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Date Rape Drug?

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  • Date Rape Drug?

    I've heard someting from someone about this drug that if a guy puts it in your drink, it makes you passive or whatever? My friend told me never to drink from a glass that's been out of your sight because the drug might be in it. If you leave the table to go to the bathroom, get another drink when you get back, if you're with a guy. But does anyone know exactly what this drug is and what it does? And is there any way to detect it?

  • #2
    Well no.. it can't .

    it's mixed in and if your buzzing already u wont care.. or even taste it.

    just keep ur guard..


    • #3

      The drug is roehipnol, and the advice is right. Don't ever leave a drink unattended in a bar, public place, or especially when you have a new "friend" over for the first time. Date rape drugs are available through the internet as well. Disgusting but true.


      • #4
        Date rape drugs are available through the internet as well. Disgusting but true.
        correctamundo. watch who you're hanging out with. don't get f*cked up at parties. a couple drinks, and you probably wouldn't notice if the person next to you popped the drug in your glass.



        • #5
          Yup, gotta agree with the guys here. The drug, also known as " roofies" is easy to get, not to mention that it's tasteless and colorless and it dissolves in a second. Do not take your eyes off your drink for a single moment, I have a friend... a guy slipped her one of those in her drink. He did some pretty screwed up stuff to her but nothing extremely serious ( more of a degrading thing than anything else.) You wanna know what was the screwed up part, it was her boyfriend! That sick bastard thought it was funny, I don't ever want to see a girl in that type of situation again. Be careful, go to clubs with a group of your friends and don't split up, always watch who is around you.


          • #6
            notice there are no women here...

            bring back that Slut warrior women..


            • #7
              besides rohypnol, watch out for ghb. its a colorless and pretty much tasteless liquid with the same effects as rohypnol.


              • #8
                Also, you should also watch the bartender as he is making a drink for you, because he may be "looking out for his buddy" and slip it into your drink.

                The thing is a guy who would do this probably won't attempt it if you are with a group of girls. So, don't drink alone for too long.


                • #9

                  The avoidance of being drugged while out a clubs, etc. is a part of an overall process of awareness. We have each client develop a Personal Protection Plan (PPP), which they "tune" to their own lifestyle and risk exposure. There are many other warning signs which can alert you to the possibility of a date rape situation.

                  I commend you on taking an active interest in self-protection.


