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Men's Violence

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  • Men's Violence

    About Men's Violence

    In the past thirty years women have successfully organized, nationally and internationally, to move men's violence against women to the forefront of policy and health concerns. This movement is a part of a broader effort to encompass women's diverse experience and common advancement within a human rights framework.

    Men's violence against women includes physical violence—both sexual and non-sexual - verbal, emotional and economic abuse. It is perpetrated through war, enslavement and genocide; in the workplace, the social structure and at large; and in intimate relationships. The focus of Men Stopping Violence is on ending the conditions that enable and perpetuate men’s violence against women with whom they are in intimate relationships.

    Men hold sexist beliefs, and these beliefs fuel their choices to assault women with whom they are partnered. Cultural norms and social and institutional practices often promote and act out of those sexist beliefs, allowing men to "get away" with their assaults. Therefore, the work of Men Stopping Violence is social change.

    Men's violence against women, serving to keep a specific group (men) dominant over another (women), is one manifestation of a system of hierarchical oppression that also includes racism, classism and heterosexism. As a result, men have different tools available to use against different women -- lesbians and heterosexual women, poor and middle class women, white women and women of color. While the tools may differ, the purpose—power and control—is the same. Thus, justice for women cannot be achieved through ending sexism solely, but will require ending racism, classism, heterosexism and all other forms of oppression.

  • #2

    Above is a quote from Men Stopping Violence Web page


    • #3
      What do you think?

      I would like to hear why you all think that men choose to perpetrate violence. I also would like to hear what you all think can be done to stop men from choosing to use violence against men, women, and children.


      • #4
        First of is yeah, I am a man. Guy.

        I think men need psychological help. The urge to destroy, to dominate, is so ingrained. Why can't we just coexist?

        I'm from the Philippines, and I don't think Men Stopping Violence is here yet. I wish it were. I have strong urges for violence myself (even random violence), even sexual violence. I work hard to stay on top of these urges.

        Small question: why are women so concerned with protecting themselves? I used to get beat a lot as a kid. Then I wanted to learn self-defense so no one would step on me. I wanted to protect myself. Then I got sick of getting beat. Karate didn't get me anywhere (I think it was my mind set's fault). My mind set changed into "I'm gonna maul any f**ker who messes with me." Now, the slightest attempt at bullying me down just inspires such a divine rage most people refuse to mess with me. I'm thinking, what if women think "I have the divine right to space and healthy living. Stand in my way and I will assert my divine right to mash your face and gonads into pulp."

        Second question: I don't like hurting women. The only person I damaged badly in a fight was a girl, my big sister, but I don't think that counts. The thing is, I do get urges to hit women on two occasions. First is when they think that my powerlifter status makes me a human punching bag. But second and more importantly is when they verbally abuse me. I simply can't keep up with the verbal argument cause I think women are damned articulate when mad (I'm very articulate with speech, just not when mad). Hemispheral thing. So I wanna shut them up by hitting them sometimes (fight where I'm strong). Oh and there's a third instance: when I'm in a verbal argument and she "bullies" me my invading my personal space. Clicks into my head that when in a verbal agrument, anything that invades my space will be dealt with most harshly (sticking your face up to mine). In other words, I respond to such as an invitation to fight, but feel terrible cause society frowns horribly upon me fighting back (as I see more intuitively).

        I'm real sorry, I think I sound like such a violent sexist. I really think I need help. But while patriarchal schemes are largely to blame for male to female violence, I think the awareness of women on men's psychological laws would be important as well.

        All in peace. God bless the women of this world.

        Please, I'm sorry, I have difficulty phrasing today. Just read child molestation thing and am so upset. Wanna kill all paedophiles with my bare fists.

        Clarify statements if you please.


        • #5
          Antonsevilla: Dude...sounds like you're aware of this already, but from your post, you sound like a ticking bomb ready to go off, man. Sounds like your heart is in the right place, but maybe your emotions get the better of you sometimes? I don't have much experience with therapy and the like, but since you brought it up, it might be something to explore. Seriously, for your own sense of content and well being, if nothing else.

          To address some of the things you brought up...while I do think that men moreso (in general) than women have have aggressiveness ingrained into their systems (through nature as well as nurture), I would disagree that we are programmed to "destroy and dominate". While violence and aggression have been part of human history from the onset, both men and women have the ability to control their emotions through their intelligence and strength of will. We all have moments where we let our emotions get the better of us, but as our character grows and develops throughout our lives, I think it's very reasonable to expect men and women alike to be able to control their "instincts" and deal with most situations in a non-violent manner.

