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To Women On This Forum

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  • #61

    Wow, which is more childish? People saying you shouldn't judge others right off the bat?

    Or, judging them by gender before even knowing their name.

    That was probly the most amusing thing I have heard all day.


    • #62
      Excuse me, but not once have I tried to ridicule you or call you on something simply because of a misspelling or misused word. I'm not that petty. And actually, not ONE person in this thread has made a personal attack on you solely for grammar/ I wonder where you got the idea from.
      Secondly, it does not matter that you never said the whole "all men are possible rapists" thing. What matters is that you defended that remark or that idea when other people were posting to disagree with such a terrible, sweeping statement. Also, until now, you've been defending that statement with me.
      Thirdly, stop trying to make me into something. I did not appreciate the little "Your issues" remark.
      "What I find really disturbing here is that the intent of what started out in this topic was a serious discussion of how and why men rape. NOT that they are all rapists."

      I'm amused and a bit bewildered that you would find a thread derailment more disturbing than what you did to me - which was basically accuse me of being one of your 'it's ok for daddy to beat me in front of my kids' type of idiot women. But you know, you were kind of attacking me so I can't really blame you if you don't understand how that is much more offensive than a simple thread derailment.
      "However like I have stated children don’t want to deal with issues they just want to play"

      Why has it taken you so many posts to come to this conclusion? Maybe instead of arguing for the "all men are rapists" crap with statistics and whatnot, you should have stopped and brought it back on topic like you are trying to pretend you wanted to. Or in other words, don't count yourself out of this play time.

      But I digress. Breetai (can I call you that?)'re so right. We could have.


      • #63
        Don't worry about Ms J. She has a superiority complex. Haw haw haw! Anyway, why would a condition like dyslexia be "legally" diagnosed? Is it against the law?

        The thing that really gets my goat about Her Majesty (apart from the loooooonnnnnnnng boring posts about shite) is her propensity to throw in little comments to show herself in a good light. About how she's been published here, how she was needed as a bouncer there, what terrible issues she's had to overcome here, and how many hundreds of miles she travelled to train. Etc etc etc. And then she has the audacity to make comments about other peoples egos.
        Last edited by Thai Bri; 09-14-2003, 10:32 PM.


        • #64
          Sometimes people like to make up things to better help... lie... I mean ... strengthen their points of view.


          • #65
            All men are potential rapists

            All Ms. Js are potentialy boring (I can't read her posts, I just don't have the will power)

            Men are more likely to treat women as objects when they are in a group of other men because:

            In the past the only time when a group of men would be together away from the tribe would be when they were out hunting/fighting. Any woman they met would be from another tribe. They would be allowed to rape her.

            You want answers to human behaviour? Look at human evolution.


            • #66
              Unfortunately i dont have the time to read all 4000 posts on this subject (itll probably just piss me off anyway) but i thought id comment.

              As to what i do to help combat these issues is PAY MY TAXES...and try to avoid my primative male impulse to rape everything with a skirt and eat everything else.

              As for female rights...I think a more pertinant question nowandays is a question of male rights. There i said it.

              It seems in a post femaninst world mens rights are overlooked.

              To illustrate this you should watch TV and imagine the sexes reversed. For example its OK for a women to slap a man but if the reverse happened it would be 'frowned upon'.

              Im not saying that womens rights shouldnt be upholded but that it seems that all the years of womens rights pushed mens rights under the carpet.

              How many times have you heard a women on TV say 'men are pigs', this is OK. But a man who says 'women are bitches' obviously has some deep issues with his mum. Its like saying well women have coped with sexism for so long that they are immune to being sexist themselves.

              Anyway i dont want to right another long post about shite.


              • #67
                Both men and women need to work together to fight off negative stereotypes, images, and elements in our society.

                For men and women to be able to work together, there cannot be too much seperation of the two. Not in the realm of helping each other. Both sexes do ugly, harmful, and deviant things.

                Both sexes can also exhibit compassion, courage, strength, and honor as well.

                There absolutely is a harmful sub-culture growing in the society that trivializes violence to women, justifies it with different excuses, etc.

