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sparring: experienced grilfreind vs. novice boyfreind

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  • sparring: experienced grilfreind vs. novice boyfreind

    Hi ladies,

    I have a question for you: I have a new girlfreind who has 9 years TKD experience and is a 3rd degree black belt. With a smile and a wink, she hints at some fun sparring. I have about 4 months of muay thai experience and have begun to cross train in Kenpo. I have sparred in muay thai only a handfull of times, well short of her nine years.

    Now, despite the fact I'm quicker and more explosive, her experience and bountiful amount of weapons may result in her handing me my ass, especially if we go by her TKD rules (14 oz gloves and leg kicks may have a different result).

    My ego can take the impending point defeat and the sparring will be fun and could easily become a form of foreplay, especially with limited dress. However, I have a twinge of concern in the back of my mind that her respect for me will drop and her abundant sexual interest in me may wane as her points rack up.

    So ladies, let me ask you: If you are an experienced MA practitioner and your significant other is a novice and you get the better of him in fun sparring in your art, would you lose respect for him?

    In my mind, the fact I'm willing to try to have fun with it should foster some respect. I mean, she has avoided telling past boyfreinds in the past about her martial arts experience for fear they would be intimidated (she calls them week). With me, she feels free and safe with it. But there is still a tiny bit of hesitation.

    Is my hesitation warrented, ladies?


  • #2
    Best thread ever.


    • #3
      Catch 22 LOL!

      Obviously she thinks that it's going to be an interesting match or she would not have hinted...

      Not knowing her personally I can't really comment on whether or not her kicking your butt will have an affect on your love life. But I can also imagine, that she'll kick you behind first before she takes charge of the other aspect as well!

      Can you handle that?!

      (But I can understand her no telling other boyfriends about her MA because many man do get intimidated about a chick that can kick their behind!)

      If this will turn out to be a longterm relationship, both of you can only profit from the sparring... Of course, you also will endure some strife about being an MA couple! We have a few of them in our school, not to mention our two main instructors are husband and wife.....


      • #4
        Originally posted by new_guy View Post

        I have a question for you: I have a new girlfreind who has 9 years TKD experience and is a 3rd degree black belt. With a smile and a wink, she hints at some fun sparring. I have about 4 months of muay thai experience and have begun to cross train in Kenpo. I have sparred in muay thai only a handfull of times, well short of her nine years.
        You're asking the ladies, so I'm going to refrain from responding, except that I dated this tang soo do chick years ago. She was good...really good. When you're sparring someone, anyone who has a lot of skill, you're going to be forced into survival mode...

        play the infighting game; she's gonna try and plant her side kick or spinning back kick if you come straight in. And if she lands, seeing that she's a 3rd dan BB, you're guts are gonna get rocked and you'll get that "empty feeling" out for double and triple kick combinations designed shift your defense and leave you open somewhere else (i.e. side kick to body, followed by hook kick to your face - or front snap kick fake, that turns into a round house to the face).

        Wear atleast a mouth guard and groin cup.

        Make her miss by stepping just out of range of her kicks, watch for double and triple kick combinations (progressive indirect attack - like a lead leg side kick to your body to get your guard down, followed by a hook kick to your face) block or parry and close the gap right after she tries to land a spin kick.

        Get the over-under clinch. Then ask her if she wants to do a little ground work.

        MA chicks are stronger than your average chick, but more fun than them as well. You've got nothing to loose, bro. Have fun...if you play your cards right, the sparring session could heat things up in the right way.
        Last edited by Tom Yum; 03-10-2007, 04:42 PM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by new_guy View Post
          Hi ladies,
          With a smile and a wink, she hints at some fun sparring.

          Danger. danger. danger.

          She is going to come out hitting hard. You are going to have to 1) stay light even as she hits you full force or 2) hit back harder than you are comfortable with and harder than she wanted to get hit.

          Either way, you are going to lose and someone is going to be angry (you, if you let her pound you - her if you fight back).

          I have seen this scenario, and been part of it, a dozen times. It's never a 'friendly spar, smile, wink'


          • #6
            Just keep hinting at how inferior the female species is, to guarantee you a good workout, with a healthy dose of realism.

            Women with issues are what keeps life interesting.


            • #7
              Originally posted by gregimotis View Post
              Danger. danger. danger.

              Either way, you are going to lose and someone is going to be angry (you, if you let her pound you - her if you fight back).
              Sorry, Greg.

              I think you're projecting here.

