In Kung Fu they teach you not to get on the ground...but, so far, I haven't
been taught how to avoid this...It's up to me to work it out I s'pose...
...except a wing chun teacher(I should go back and see him!) once said to
me that a grappler tried to shoot him in a confined area once(Locker room) and he told the class that ..."He can have one leg...but not both".. and so he gave him one leg and spread the other to maintain ?some control? thererfore allowing him to not go down and be able to apply hand attacks and win...
How does this type of strategy it "sound" in your opinion?
It possibly sound's as if the grappler didn't know his art properly- leading to me to reveal my fear of a good grappler
been taught how to avoid this...It's up to me to work it out I s'pose...

...except a wing chun teacher(I should go back and see him!) once said to
me that a grappler tried to shoot him in a confined area once(Locker room) and he told the class that ..."He can have one leg...but not both".. and so he gave him one leg and spread the other to maintain ?some control? thererfore allowing him to not go down and be able to apply hand attacks and win...
How does this type of strategy it "sound" in your opinion?
It possibly sound's as if the grappler didn't know his art properly- leading to me to reveal my fear of a good grappler