                There is also absolutely a harmful sub-culture growing in the society that trivializes men in our culture, downplays our compassions and values, etc.
                That's just as harmful as anything pertaining to women.

                If there is one thing that needs to be said on this forum (since there's little said here anyway) it's that men and women are in this for the long haul.
                We can choose to ignore each others' problems, or we can choose to find ways of helping each other.

                Case closed.



                • #68
                  Listen. Human beings in general are aresholes. It doesn't matter if you're male or female, there's nobidy out there who's perfect. Yes you have your friends and you all look out for each other, but to get on this men v woman crap is...well, crap. Yes men in general have the power, but that's just due to history. don't think that for one moment that if women ruled the world that everything would be perfect and all the worlds problems would be sorted out over a cup of tea. It wouldn't. Women are just as competitive, power hunger, egotistical, and petty as men. They just go about destroying each other in different ways.

                  And it's not true saying that all men are potential rapists. That's simply a falsehood. Just because they have a penis and the means to rape, for (i won't say a percentage becasue someone will just shoot it down. But it would be a big number!) most the thought would never even cross their mind. It's like asying that everyone who drives a car is a potential F1 champion. Just because they ahve the basic knowlede and ability isdn't going to worry Shumacher!

                  Look, the only person you can really worry about is yourself. In saying that i don't mean that you shouldn't protect the weak and those unable to look after themselves. On the contrary. What i believe that if everyone looked at themselves and tried to work themselves into the best person they can be then the world would be a better place. You can't try and change everyone around you. You can't change others views, beliefs, and mindset. Hence all the arguing and bitching (not a reference to anything female so don't start!) on this thread. MAke a point and back it up, and stop trying to shoot each other down.

                  To say all men are potential rapists annoys me greatly. There has been a big case in the Uk recently of a man who murdered, and more than likely sexually abused two young girls. After the trial it came out that he had previous accusations of rape and child molestation against him. However, this isn't a forum to go off on one about the British legal system and police force. The point i'm making is that this man is a paedophile. He's sexually attracted to children. I belive to try and rehabilitate someone like this is impossible. trying to force this man to see the error of his sexual tastes is like trying to convince me or yourself that paedophilla is the right way to go. People are what people are. There is a small percentage of men out there who find rape a great sexual and poweful rush, and for them, however wrong it is, is just what they want. But just as you couldn't convince the VAST majority out there that to be a paedophile is normal and right, you couldn't convince the VAST majority of men that rape is accepable. For that reason men are NOT all potential rapists. It would never cross my mind that is the way to go. Give me a rifle it doesn't turn me into a potential random killer. I know it's wrong and have no desire to be atop the bell tower sniping at passers by.

                  Alot of the problems in today's society comes from liberal lefties i feel. Lorne started this and he is a prime example. Telling us that all men should feel guilt and take responsiblity for the threat of rape over women. I've never raped anyone, nor ever will, so why should i feel responsible. I don't force anyone down, in fact i try and raise people up, just as i try to raise myself into a better person. I am not one to stand by and let things happen. It has got me into trouble in the past, but i will always fight for what i belive is right. Apathy rules in society now. Someone before gave an example of a girl who was raped in te bathroom at a party of a large group of people. Even though she was screaming nobody helped her. Nobody wants to get involved anymore. It's not their problem. Personally i would have been in there in a flash drowning the guy in the toilet! Unfortunately i seem to be a dying breed.

                  And what i mean by liberal lefties is again taken from a point someone made ( i think it was Lorne again) that women have the right to whatever they want with regards to their choices. Now that is a true, but very stupid point to make. Someone responded with the idea that, it might be a womans right to go to some college party dressed like a slutty schoolgirl, but it's not a very smart move. While it is completely wrong that anyone should take the message from that that she is easy and willing, young drunk, and generally stupid men do. Like i said, you have to look after yourself. You can't expect others to respect your rights, because they are looking after themselves and what's in their interests. If looking after yourself means not putting yourself in a risky situation and gfetting into a state where, and this sounds so wrong and is, you're asking for trouble.

