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Your Moment

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  • Your Moment

    Got a great 'moment' of yours to share? Maybe a takedown you nailed just exactly perfectly? Or a match you won that you weren't expected to? Or some such thing?

  • #2
    My greatest moment in wrestling:
    I was going against a kid for the third time, he won the last 2 and I was just about going crazy about beating this kid. The 3rd and final encounter we had was pretty notable. We had an entire summer to brush up on technique and such and in some crazy way I somehow perfected my Switch. Ironically enough everything else in my arsenal was dirtpoor...but I had the Switch of a state champ!
    So match begins and I take him down twice in the first, everything is looking great!
    Round1: 4-1 me.

    Second round begins, I chose bottom since my strong point was getting out. Whistle blows, and I kinda base and root myself to the ground. He tried budging me but couldn't and when he least expected it I hit a switch and took his back. We messed around there for a bit until the round ended.
    Round2: 6-1 me.

    Roudn 3 begins with me on top this time. We screw around, nothing really happening since he was dog-gone tired and I honestly couldn't move this guy for the life of me. with 20 seconds left to go, I got lazy and he wraps his arm around my head with his far arm and just bull dozes me over. I kept off my back until time ran out but the ref gave him 2 poitns for a reversal and 3 points for Near Fall.
    Round3: 6-6

    Overtime rolls around and we're both tired. I kinda thought to myself, "**** it." and decided to go on the offensive. I went back to the basic tap-tap-go but the final tap ended up being more of a slap on the cheek than anything. I took him down and in desperation he grabbed a cruddy headlock on me and held on for dear life. I started slowly walking and inching my way around to the side to loosen the head lock and make sure he couldn't roll me. I finally established a pin and when he let go it was too late. (not like it would've mattered since I got the takedown during overtime.
    Looking back this was probably the most fun match I've ever had.


    • #3



      • #4
        I got a perfect single leg on my instructor last week.


        • #5
          How did you finish?


          • #6
            Ankle pick with my foot to get his left leg, scoop it up to hold high under the knee, then head outside low on his torso and drove him up and to my left to takedown, quickly to avoid getting guillotined. I'm still a little shaky on where my head placement needs to be on single and double legs, especially when getting guillotined is a possibility.

            I had another pretty satisfying one last night against a student during takedown randori, caught his left arm in a whizzer and took him down with a right leg like an Uchi Mata. I've had success with it before, but this was my best execution yet.


            • #7
              Sounds pretty slick.


              • #8
                You probably would have seen twenty things I could have tweaked, but it felt pretty solid.


                • #9
                  Results are always the bottom line!


                  • #10
                    My perfect moment was at team districts back in HS, When I got a rematch against a kid who beat me my freshman year pretty badly.

                    The first period we toyed around with each other and the score was 6-4 in his favor. But as soon as the second period hit, he deferred choice to me and I took bottom. As soon as the whistle blew I reversed him to even us out and managed to get a leg in. I was working for a spladle, and I could hear my coach yelling at me to pull at the knee. Next thing I knew the kid was on his back completely crumpled into this little ball with his legs pretty much doing the splits. My school wasn't very good so no one had actually seen that move really pulled off in a match. What little crowd there was went nuts and I felt like a king haha.


                    • #11
                      A good feeling, I'm sure!


                      • #12
                        My most glorious moment in sport wrestling is getting a ball-and-chain (arm between the legs) on one of my opponent's at the end of the season. I let go of the ball-and-chain since it looked particularly painful and then I did a takedown from behind. I didn't get a pin since I was a pretty skinny kid back then (still am, just not so much) but I won the match

                        Coolest non-sport wrestling moment was when a bigger kid walked (or rather lumbered, he wuz kinda big) up to me and shoved me. I tried a judo-style shoulder throw but since he was big (about 60 lbs heavier than me) and since I was throwing him in a downhill fashion, the throw failed miserably and I got caught in a headlock. Luckily, I lifted one of his legs up and executed a single-leg takedown with my head still caught in his headlock. Both of us went down, but since I was doing the takedown, he ended up on the bottom and I ended up falling on his groin. Then we decided to stop there


                        • #13
                          mine was this year at a tournament. the match was for 3rd place (consolation finals). The man i was wrestling had took the soon-to-be-winner of the whole tournament into overtime the day before. He was up 3-1 in the second period, but i was on top keeping him down and breaking him mentally. In the 3rd period he gets a stand up. We tied up and and I hipthrew (over-under) him to his back and stuck him.


                          • #14
                            My first year of wrestling..I'm wrestling a kid one year older. He kept shooting for doubles, I flattened him out most of the time, he scored on me once or twice. It went down to the final seconds..I'm winning 7-5. He fell into a headlock of mine [I wrestle in middle school] and time ran out right when the ref was going to slam the mat. A win is a win though and we crushed the other team. I hope I see him next year..


                            • #15
                              I don't know if this will count since I didn't do anything.

                              Someone gave me a bear hug, I put my arm between my body and his. He squeezed my body so hard and broke his own ribs.

