be well
    into the relationship. Most of these tricksters are "combo-pack" men who
    fit more than one of the eight categories. They have addictions, mental
    health issues, predatory instincts and emotional unavailability.

    # *Strategy:* Get nosy. Ask persistent questions if something feels off.
    These men thrive on trusting, unquestioning women.

    *The Mentally Ill Man:* This is a sensitive issue because of the stigma
    that unfairly surrounds mental illness. Many upstanding men and women
    manage their conditions well. But the disorders usually are chronic and
    can potentially pose a variety of dangers, especially if the person
    resists treatment.

    # *Strategy:* Educate yourself about mental illness. Did you know severe
    depression can lead to psychotic behavior? That people with borderline
    personality disorder are the most likely to attempt suicide? So says
    Brown, adding that unmedicated bipolars in a manic phase are at the
    highest risk for dangerous and illegal behavior.

    *The Addict:* Besides the obvious addictions to drugs, alcohol, gambling
    and sex, this group includes seemingly productive behavior, such as
    compulsive overwork. All addictions are life-disrupting. An estimated 80
    percent of domestic violence occurs when people are under the influence
    of drugs or alcohol.

    # *Strategy:* Don't try to cure him. Cycles of addiction can take years to
    play out, and addicts often switch from one addiction to another.
    Examine your own family history; women often fail to see addicts coming
    because they've grown up around the behavior and it seems normal.

    *The Abusive or Violent Man:* Don't expect these guys to smack you
    around on the first date - it often takes months or years for their
    behavior to escalate. It starts with boundary violations that go
    unchecked. These men have issues with power and control and are
    incapable of an equality-based relationship. Abuse isn't only physical -
    it can be emotional, verbal, spiritual, financial or sexual - and it
    always gets worse.

    # *Strategy:* Leave after the first episode and don't go back. To gauge if
    he really wants a healthy relationship, keep your distance and insist he
    go to solo counseling for six months. "I can count on one hand how many
    men have actually followed through on this," Brown says. Consider
    background checks of prospective dates.

    *The Emotional Predator:* These men can be lethal. They have a sixth
    sense for lonely, vulnerable women and boast they can scan a room and
    "sense" the best targets, often picking up on eye and body language.
    They have antisocial personalities and they smoothly morph,
    chameleon-like, into whatever they think you're looking for.

    # *Strategy:* Don't reveal too much about yourself when you're getting to
    know a man. Ask him about himself instead of letting him pump you for
    clues to your psyche. As one predator told Brown, "I look for naïve
    women. I like a certain vulnerability to her - that she trusts humanity
    without asking for proof." Scary, huh? In short, keep up your guard.

    -- from Sandra Brown's /How to Spot a Dangerous Man/

    RESOURCES : Sandra
    Brown's web site, with links and a Q & A. : Web site of the King County
    Coalition Against Domestic Violence, a vast repository of educational
    articles, warning signs and community resources. : New Beginnings, in Seattle,
    offers emergency shelter, support and education, legal advocacy and
    other services to women in domestic violence situations. The phone
    number for its 24-hour crisis line is 206-522-9472.

    A Toolkit for Healing from Abusive Relationships (including verbal
    abuse): A new women's support group forming this month on Queen Anne.
    For more information, call 206-216-5957.

    "The Gift of Fear and Other Survival Signals that Protect Us From
    Violence," by Gavin de Becker (Dell, 372 pages, $7.99)


    /P-I reporter Cecelia Goodnow can be reached at 206-448-8353 or /

    /*© 1998-2005 Seattle Post-Intelligencer*/

  • #2
    Do you have one of these for women?
    I think I've dated girls with just about all of these archetypes...and so MUCH more.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Garland
      Do you have one of these for women?
      I think I've dated girls with just about all of these archetypes...and so MUCH more.
      LOL! Sounds like you don't need one, then.

      Ooh, a woman posting about women's issues in a women's counter-offensive discussion forum--imagine that!


      • #4
        "Women just don't know how to gauge when someone is unfixable,"

        I think it's worth stopping right there for a few minutes before reading the rest of the article.