                  Right, i've said my peace. I'm right, all who don't agree are wrong.(irony people!!!) Now this has been the longest note in my life, so i now need to go and use the bathroom. I might reply to your no doubt rants against me later. Or i might have something better to do.


                  • #69
                    Just for the record Women can be rapists


                    • #70


                      • #71
                        whew.... whats with this site and long, drawn out discussions... wow...

                        umm, i read alot of this thread, even alot of Ms. J's posts ( and for the record i took you seriously for the most part, but the idea that J could stand for jackson... it was just too, too much...)

                        in reality i believe... and its very obviouse... that men are the stronger species physicaly, you can go on and on but in the end, after stats and stories...they are.

                        The person who started this thread... who went on about how "men talk behind the backs of women" !!GASP!! is a male... Mr. Lorne... PLEASE, u masterbate like the rest of us friend, so i have no idea what your going on about.

                        n e ways, i want to get to the point i had while reading this long, long...jumble...

                        the main idea which is argued revolves around the act of rape, the thought of rape, and how using the proof of pornography and rape/murder/pedofelia/whatever cases we all could possibly rape a female. well... this is an interesting idea, i mean, how many times have we heard of these cases.. a male raping a female... a male sexually harassing ["hey sexy, nice ass!" ]a female.... and a male not hiring a female strictly on gender.... i know i have heard of it... too many times to count...

                        in no shape can i say that it isnt true, of course these acts have happened, but in my opinion, your statement on sucha thing shows that you either have a underlying fear of men, or are just in particularily a gung ho lesbian... if you cant see the line of equality under all this mess, then look harder, its there...

                        i believe, honestly, that women and men are yin and yan, one without the other is impossible and like a jungian depiction, we need the other to complete ourself... (i.e. anima or animus) each has a point to make in the world, a dent to hit... naturally, physicly we are very different... obviously... and this creates stereotypes...

                        STEREOTYPES... an example of this would be.... *men as rapists*, because we are naturally big, strong, powerful, grindgy... u never depict some scrawny, nerdy guy raping a women, nonono, it must be the burly lumberjack or throw a minority figure of that culture in there, it works well too...

                        *women as the barbie*... she must be thin, she must be ditsy, she must be the husbands pet, she must be gorgous... im sure most of you have read the Doll's House, and if you havent..please do, it greatly shows a depiction fo this faulty image...

                        i can go on with the stereotypes, its a very simple thing to do, but im sure you get the picture... women, i love you all, please defend yourself... but do so with intelligence... the womens movement was a powerful thing and still is... but the line to be drawn is there aslo...

                        this thread... is one line...


                        p.s. M.J. (had to do it, my apologies) just from one published figure to another... a technique that works well...and very well in this sort of discussion.... =~ less is more ~=


                        • #72
                          I have two things to say:

                          1) About rape. One of the most commond sexual fantasies women have, is about being raped. Of course, this doesn't mean that women actually want to be raped. Rape is assosiated with domination.

                          2) I've wondered what the topic:"To Women On This Forum" has anything to do with it's context? IMHO, not much.



                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Darcy
                            I have two things to say:

                            1) About rape. One of the most commond sexual fantasies women have, is about being raped. Of course, this doesn't mean that women actually want to be raped. Rape is assosiated with domination.

                            fist, that's not the most common fantasy at all.

                            Second, the very nature of a "rape fantasy" is contradicting because as soon as you fantasize (want), the action immediately ceases in becoming "rape."

                            Rape is unwanted sexual intercourse. It has nothing to do at all with domination fetishes, fantasies about "giving in" to a man after trying to "resist" etc.

                            Rape is so largely misunderstood and not understood by this society and others that its true definition gets twisted, and leaves many people with an uncertain viewpoint on the definition of rape to begin with.

                            This "rape fantasy" (a very old phenomenon) is just one of the examples.
                            You're absolutely describing a fantasy. But it is not "rape" at all.
                            The definition doesn't apply in any way. (No matter how hard someone with an incorrect understanding of rape may argue it does.)



                            • #74
                              RYU.....Well Said


                              • #75
                                Thanks, IPON.