          I can sympathize with your annoyance when some individuals take their "protected" status for granted. It hasn't happened much to me, but I have often seen a tiny woman verbally and physically "go off" on a much larger man in public...getting in his face, screaming insults at him, poking him in the chest, even slapping his face...all because she knew she was "safe" from a physical confrontation. Whenever I observe this, I can't help thinking, "If this was a guy saying and doing these things to another guy, he would be getting the crap beaten out of him right now, no questions asked." And the average Joe/Jane on the street would think that the one verbally assaulting the other got what they deserved. I'm not saying that violence would be an appropriate reaction in this scenario, but I do find it interesting to note the double standards that society has established, and how both sides take advantage of them.

          As you said you're a powerlifter, I bet you're a pretty big guy who can be very intimidating when you want to. I don't have that luxury (unfortunately), but I have some close friends who do. Isn't it funny how you can get instant respect from men with your size and demeanor (they don't want any part of a fight with you), yet some women will openly disrespect you, knowing they are protected by the law and societies views from a physical confrontation? Maybe that's the kind of scenario you're speaking of, maybe not. But in any case, it sounds like you realize that you can't give in to your inner desire to escalate the situation to violence. I think it was Nietchze who said "Develop the sense of self that allows freedom from external validation." In other words, build up your confidence and knowledge of yourself to the point where it doesn't matter what others think or say about you. They can insult you, taunt you, berate you, whatever. It won't matter, because deep inside you are aware of your own self worth. Not an easy thing to do for anyone, but that kind of confidence and patience is no doubt the mark of a true warrior.

          All: It bothers me when people focus on certain issues to the blind exclusion of all others. Men perpatrate violence agasint men. Men perpatrate violence on women. Men perpatrate violence against children. Women perpatrate violence against children. Women perpatrate violence against women. Women perpatrate violence against men. Children perpatrate violence against children. The percentages are not equal, granted. But for whatever statistics and reports you'd like to present for one side, I'm sure equally damning arguements could be made for the other. Let's remember this is a forum promoting "Women's Self-Defense" (a very worthy topic) not "The Top Ten Reasons to Hate Men" (a topic which does nothing to develop the confidence, physical abilities, or mental awareness of anyone).

          Best regards,



          • #6

            I think that it is good that you acknowledge that you choose to use violence. I think that you should get help by emailing Men Stopping Violence at
            They might be able to get some resources for you where you live. I hope that you choose to not hurt other people (battering/hitting women, etc.) and only use self defense to protect your life. I think that the best type of martial artist chooses the option of walking away - if he/she can - before he/she chooses to fight.

            I hope you can email Men Stopping Violence and they will be able to help you!




            • #7



              I think what you wrote above was pretty good. I think that men listen to other men more than they listen to women - about perpetrating violence. I definatly think it is more powerful for men to tell men it is not okay to batter etc. than it is for women to tell men (b/c they get all defensive and act like women hate men). Anyways, I think it is good what you told antonsevilla . A lot of men would not even go there. Thanks.

              I don't think anyone is saying they hate men. Is anyone?

              All I know is that men perpetrate more than 95% of violence and that is not okay.

              Women's self defense is 99% about fighting men - not children, not other women, but MEN.

              And since this is a Women's Self Defense Talk- the best thing that I can think of - and what most of the women's movement and many men's movements want to figure out - is how to stop men from choosing to use violence. And that is why I think this chat will prove to be helpful to me and others.



              • #8
                Any one out there who is violent (for no or little reason) getting help should be on the top of your to do list! Violence like beating women, children etc is just wrong.

                I dont have any experience from this because I was never beaten, but my mum and dad have told me horrible stories of what happend then.


                • #9
                  Hello everyone. I'm in a better mood now. You see, I'm actually a real nice guy. With a tilted temperament, but otherwise not so bad.

                  Rockwell: Thank you for your concern. I'm doing taichichuan, and it is actually helping my disposition. My girlfriend's a psychologist. She helps me out too. Oh and my mom's a psychologist. Hmmm... why am I surrounded by psychologists? You are right -- people who abuse their "protected" status (like some women) are a nuisance. But come to think of it, that's not the issue of male violence anyway. The bigger issue is the men who actually violate women without being "messed with".

                  Why do men perpetrate violence? Good question. Combat sports, contact sports, etc. All of these I think are culturally acceptable forms of letting loose the darker instincts of humans. (Both men and women, but often men.) Meaning humans must have an intrinsic urge to violence. It's just a theory. I think we should talk about that more when we get the time.

                  BTW I've started teaching my girlfriend self-defense. She's a cute li'l 75-lb girl, so she needs all the defense she can get. Teaching her "tiger-inspired" loose-boxing. Think Bas Rutten without the kicks. She likes it.



                  • #10
                    Good for you.


                    • #11

                      The fact is women do not participate in violent crime in anywhere the numbers that men do. Why is this? We can raise names like Bobitt or whomever, but they are only shocking because they are so rare. Yet, every day in any paper you can find incidences of men attacking women.