        Approaching a relationship with an 'I can fix this person' attitude is precisely the reason so many people end up in bad relationships with flawed/crummy/psychotic partners. At worst it's a rationalization for dating an abusive partner and at best it's a rationalization for BEING a manipultive (and possibly abusive) partner yourself.


        • #5
          Originally posted by gregimotis
          Approaching a relationship with an 'I can fix this person' attitude is precisely the reason so many people end up in bad relationships with flawed/crummy/psychotic partners. Discuss.
          I was thinking the same thing but you beat me to it.

          I suppose I don't know much about relationships.


          • #6
            Originally posted by gregimotis
            I think it's worth stopping right there for a few minutes before reading the rest of the article.

            Approaching a relationship with an 'I can fix this person' attitude is precisely the reason so many people end up in bad relationships with flawed/crummy/psychotic partners. At worst it's a rationalization for dating an abusive partner and at best it's a rationalization for BEING a manipultive (and possibly abusive) partner yourself.

            BINGO. That is EXACTLY the problem, if the other person needs fixing to be with YOU, then YOU are the wrong person for THEM


            • #7
              Originally posted by BoarSpear
              BINGO. That is EXACTLY the problem, if the other person needs fixing to be with YOU, then YOU are the wrong person for THEM
              Aren't we all seen as fix up projects?

              I don't know.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Tom Yum
                Aren't we all seen as fix up projects?

                Doesn't matter if your 18 or 45 from California or Connecticut, it seems like we are all seen as fixer uppers.
                My wife was just reading over my shoulder, she said.....

                "Keep on lookin, eventually you will find someone who loves your smelly ass just the way you are " .....HEY WAIT A MINUTE is she trying to tell me something ??


                • #9
                  I feel bad for women who are victims in abusive relationships as I do the men who are too, because no one should have to go through these things.

                  I apologize for the harsh comments earlier. Its too tempting to tell it like it is sometimes without taking into consideration others hopes and wishes.

                  Sorry if I've offended and best of luck for women finding the perfect guy.
                  Last edited by Tom Yum; 10-19-2005, 02:58 PM. Reason: Apologize


                  • #10
                    Ok here's a novel idea

                    how about we treat people the way we'd like to be treated in relationships then there'd be no game playing, cheating (why not just leave instead) or other drama, I know this will never happen but things would be alot simpler and in the long run both parties would probably be happier for it.Oh well back to reality, here's a list of types of women you don't want to get involved with
                    1. the gold digger
                    2. the emotional taker (talks about her issues/every detail of her existance nonstop 24/7)
                    3. the I like bad boys/jerks but only "safe bad boys/jerks" cause they don't even know the meaning of "bad" or "jerk'" but they think they do LOL the jokes on them
                    4. the I don't know what I want game player
                    me>"why don't I dont know what you want ,because YOU don't know what YOU want, why don't you just take like 2 years and draw me a frigging map, oh no wait, see ya peace out"
                    5. the flirty tease
                    6. the physco chick with insecurity problems/dad issues ect. don't ever leave me ect.
                    7. the control freak/where have you been> I've got friends who can't even drink a beer in their living room
                    8.the make you into a completely different person with loving nudgeing 24/7
                    I think some chicks are combos of all these types.
                    but hell heck no ones perfect


                    • #11
                      My problem is my g/f eats all the good food in the fridge and she sleeps in the middle of the bed.

                      Got any quick fixes for that?


                      • #12
                        stop buying good food/tell her that the good food makes her arse bigger
                        sleeping in the middle of the bed is f**king annoying. no fix for it except replacing her lol


                        • #13
                          She says she buys the food so it doesn't matter what I think. Then she told me to get back in my cage and be quiet. Shhh! She's watching sex and the city...I'm not allowed to talk while her shows are on.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Eyegouge
                            She says she buys the food so it doesn't matter what I think. Then she told me to get back in my cage and be quiet. Shhh! She's watching sex and the city...I'm not allowed to talk while her shows are on.
                            WHIPPED!!! .


                            • #15
                              Japan is working on some crazy human robots. I think women will be replaced in ten years or so.

