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women what would you do in this situation?

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  • women what would you do in this situation?

    You're in an elevator a guy has just folled you in and is doing somethiung (use you imagination) and is making noises. What would you do. tih is a story I heard recently.If it was me and I had a cup of hot coffe I'd throw it in his eyes or better on somewhere lower and he'd remember me for a while.

  • #2
    Ok, so a girl walks into the elevator and a guy goes in at the same time, he makes weird noises so the girl throws coffee in his face

    ummmmmmm.... you could have explained that much better

    ummmm....... I would hope if I was to be in an elevator with a girl and clearing my throat or singing a song that she would not brutally attack

    yeah, that under the lawsystem is called "assault"


    • #3

      he was playing with himself and making sexual noises


      • #4
        well, aside from be really disgusted and offended...

        as long as he kept to himself, i'm not sure there's a right to do anything. I'd probably hit the button for the next floor and find myself another elevator - or the stairs.

        now, if he didn't keep to himself, that would be another story entirely.


        • #5

          yeah, good question, what would the law say under the circumstances of assaulting a guy who was masturbating next to you in the elevator,

          ummmm.... if It was me.... I would like ........ you know... I don't know


          • #6
            that is the problem, isn't it?

            I'm pretty sure you couldn't term it self-defense... but... yuck.


            • #7
              Originally posted by lamaTKD cait View Post
              I'm pretty sure you couldn't term it self-defense.
              I'm thinking self-offense on the man's part.


              • #8
                Probably pointing and laughing, maybe digging for glasses would be most sufficient ;D You can always throw up later, in private...

                (or introduce yourself: "Hi, my name is Lorena Bobbit...")


                • #9
                  Originally posted by GranFire View Post
                  (or introduce yourself: "Hi, my name is Lorena Bobbit...")
                  OOooo, i LIKE that one!!!


                  • #10
                    "Eileen Dover, nice to meet you... and you."

