When a man refuses to spar with you By Tez3 - Thu, 07 Jun 2007 10:08:08 GMT
This isn't an anti-man rant but something that happened to me two days ago and I'm still angry about it. Another thread about a girl beating up on a man who doesn't like to hit back made me think I wanted to start another thread on the women's forum about it to gather some views from female martial artists to present to my instructor who blames me!
What happened on Tuesday night was that we had the boxing coach in ( we do MMA) and we partnered up, sparred - only body shots at first - for a couple of minutes then changed partners and so on. I'd sparred with two of the guys with no problems then got to the third who said he wouldn't hit me. I said that's stupid of course he will, no he said he won't, I could hit him. I think I should have walked away but i didn't and 'sparred' with him just covering up. I kept to the body shots as we were supposed to then Sandy the coach said right head shots and kicks. My partner said again he wasn't going to hit me so then I did walk off. This meant I was left out of the rest of the training session much to my frustration and anger.
I spoke to my instructor who got angry with me and said no not now we'll talk about it later. He's blames me for 'attention seeking'. I'd complained before about being left out by the men ( I'm the only woman) and he shrugs his shoulders, I've tried to get in there and this happens. I can't win here. Earlier in the evening it had been grappling, our instructor showed them basic moves then told them to partner up, as usual I was left out so I sat on the side. I was told then to correct them if they went wrong as I knew the moves.The student who later refused to spar with me is relatively new and was trying to show a new guy an armbar which wasn't working so I spent a bit of time with them showing them the correct way, I felt then that I wasn't welcome there but thought tough, I am an instructor.
I can't talk to my instructor about this anymore, we were very close (not now though) but he's going through a hard time at the moment and basically I have to keep my head down otherwise I get shouted at big style. I am more than an instructor really as I have a lot of money tied up in the club ( my instructor is getting divorced and his wife has taken all the money so I pay for all the basic things at the moment to keep it open)With so many of our students being in Iraq and Afghanistan the club hasn't paid it's way at all.We don't make money from the club but do need it to pay for new kit, insurance etc, otherwise it comes out of our own pockets. I also do all the paperwork, cleaning, teaching the children, doing the publicity and working on the MMA shows we do. I also have a lot of money invested in the show side.
Sorry for the long moan but needed to get this off my chest. Last September it all got too much and I had a breakdown (not helped by misdiagnosis by doc! seems I have thyroid probs sorted now thank goodness! thyroxine = magic pills lol!) and it ain't going to happen again! Basically I feel I'm right to feel insulted by this guy not sparring with me. I actually feel quite humiliated!I really feel I don't want to train tonight now. I hear what the guys say about not wanting to hit women and I respect that but wish they understood! The situation gets worse as we have people fighting in four weeks so the training has to get harder but I just don't see why I have to get left out!
Yep that's me feeling sorry for myself... whimper whimper lol! :sadsong:
I love MMA, TMA too but am just exasparated at the moment.
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MartialTalk.com Post Bot - Women's Self-Defense Feed
This isn't an anti-man rant but something that happened to me two days ago and I'm still angry about it. Another thread about a girl beating up on a man who doesn't like to hit back made me think I wanted to start another thread on the women's forum about it to gather some views from female martial artists to present to my instructor who blames me!
What happened on Tuesday night was that we had the boxing coach in ( we do MMA) and we partnered up, sparred - only body shots at first - for a couple of minutes then changed partners and so on. I'd sparred with two of the guys with no problems then got to the third who said he wouldn't hit me. I said that's stupid of course he will, no he said he won't, I could hit him. I think I should have walked away but i didn't and 'sparred' with him just covering up. I kept to the body shots as we were supposed to then Sandy the coach said right head shots and kicks. My partner said again he wasn't going to hit me so then I did walk off. This meant I was left out of the rest of the training session much to my frustration and anger.
I spoke to my instructor who got angry with me and said no not now we'll talk about it later. He's blames me for 'attention seeking'. I'd complained before about being left out by the men ( I'm the only woman) and he shrugs his shoulders, I've tried to get in there and this happens. I can't win here. Earlier in the evening it had been grappling, our instructor showed them basic moves then told them to partner up, as usual I was left out so I sat on the side. I was told then to correct them if they went wrong as I knew the moves.The student who later refused to spar with me is relatively new and was trying to show a new guy an armbar which wasn't working so I spent a bit of time with them showing them the correct way, I felt then that I wasn't welcome there but thought tough, I am an instructor.
I can't talk to my instructor about this anymore, we were very close (not now though) but he's going through a hard time at the moment and basically I have to keep my head down otherwise I get shouted at big style. I am more than an instructor really as I have a lot of money tied up in the club ( my instructor is getting divorced and his wife has taken all the money so I pay for all the basic things at the moment to keep it open)With so many of our students being in Iraq and Afghanistan the club hasn't paid it's way at all.We don't make money from the club but do need it to pay for new kit, insurance etc, otherwise it comes out of our own pockets. I also do all the paperwork, cleaning, teaching the children, doing the publicity and working on the MMA shows we do. I also have a lot of money invested in the show side.
Sorry for the long moan but needed to get this off my chest. Last September it all got too much and I had a breakdown (not helped by misdiagnosis by doc! seems I have thyroid probs sorted now thank goodness! thyroxine = magic pills lol!) and it ain't going to happen again! Basically I feel I'm right to feel insulted by this guy not sparring with me. I actually feel quite humiliated!I really feel I don't want to train tonight now. I hear what the guys say about not wanting to hit women and I respect that but wish they understood! The situation gets worse as we have people fighting in four weeks so the training has to get harder but I just don't see why I have to get left out!
Yep that's me feeling sorry for myself... whimper whimper lol! :sadsong:
I love MMA, TMA too but am just exasparated at the moment.
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