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late night musing

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  • late night musing

    a friend and i went to see comedy and sing karaoke. afterwards, i offered to walk her to her car. she said she was going to walk me to my car, because she outranked me. but i was going to walk her to her car, because she was wearing stiletto heels (you know, the slippery kind.) it was an interesting conversation because we were parked very close to each other so it was purely theoretical. she said that her heels were weapons. i insisted she could throw projectiles while watching me walk to my car. afterwards i was thinking that the point wasn't footwear, but do you train in the type of footwear you will wear. on the other hand, she has way more agility than i do and if she did fall over would have an easier time rolling and getting back up. BUT she's also more likely to really mess up her ankle, making it hard to stand (let alone fight). and also she may outrank me in her art, but i would outrank her in other arts i train in if they had ranks. then again, the guys i train the most with aren't into formality.

    yeah, i think too much.

  • #2
    This sounds like an intro for a

    Honestly it doesn't matter whom walks whom to the car as long as one of you gets a ride to the other's car, decreasing the risk of being alone.


    • #3
      Originally posted by treelizard View Post
      a friend and i went to see comedy and sing karaoke. afterwards, i offered to walk her to her car. she said she was going to walk me to my car, because she outranked me. but i was going to walk her to her car, because she was wearing stiletto heels (you know, the slippery kind.) it was an interesting conversation because we were parked very close to each other so it was purely theoretical. she said that her heels were weapons. i insisted she could throw projectiles while watching me walk to my car. afterwards i was thinking that the point wasn't footwear, but do you train in the type of footwear you will wear. on the other hand, she has way more agility than i do and if she did fall over would have an easier time rolling and getting back up. BUT she's also more likely to really mess up her ankle, making it hard to stand (let alone fight). and also she may outrank me in her art, but i would outrank her in other arts i train in if they had ranks. then again, the guys i train the most with aren't into formality.

      yeah, i think too much.
      Have another beer and don't forget the designated driver.


      • #4
        Originally posted by treelizard View Post
        yeah, i think too much.
        Heh, just a little.

        You could always intro a "street cloths day" once a month where people trained self-defense in jeans and heels and skirts and impractical things like that.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Little Apple View Post
          Heh, just a little.

          You could always intro a "street cloths day" once a month where people trained self-defense in jeans and heels and skirts and impractical things like that.
          It might be fun to train in heels. It would keep me on my toes.


          • #6
            You would really have to market it as a "self-defense day" though. Afterwards you could all go train team tactics by playing laser tag. In heels. Even the men. Heh, j/k.


            • #7
              Originally posted by treelizard View Post
              It might be fun to train in heels. It would keep me on my toes.
              YOu'll break your ankles


              • #8
                If you are both that good at martial arts, do you really need to be escorted to your cars?

                What difference are two people going to make if you are attacked with a weapon? You still have to approach it the same way!!


                • #9
                  First of all, even a person with a weapon is more likely to go after one person than two people. Second of all, four fists are better than two.


                  • #10
                    Tree Lizard,
                    Its so funny that you posed this question. We (our school) just finished street defense month. Which is important for us because we are a traditional martial art. You would be surprised at how many people (high ranking) would leave class feeling like they were white belts. We wore street clothes all month and did many different drills. One of the drills involved taking only one of the self defense techniques that we knew and trying to apply it to any type of attack, forcing the student to alter it under pressure to make it work.
                    We did verbal taunting drills which I was really god at.(the taunting part) Two on one drills. And padded attacker full contact drills. Down town field trip to run scenarios in paring lots with prop weapons but you could use anything you could get your hands on to defend yourself. We all learned alot about our chemical makeups and our real life skill levels, our stong points and or shortcomings. We are (as a class) going to work on our short comings and do the exercises again in three months.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by treelizard View Post
                      First of all, even a person with a weapon is more likely to go after one person than two people. Second of all, four fists are better than two.
                      If he has a gun. It is just a case of boom boom. It doesn't matter whether you have a person with you.

                      Four fists are definately better than two, and six are better than four, but it won't stop them attacking.

                      I hate the whole mentality that tricks you into thinking - if I am with someone I won't get attacked. In the UK, if someone wants to mug you they will. Weaker targets are better, yes, but two people being there won't stop most people


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Red Rum View Post
                        If he has a gun. It is just a case of boom boom. It doesn't matter whether you have a person with you.
                        Unless he's using a gun for intimidation instead of to actually shoot it.

                        Did I say anywhere that two people would stop someone from attacking? I do think the odds are better both for not being made a target and for coming away unscathed when you have two armed, trained people with cell phones as opposed to just one.

                        I lived in the UK for 8 months and I made sure to go out in groups when possible, wait with people at the bus station, etc. there too.


                        • #13
                          No but your whole post implied that walking you to your car would somehow make you safer. I just don't like the automatic assumption that exists in the world today that if you walk home with a friend you are not going to get attacked


                          • #14
                            Yeah, a post that was about who would be less likely to fall over or get up quicker if they are attacked while being walked to their car implies that if someone is walking with a friend they're not going to get attacked. And saying four fists are better than two really implies that one isn't ever going to have to use them. Also the words I used were "less likely" not "definitely will not be" attacked. You are just reading what you want to read. Get over yourself.


                            • #15
                              P.S. Check this out. It's from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, so hopefully you won't have a problem with their mindset.

                              That's 93.7% of violent crimes with just one victim. Hmm... How about them apples?