              A woman whose a 3rd dan BB in TKD/TSD has sparred men many times before and should be treated as a man when sparring due to her skill, speed and power - she'll expect it. On top of that, being shaped by an Asian traditional art for THAT long, she's less likely to be a brat and is woman enough to take a little contact.

              If you agree to some level of contact and she gets pissed at you, she's either lying about her rank or attends a McDojo.


              • #8
                Buddy, just do it, but you have to think about the other side. I've sparred with women before and good god I know one that puts every other guy I've sparred with to shame and gaw... she's gorgeous too XD But yeah, besides the point. Just pick yourself up each time she knocks your inexperienced arse down and if you're afraid of her losing interest, I don't see why as long as you keep yourself going. Atleast you're proving you can take a hit huh? On the other hand, say you can beat her into the ground.... Then um.... I'd recomend not doing that because well, where I live not many women are into the whole "violent" b/f status. Good luck with that man XD


                • #9
                  bro. knock her the hell out. then make her knit you a sweater.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by slayer31 View Post
                    bro. knock her the hell out. then make her knit you a sweater.

                    LOL! But whatever you do, don't eat the mushrooms!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by slayer31 View Post
                      bro. knock her the hell out. then make her knit you a sweater.
                      That's some funny.


                      Maybe I am projecting, but it's the relationship that changes it and makes it personal IMHO. Anyway just my experience.

                      The poster should come back and let us know how it went...


                      • #12
                        I've seen that happen before too... The girlfriend starts kicking the guy's ass so he steps it up a notch, then she gets all whiny when he goes too hard and kicks her ass, even though he's only going like 50%. Or he doesn't give it his all and she thinks she's all bad and can beat him even though she can't. False confidece is dangerous.

                        I think it depends on the lady, though. One way to kind of feel it out is to train together and see how well that works. And if you want to spar make sure you have clearly established rules (maybe even write them down) beforehand that you both agree on. Plus if you spar her in TKD it's only fair that she spar you in Muay Thai...

                        So ladies, let me ask you: If you are an experienced MA practitioner and your significant other is a novice and you get the better of him in fun sparring in your art, would you lose respect for him?
                        No. I lose respect for guys that won't even try because they're afraid of getting hurt, or who are mentally weak, or who lose badly... or win badly for that matter... I guess this goes for women too... I was just training with a female noob the other day and she was all, "Don't hurt me!!!!" though we were practicing this really slow and easy drill that has absolutely no risk potential. I could respect her if she was at least trying to improve instead of making excuses but... Anyway, I have all the respect in the world for a man who's trying to improve his game and clean up his weaknesses and work his ass off. Win or lose. I dated a wrestler who I tapped out once when we were rolling, but he had absolutely no ground game at all. I think he may have been going easy. But anyway, I didn't lose respect for him and I didn't even tell any of his friends.

                        Having said that, I don't think I could date a man who couldn't beat me at arm wrestling.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by new_guy View Post
                          Hi ladies,

                          I have a question for you: I have a new girlfreind who has 9 years TKD experience and is a 3rd degree black belt. With a smile and a wink, she hints at some fun sparring. I have about 4 months of muay thai experience and have begun to cross train in Kenpo. I have sparred in muay thai only a handfull of times, well short of her nine years.

                          Now, despite the fact I'm quicker and more explosive, her experience and bountiful amount of weapons may result in her handing me my ass, especially if we go by her TKD rules (14 oz gloves and leg kicks may have a different result).

                          My ego can take the impending point defeat and the sparring will be fun and could easily become a form of foreplay, especially with limited dress. However, I have a twinge of concern in the back of my mind that her respect for me will drop and her abundant sexual interest in me may wane as her points rack up.

                          So ladies, let me ask you: If you are an experienced MA practitioner and your significant other is a novice and you get the better of him in fun sparring in your art, would you lose respect for him?

                          In my mind, the fact I'm willing to try to have fun with it should foster some respect. I mean, she has avoided telling past boyfreinds in the past about her martial arts experience for fear they would be intimidated (she calls them week). With me, she feels free and safe with it. But there is still a tiny bit of hesitation.

                          Is my hesitation warrented, ladies?


                          YOU LUCKY MAN !!!!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by treelizard View Post
                            Having said that, I don't think I could date a man who couldn't beat me at arm wrestling.
                            .......ya ready to test mah gunz.


                            • #15
                              My wife and I [20 years this year] have the occasion to spar every Saturday morning. We are the same rank. We sometimes end up on the mats toe to toe. We have an agreement that we will never try to blast one another but rather look for the technical points, a good clear opening if you will, this makes it interesting, and fun . And besides, I got tired of getting bested by my better half.