                      • #12
                        MEn are not bad. They just tend to hurt people more.

                        Dude, freaks are freaks. But the norm says otherwise -- women don't hurt people PHYSICALLY anywhere near as much as men do. Now when they start yapping, that's a different story, but a fist to the skull is more injurious then a yap fest.

                        A yap fest can trigger a fist to the skull though...

                        Ya know what I think's wrong? Take this example: man's pissed. Walks up to a two hundred pound linebacker and whoops him bad with his bare fists. Does anyone whine? No, the linebacker was fully capable of whoopin' the guy. But what if that man walked up to a 110lb girl. Physiology be damned (I'm a bio major, women tend to have far less muscle per unit bodyweight) but the sheer weight advantage is bound to be unfair. He whoops her ... now that's wrong. Right? As in really sick wrong. Hey, as the saying goes, pick on someone your own size (who is armed similiarly). Fairness makes the world go round.

                        Hey, if a 120lb pipsqueak picked a fight with China from WWF and whooped her, I don't know who'd file charges.


                        • #13

                          Violence is violence,,no matter what the gender. here is a thought. why perpetuate the violence by utilizing more violence? women take self defense courses in order to be just as violent as thier attacker. SO why do WOMEN choose to perpetuate violence of thier own? or draw up and angry adgenda against ALL men when not ALL men are violent?

                          i think the issue has to be re-looked at from a practical standpoint rather than a feminist hate adgenda perspective.

                          Many respects,,,Lightning&Earth
                          Last edited by Lightning&Earth; 08-05-2002, 01:35 PM.


                          • #14
                            Fanatasism is fun to watch, but.....

                            I've read this "emotional" thread with bits of frustration and a few smiles.

                            While Erica is entheusastic and has been sucessful in stirring up a few of the guys here, I'd ask you all to consider a few observations.

                            1.) The fact that Erica doesn't like the fact that men and women are different and MUST train differently will not make these facts any less true.

                            2.) It's nice that she worshops her instructor. (She's replublished his works and quoted him 100 times here.) But hero worship is VERY bad for one's selective intelectual proccess. Members here will never convince her that he is not ALL KNOWING.

                            3.) Here references to the feminist "Movement", Lesbianism, and Heteroism (as though it were a bad thing) reveal a bias that (IMO) clearly effects her perspective.

                            4.) BAM / IMPACT are very good programs. They are also incomplete.

                            5.) Here insistance on trying to use Statistics (which are great for arguments but little conselations to the hundreds of thousands of Rape Victems each year) to infer that Women are really not victemized as frequently as men is both silly and irresponsable.

                            6.) Its easy for Women to speculate whay men Rape. I have interviewed HUNDREDS of Rapists and Victems. Men Rape for ONE reason - because they CAN. Being angry that this is so will not change its truth.

                            7.) NOTHING a woman does makes being attacked her fault. That having been said - each Woman bears responsability for her safety and for being prepared to exersize the right to defend herself.

                            8.) You want to know how we stop rape in the country?

                            * Make Practical Urban Combat Training for Women Mandatory in High School

                            * Implement programs to heighten awareness of sexually orriented crimes to lift the taboo that is still associated with them

                            * Vote, lobby, and otherwise engage the system in every jurisdiction to maintain a ZERO tollerance policy in Law Enforcement and Judicial Offices

                            * Accept that, while Women can defend themselves, nature or God made most women physically less qualified to succeed in unarmed combat (and society has culturalized them to further decrease their aptitude) . Therefore - men should step up to offer any and all preventative and protective support that the women in their lives and localities would like.

                            Don't get caught in the politics, the "I'm Right", the ALL MEN ARE EVIL, the FEMINAZZI's HATE ALL MEN.

                            Arguing here won't make even ONEwoman safer. Educating MIGHT.

                            Joe Stagner



                            • #15
                              "8.) You want to know how we stop rape in the country?

                              * Make Practical Urban Combat Training for Women Mandatory in High School

                              * Implement programs to heighten awareness of sexually orriented crimes to lift the taboo that is still associated with them

                              * Vote, lobby, and otherwise engage the system in every jurisdiction to maintain a ZERO tollerance policy in Law Enforcement and Judicial Offices

                              * Accept that, while Women can defend themselves, nature or God made most women physically less qualified to succeed in unarmed combat (and society has culturalized them to further decrease their aptitude) . Therefore - men should step up to offer any and all preventative and protective support that the women in their lives and localities would like.

                              Don't get caught in the politics, the "I'm Right", the ALL MEN ARE EVIL, the FEMINAZZI's HATE ALL MEN.

                              Arguing here won't make even ONEwoman safer. Educating MIGHT. "

                              Great points, Joe. Preach on, brother.


