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krav maga vs. kali???

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  • krav maga vs. kali???

    Just wondering what are the differences and similarities between krav maga and kali?

    My understanding of kali is that it is a weapon based system and can be adapted to any situation (empty-hand too). Krav maga uses simple techniques that also envolve weapons like knife, stick, or gun.

    But which art would best benefit me in a street fight amush?

    Does each art teach on how to move against a mass attack situation? Do they teach practical stuff or do they teach drills that just help with coordination? Just asking questions...I'm not putting down any art. Just trying to get an understanding of the two arts.

    mr. green

  • #2
    Originally posted by mr green
    Just wondering what are the differences and similarities between krav maga and kali?

    My understanding of kali is that it is a weapon based system and can be adapted to any situation (empty-hand too). Krav maga uses simple techniques that also envolve weapons like knife, stick, or gun.

    But which art would best benefit me in a street fight amush?

    Does each art teach on how to move against a mass attack situation? Do they teach practical stuff or do they teach drills that just help with coordination? Just asking questions...I'm not putting down any art. Just trying to get an understanding of the two arts.

    mr. green
    I'd go for kali.


    • #3
      I only know of Krav Maga what I have read and seen on video. The main point for functionality is how the person is trained: against a resisting opponent or not. Kali can be complete, but if not trained properly (against a cooperative opponent) the student will not be prepared to deal with a live situation. Same for Krav Maga or any art. If you find a place that is training in a manner where the partner is resisting, you will develop good skills. Aloha!


      • #4
        Thanks for helping me out Tom Yum and Guro Burton. I'll look around for a place that trains the way you mentioned , whether it be krav maga or kali or something else. Thanks again.

        mr green


        • #5
          Id go with Krav Maga although I know only a little about Kali... as long as the opponent is non resisting its a brutally good style... I think the real difference is that Kali teaches you how to fight with the knives and sticks and whatnot and applies it to open hand... Krav Maga teaches you how to fight open hand against open hand, knives , sticks and guns... I dont know about you but i dont walk around with sticks or knives... soo Id say krav maga

