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To Women On This Forum

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  • #46
    Re: evaluation, Ms.... J.. Style

    Originally posted by Ms. J

    Granted... it was said by a man.... (Note: whom I have high regard for and have considered my friend for a number of years now)
    Pfft. You say that like you're talking about a black man.

    Originally posted by Ms. J
    Moreover, because he called me that I got a complaint by the moderator of this board. Again, who for some reason is a man? Interesting that they have a man moderating a woman’s counter offensive board.
    For some reason? Maybe because he's actually a suitable choice for a moderator.

    Listen, these BS accusations and stereotyping lead to nowhere. This (being all posts agreeing on the rape BS) looks like nothing but reverse racism to me. The typical "men are pigs" crap. It's ridiculous. Stop stereotyping and form your opinions based on the individual.


    • #47
      number 18

      Number 18 Wrote: For some reason? Maybe because he's actually a suitable choice for a moderator. Listen, these BS accusations and stereotyping lead to nowhere. This (being all posts agreeing on the rape BS) looks like nothing but reverse racism to me. The typical "men are pigs" crap. It's ridiculous. Stop stereotyping and form your opinions based on the individual.
      Your Incorrect, in my judgment. Your judgment however is based on very little information and not something; i am going to give much salt to. Furthermore, seems you have some racial issues, as it is the only thing you can seem to focus on. Perhaps you should deal with them on your own time instead of assuming you know what i am about or believe. It might help you to put that BS male ego away for a wile as your on a woman’s defensive discussion board.

      As far as the at the time monitor being a suitable choice, i dont agree. Furthermore, the same friend i spoke about, left this board partly because the moderator here was not taking care of the trolls, on this board.

      As far as talking about rape or woman’s issues here on this board, well ummmmmm that is what this board is about and why i believe its called Women's Counter-Offensive Discussion Forum. If you dont like what is talked about, then you dont have to be on a board that is defiantly supposed to talk about the issues.

      Granted you might have a different idea? What would you believe we should talk about here? Furthermore, i am not stereotyping, but discussing the facts and talking about how to change what is fact instead of pushing it under the carpet as we have for years and calling it taboo.

      Ms. J...

      To IPON:

      I totally agree with you and i believe that’s my frist point "the taboo”, i understand fully what is taking place and how. However i admit i tend to ask many questions on here mostly to get others to think about the issues and to help bring out responses so people can learn and evolve at there own acceptability levels.

      Most of the time when i make a statement or ask a question its not because i dont know the answer, its because most of the time people on the board need to think about the question and then have others bring out the answers.

      It is much better long term for me as a woman doing what I do on a seriously professional level, to allow and help guide the men on this board to bring out the issues based on my rhetoric questions. That is mostly because as you see from above, when i do bring out issues regardless of how I did so (NO matter who i hold responsible on an equal level) i am accused of being racist, male basher, man hatter and the list goes on...

      Ms J bows deeply
      and watches the men Evolve........
      Last edited by Ms. J; 09-14-2003, 04:32 PM.


      • #48
        Ms. J,
        If you have a gripe, I would appreciate it if you would bring your concens to me rather than making obtuse references to myself and/or Tim.

        Insulting moderators isn't the way to gain support here or anywhere. Though you have shown that you have some good things to say, your initial behavior was just as troll-like as that of your antagonists. Please keep that in mind.


        • #49

          Dear Ryan hall,

          I would again suggest you read fully before you make statements, also i was responding to others comments. I have tried to answer questions here but i have had to honestly state why i cannot fully do so based on your responses to me in private email.

          Again responses that you never bothered to address or deal with.
          Under the circumstances, i believe i have been as tactful and honest as i can without attacking you on a personal level. Nether is it my intent to do so, however i cannot answer questions fully because of the content and statements you made in your letter to me. Furthermore, as stated the letters were never dealt with and my statements here are honest and without negative intent.

          LIFE IS CAUSE AND EFFECT.......!!!!

          Ms J bows deeply
          Last edited by Ms. J; 09-14-2003, 04:20 PM.


          • #50
            Re: number 18

            Originally posted by Ms. J
            Your Incorrect, in my judgment. Your judgment however is based on very little information and not something; i am going to give much salt to. Furthermore, seems you have some racial issues, as it is the only thing you can seem to focus on.
            No, I really have no race issues. At all. If I did, my stepfather would be shocked and I'd certainly have to carry a different attitude towards my brother, seeing as they are both a different skin color than I and also *GASP!* men. I was simply pointing out that you spoke of this man like you wanted to make it known to everyone that you did indeed have SOME male friends...much like some white people make it a point to say they know and get along with a black acquaintance to prove they're not racist. Get the point there? Cool.

            Originally posted by Ms. J
            Perhaps you should deal with them on your own time instead of assuming you know what i am about or believe. It might help you to put that BS male ego away for a wile as your on a woman’s defensive discussion board.
            Whoa. Hold on.

            Originally posted by Ms. J
            As far as the at the time monitor being a suitable choice, i dont agree.
            I'm just curious why you think that.

            Originally posted by Ms. J
            As far as talking about rape or woman’s issues here on this board, well ummmmmm that is what this board is about and why i believe its called Women's Counter-Offensive Discussion Forum. If you dont like what is talked about, then you dont have to be on a board that is defiantly supposed to talk about the issues.
            No, no, no. I disagree with your points. The ridiculous point that all men are potential rapists. It's ridiculous. Aside from that, I am wondering what topics in here have to be defiantly discussed. Defiantly? That's a peculiar word you're though it's wrong to talk about certain things here and you're being a rebel/activist type person speaking about it. But let me tell you right now, "defiantly" talking about issues certainly does not fall into the same category as accusing and assuming all men of being potential rapists. Again, that whole idea is absurd.

            Originally posted by Ms. J
            Granted you might have a different idea? What would you believe we should talk about here? Furthermore, i am not stereotyping, but discussing the facts and talking about how to change what is fact instead of pushing it under the carpet as we have for years and calling it taboo.
            I don't really know what to say to this...simply because it seems you think you're not stereotyping by adhering to this generilizing statement that all men are potential rapists. So if you don't think you're stereotyping by saying that...and lumping all men under a...uh, stereotype, then I have no clue what I can say that would make sense to you.

            Originally posted by Ms. J
            without attacking you on a personal level
            Is this person you're talking about a guy? Cause if so, then you certainly have attacked him on a personal level, as well as EVERY other dude. Ever. "Gee, you could be a rapist." <--This accusation is like saying ever woman is a potential whore. AHHHHAHAHAA! And it's true!!


            • #51
              So, lets see if I have this right...





              Attached Files


              • #52

                well i am glad to see the faces.......

                next again i never have and dont sterotype men as rapists
                there actions do, based on the instances of rape in this contry that are reported between child welfair, the prison system, the police department and the national hosptial recards over the past 25 years... also i never stated that men are all potental rapists that was someone else on this board and a differnt letter.

                as far as what i have stated, i stand by it. However its apparent that no matter what i state, it will be taken by some incorrectly based on their poor judgment and issues.

                as far as not feeling that the moderator of this board has not done his job here properly, i am allowed my opnions and when i am limated based on his rules that were forced on me by his poor judment then i have to state the reasons i can not and have not been allowed to give my views and opnions on an honest and open level. if he becomes insaulted by it and my opnions that cant be helped, my integraty and honesty comes frist regardless of what someones ego can deal with.

                Futhermore, just because your a woman, does not mean you dont have male bs that has been passed down or evolved into you based on your examples..... seems to prove someones point earler as well dosent it?

                Have fun Childern, i will be off the defend net for a week working on the up comming Rape, aqauintance rape and date rape prevention program FATE organization is working on and running for one of the state of ca county school systems..... BTW the program is geard for both genders, and taught co ed.

                Ms. J.....
                Last edited by Ms. J; 09-14-2003, 06:25 PM.


                • #53
                  Wow, I didn't know I was still a child at 27 years of age.


                  • #54
                    Re: lol

                    Originally posted by Ms. J
                    next again i never have and dont sterotype men as rapists
                    there actions do, based on the instances of rape in this contry that are reported between child welfair, the prison system, the police department and the national hosptial recards over the past 25 years...
                    Ok. This is you basically stating that while you don't stereotype men as rapists, men do it all by themsleves. And this is based solely on statistics you have. So either way, your bottom line is still pretty much the same.

                    Originally posted by Ms. J

                    Futhermore, just because your a woman, does not mean you dont have male bs that has been passed down or evolved into you based on your examples..... seems to prove someones point earler as well dosent it?
                    This is insulting. You're telling ME that I've been bred into this "male bs" oppressed, wife-beating-is-ok society standard crapola? Exactly what examples are you talking about here? My examples of what, for that matter? From this paragraph alone you've insinuated that there is something wrong with me and my views simply because ...because why exactly? What is this male bs that I have anyway? And where did it come from? A father figure I never had or is it just American society...?
                    I'm disgusted that you'd have the audacity try to pass me off this way when you don't even know me.
                    Last edited by number18; 09-14-2003, 07:04 PM.


                    • #55
                      Actually Japan has a much higher murder, rape, and sexual predator rate than it wants to be known for. (I have stayed in Japan, and have been involved with the cutlure for a long time)

                      Japan's TV for the most part is not half as violent as the U.S. (I watched it for months on end when I was there.....the commercials can drive you insane if you're not careful )

                      But Japan does have a lot of violent and explicit material in movies, and especially in the underbelly of Japan within its pornographic culture, etc.
                      Many of the Japanese think the crime rate in Japan is steadily on the rise, and while I was there there were at least 2-3 murders that happened in a 2 month time span. (one of them dealt with the kidnap, and disembowlment of a female weight lifter.)

                      I would agree that media entertainment's role in "causing" crime is indeed a myth.
                      However I do think that the steady influx of media entertainment encourages a lack of feelings about what is being seen on screen. In Japan, for instance, much of the sexual crime mirrors a lot of the more violent rape fantasy videos that plague the county's underground.
                      This isn't to say that media makes people behave in certain ways.....but if what is deemed as "entertainment" constantly shows, for instance, women being seen as deserving of rape, beatings, bondage, etc. then the constant bombarbment of this can influence what some younger males indeed think women deserve.....especially ones whom they find they dislike, etc.
                      I've seen this happen with a few Japanese men actually, as well as Americans.

                      That's not to say that every man will be influenced of course, the way to really make people listen to these views is to have a rather analytical perspective on things that is based on "middle ground" instead of extremes of either side.

                      Having said all that, for the most part, entertainment is extremely good.
                      What's funny is that many are quick to say that a good movie can influence, inspire, etc.
                      but many get defensive to think that a bad one can inspire or influence as well.

                      Well that's about it. Just wanted to say my piece because I've seen the argument about Japan way too much.....and having stayed there, been involved with the people and culture for more than 5 years now, I can tell you it's not the case.

                      But hey, the GOOD parts of Japan's culture are really beautiful. All this being said, Japan is still pretty safe compared to the U.S. and if anyone here gets a chance to go, please do. It's a really interesting country.



                      • #56
                        Poor Ms J. She is one of the chosen few that knows all the answers and can read everyones mind. The pressure must be really hard.

                        Luckily she can cope, as she is perfect.

                        Bri Thai bows deeply.


                        • #57
                          Dude, I wasn't saying they don't have crime there (murder, rape, etc) I was just saying if media and television had a big part in it, it would be like friggen escape from New York.

                          That's all. Not saying it's perfect or even close to that.


                          • #58

                            Let's get married, Thai Bri! I like the way you think! But don't tell Mr. Heel Hook...he'll get jealous.

                            PS - "Bri Thai" makes me think of Lord Breetai...
                            Last edited by number18; 09-14-2003, 07:33 PM.


                            • #59
                              I would do but for one thing. I'm old, ugly and already married.

                              OK, that's three things. But us old timers can't always count beyond the number of teeth we have left. I have one yellow one and one green one. Shame. We could have tongue kissed......


                              • #60
                                last posting

                                Number 18 wrote: Ok. This is you basically stating that while you don't stereotype men as rapists, men do it all by themselves. And this is based solely on statistics you have. So either way, your bottom line is still pretty much the same.
                                Incorrect, however I am limited on my reply here as I am not allowed to talk about stats and the relativeness to them in regards to rape based on the speical rules of the moderator ( Ryanhall) of this board. Because I am not I can not fully detail out to you the facts clearly.

                                Your issues are based on the same examples that helped you spew out the below statement, and apparently you did this all based on you accusing me of stating that all men are rapists regardless of the fact that I never made the comment. Again this seems ridiculous as you have stated many times now:

                                Listen, these BS accusations and stereotyping lead to nowhere. This (being all posts agreeing on the rape BS) looks like nothing but reverse racism to me. The typical "men are pigs" crap. It's ridiculous. Stop stereotyping and form your opinions based on the individual.

                                What I find really disturbing here is that the intent of what started out in this topic was a serious discussion of how and why men rape. NOT that they are all rapists. And then the other intent was to talk about how to change the issues. However like I have stated children don’t want to deal with issues they just want to play.. examples…. Cause and effect.

                                Btw, it’s a known fact that I am a legally diagnosed ( however, published ) dyslexic. There are times that spelling or the correct word may be an issue in a posting as this because of it. I have over the years worked to make most of the community know I have the disorder and I have spent years apologizing for it and working to fix it.

                                However, even after saying this again, its very tiresome to deal with over and over in children that use things as typos and miss spelled words as fuel for the fire and as personal attacks.

                                Children: age means nothing, the word child is the attitude and actions. Being a child with all its positive and negative intents and meanings goes with someone when they act childish.

                                Ms J....

